Saturday, December 15, 2012

In the Wake of Tragedy...

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14, NLT)

I just read a blog that stated "this nation cannot be saved unless the church wakes up." But who is the Church?

We are the church. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

But what do we need to do to wake up?

Here's a thought:
Instead of watching and rewatching horrific events provided by the media in order to spike ratings,
Then posting and reposting on social media, the pure evil we've been subjected to,
Asking and re-asking, where God was during this and other tragedies,

How about we read and reread God's promises through His life giving Word. Then use media to glorify Him, teach about His goodness, bringing about a heart change and thus changing our country instead of confusing God's lack of protection with evil works. (Isaiah 5:20, NLT)

By the way, God's Word plainly tells us where He is during tragedy. (Psalms 34:18)

Here's another thought.

Turn off the television and social media and keep it off instead of reliving and meditating on the terrible report. (Philippians 4:8)

And then:

Go visit a Long Term Care Facility or a nursing home and glorify God in the way you smile and visit with a patient while they tell you all about their childhood.
Visit a children's hospital and read books to the children.
Bake cookies and deliver them to your local fire department, police department, or emergency room.
Ask a young mother if you can fold her laundry or rock her little ones while she takes a walk.

The things we can do to glorify God are endless!

Please understand, I do not in any manner, downplay this tragedy.

I spent most of yesterday morning and throughout the day, praying for these families. They need our prayers. Not just until the media finds the "next big horrific event making the current event pale in comparison". But every time God brings them to our remembrance over the next coming months and years.

I understand the sadness.

It was through tears roaring down my face as I prayed for these babies, teachers, families and community and even the shooter. (Romans 12:15, Matthew 5:44)

I understand the anger.

Trust me, if I allowed my mind and heart to "go there", I could deliver up 101 ways in less than sixty seconds on how to deal with people who hurt babies.

But where is the line? Why is it unthinkable for a school or theater shooter to kill innocent babies but our government forces taxpayers to fund the mass murdering of literally millions of unborn babies in the most horrific act imaginable to mankind?

Some scream, "gun control"! Can those "screamers" honestly be serious? I suggest, education on the matter. If you are in favor of gun control, please discuss that law with the Mexican Mafia or any of the gangs that currently reside in the U.S. Or basically anyone who currently dodges the gun control laws.

Gun control is not the issue. Heart control is. Which leads us back full circle to the Church.

Let's recalibrate and do what God has called us to do. Insure the meditation of our hearts, the words of our mouths and the posts on our Facebook and Twitter are pleasing in His sight. (Psalm 19:14) Keep our eye on the prize and finish this race in all we do, glorifying Him! (Hebrews 12:1, 2)

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