Thursday, February 27, 2014

Face to Face Encounter with God

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

About a month ago, I registered for a class offered by my church, Encounter. Encounter is a three day class that starts Friday night. I have been told, the participants are taught how to dig really deep and experience a face to face encounter with God. I am very excited about this weekend! I've finished all my Pre-Encounter prerequisites and I'm getting everything packed and ready. 

As always, Key Tov Blog readers are always on my heart and mind. This morning, as I begin making preparations for my Encounter Weekend, I wondered…when was the last time you took a class? When was the last time you did something out of the ordinary? When was the last time you dug really deep into a subject and experienced a life changing moment?

I encourage you today, embrace change and…DO. SOMETHING. DIFFERENT.

We love to hear from you! What have you done different this week? Please comment below, send us an email at, or join us on Facebook at Thank you for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers!

Father, Key Tov Blog readers are always on my heart, mind, and in my prayers. Light a fire in their hearts today! A fire for You that cannot be extinguished! Order their steps into the perfect plan You have for their lives in the name of Jesus! Thank You Jesus, thank You for Key Tov Blog’s readers! May Key Tov Blog be as much of a blessing to each reader as each reader is to me!  

Friday, February 21, 2014

Wishing versus Doing

But don’t just listen to God’s Word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. (James 1:22, NLT)

Last year, one of my friends told me she does two miles on the elliptical every morning at the gym. My first thought was, I wish I could do two miles on the elliptical every morning at the gym. Who am I kidding? At that point, (after a brief, meaningless affair with refined sugar) I was wishing I could do any time on the elliptical every morning at the gym!

I did a reality check and realized, two miles on the elliptical doesn't come by wishing. Change comes by doing. This year, I’ve desperately wanted to improve my life…in every area of my life.

So, on 1/1/14, I made (accepted and committed to) a list of personal challenges. I set some personal goals. One of which was, two miles on the elliptical…four to five days per week. The first day, I was able to do fifteen minutes. Which I was actually happy with because the elliptical was once my nemesis and I could only accomplish five minutes. I strongly wanted to overcome in the area of the elliptical. I wanted to sincerely like the elliptical. I pressed on. Within two weeks, I was able to do one mile. I pressed on. When I didn't feel like pressing on, I pressed on. When my flesh screamed, I pressed on. Within six weeks of the day I set my goal, I accomplished over two miles!

Everybody sing! “Oh happy day! Oh happy-happy day!"

Here is the thing. Had I stayed in my wishing…two months later, I’d still be sitting at my “hearing” and not “doing”.

Was the elliptical challenge easy? Nope. Shoots no. My flesh screamed the first two weeks. But as I set my mind against my flesh, I not only achieved my goal, I also experienced life and peace! (Romans 8:6)

We were created to progress in every area of our lives! We were created to be better next week than this week! We were created for vision! We were created to press on! (Proverbs 29:18, Philippians 3:14) When we have no vision and are not pressing on, we are going against our genetic makeup.

How is the best way for us to press on and have vision? By hearing and doing God’s Word! (James 1:22) Renewing our minds daily and utterly refusing to conform! (Romans 12:2)

I encourage you today, improve at least one thing in your life. Find something you really like to do and set a goal. Or, find something you really dislike and set a goal. Either way, overcome!

As for me and my elliptical, it is time to increase our vision.

Hello elliptical, come to me friend! 

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for every reader right now to awaken to You! Open the eyes of their understanding in all areas of their lives! Build a fire in them, a fire than can never die! A fire for vision, for themselves, their family, their church and their community! Please continue to teach us and please continue to order our steps straight into Your perfect plan for us! Thank You Father! Thank You for Your unfailing love and thank You for creating us in Your image! All glory and honor to You LORD!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Face is Hot

I don't know if I've ever been more passionate about a blog post as I am about this one. I understand, this may be lengthy for some, but I encourage you to grab some coffee or tea and take time for us to sit together and have a little cyber chat! God is calling you! If none of the following personally applies to you, you will be able to use it to free others!

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33, NKJV)

What are "all these things"? Everything you will ever need, according to His riches in Heaven! (Philippians 4:19)

I consistently find it almost comical when someone makes the following comments to me:
  • "I don't go to church because churches are full of hypocrites." 
  • "I left that church because the pastor thought he was better than me and never invited me to his/her house."
  • "I quit church altogether because usher So-n-So never let me hang out with her cool group." 
  • "Oh I'm going to church, no one will ever stop me! But while I'm there, I am NOT talking to x, y, and z, because I saw on their Instagram where they went to the spa and did not invite me!" (Ok, okay, I totally made that last one up.)
Or when someone uses Facebook to gig another person by making posts such as:
  • "No wonder people don't go to church given the way the church treats people.” 
  • Or pastors/pastor's kids/worship team leaders/Sunday school teachers, etc, etc, etc, gouge people by posting all the troubles and woes of being a servant of the church and how no one "outside the ministry" understands except those inside the ministry.
In my above statement, I referred to these things as "almost comical”. Because it would be comical if it weren't so true.

I thank God for my "off beat" sense of humor. I use to try and hide it. I use to try to be like "Sister Mary Perfectness" and have a perfect soft voice, perfect facial expressions, and always perfectly say…in a singy songy voice, “God bless you", with a perfect fake smile plastered on my face. Yuk. Yuk. Yuk.

