Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Like a Boss!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV)

Since we are in Christ, we are a new creation! All things have passed away! How many? ALL! All things have become new! How many? ALL! We forget the former things and we press onto what lies ahead! (Isaiah 43:18) Who defines us? The Word of God defines us! Not the mirror, or a magazine cover, or Hollywood, or the world, or anything/one else!

You are made in His image! (Genesis 1:27) The God of Earth, Heaven, the sea and everything in them LOVES YOU and is faithful to YOU! (Psalm 146:6 and Lamentations 3:23) If someone in your life attempts to "recall" how you were...just smile and say, "Nope...I'm new, thank You Jesus!" What if we did something stupid yesterday? Make amends to the best of your ability, then take it to The Father! His mercies are new every morning, GREAT is His faithfulness!

If you say, "Uh, well...I don't FEEL new." We walk by faith, not by sight! (2 Corinthians 5:7) COMMAND your flesh to line up with The Word of God! Exchange not feeling new with BOLDLY proclaiming, "I AM NEW!!!"

If you don't currently believe you are new, repeat this out loud to yourself everyday, ten times a day or 100 times a day or 100 times an hour until the revelation of why Jesus came drops from your head down into your spirit, then you will KNOW, "I. AM. NEW!!!"

Don't allow yourself to be robbed from even one part of your full redemption package! If we purchased a package from a department store, would we be cool with taking home only a 1/3 of it? Shoots no! We would demand the FULL package. How much more, must we refuse to be robbed of EVERYTHING Jesus provided in His full redemption package?! Why accept the gift of salvation by faith but not all other gifts Jesus provided?

Walk it, Talk it, Be a boss!

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