But one day, God delivered me from all that. It was spoken over me, “You are different. I made you different. I made you different by my own design.” And then, in my Bible, I found out, I am what I am by the grace of God (1 Corinthians 15:0) and laughter is good like a medicine (Proverbs 17:22). After all that, it was, “Katy! Bar the door!"

Talk about "let my people go”!  
Talk about “FREEDOM"! 

Thank you Mel Gibson and Braveheart! 

I want all ya’ll to stand up. 
Stand up…yes, that means you. 
Now…say, no….shout….I AM FREE! 


If we were in a conference, I’d make us all paint up our faces like Mel Gibson Braveheart style, run around the room (or maybe the whole town), and shout, “I AM FREE!!!” 

OH…trust me, 
YES, I most certainly would!

I can already tell, some of you are snickering and some are scoffing, saying….”Well, I don’t DO stuff like that…I……am, more like...the quiet type.” Well, I know people well enough to know, if I were in a room with all of you and said, “I will give the top ten loudest people in here a thousand dollars each…suffice it to say, you’d all the sudden, get loud! C’on, free yourself. If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed!

Shortly after learning about who God created me to be, I soon learned, God’s grace mixes with His gift in me (that whole off beat sense of humor thing I was talking about) and "allows me” the ear of people from many different walks of life. God protects me by using that sense of humor to make people laugh so I can tell them what is on His heart and so they can hear, instead of getting mad and beating me up. 

Alright, all that said... 

People have told me, “Church people shouldn’t act that way, they KNOW better.” My response is, "Hey, we’ve all known better and done things we shouldn’t have done. Who are you trying to fool?"

When people tell me, "I don't go to church because churches are full of hypocrites." My response is, "Oh, ok, but you go to the bar every weekend because there are no hypocrites there and because people at the bars treat people any better than people in the church?” 

I’ve been told, "I quit church altogether because Greeter So-n-So never let me hang out with her cool group." Hey, we all get left out of fun stuff. First, thank God for deliverance, because the spa day (or whatever day) may not be as much fun as it appears. Secondly, maybe the spa wasn’t your assignment for the day. Today, Joel Osteen posted on his Facebook…"God puts people in our path on purpose so we can be a blessing to them. Every morning we should say, “God, show me my assignment today.” Were you hot and bothered about not being at the spa and missed your assignment? Boom. Maybe your assignment was to minister to God, maybe He misses you and wants to commune with you and the only way for Him to do that is to lock down your social calendar. Just a thought.

Moving right along. When people “in the ministry” want to discuss all their troubles and woes of being a servant of the church and how no one "outside the ministry" understands except those inside the ministry…my response is…”Oh come on! Do you people really sit around and tell each other this stuff? And Hebrews 4:15”

Others have told me, “I don’t go to church because there are just no miracles like there were when I was a kid.” To that I say, then you are missing it because “we” do see miracles today! Blind eyes see, deaf ears hear, finances supernaturally multiply! I personally (while being under the invitation of a pastor to photograph his miracle service) was on stage and witnessed a little 10 year old girl (literally two feet away from me) who was deaf from birth who didn't have a hole in her ear, supernaturally, get a hole in her ear and hear for the first time in her life! And tears ran down her beautiful little face…and tears ran down my face too. She could hear the pastor whisper from standing behind her!  I've personally witnessed a man, who could hardly walk with a cane, throw away said cane, and run back and forth across the platform. Some of us are "getting it”. What are we “getting”? The powerful force of walking in love! Do not get left behind! Are we perfect in it? Nope. But we are getting it!

Honestly, it doesn’t matter what people say/do. I mean, it does and feelings get hurt. What I am trying to say is, regardless of the situation du jour, Jesus already told us, “offense will come”. So, please bear with me, (and pray for me, because my face is hot right now) as I say, "Let us all just grow up and be about the Father's business.” (Luke 2:49, Ephesians 5:1, 10:30) If we love him, we will keep his commands! (John 14:23), we will not forsake the assembly (Hebrews 10:25), and we will love one another (John 15:12)!

We are commanded to "seek FIRST HIS kingdom” (Matthew 6:33) and there's really good reason for that! We are always seeking something. If we are not seeking His kingdom first, we are seeking our kingdom first and our kingdom changes with the waves of the wind and will get us tossed all over the place! (Ephesians 4:14) Who wants that??

We really have to grow up and stop all the poor excuses. We have to force the issue with ourselves and put the rubber to the road. So…tomorrow, let’s just get up, go to church, and love one another. Let’s ask not what God and the church can do for us but what we can do for God and the church! Thank you Mr. Kennedy. 

Mr. Rodney King once said, “Can't we all just get along?" I couple that with, “Can't we all just get real, grow up, and do what God has called us to do?” At minimum, we are called to love!

A lot of us stand in church buildings across the globe and we "call forth" full church houses from the north, south, east and west. We call forth revival in our land. We call for our country to repent and turn from wicked ways. We all want the glory. We all call forth the glory. Please pay close attention when I say, Dude. The glory abides in our love for one another.” You want the glory? Then love. When we love, glory (and everything else good, healing/wholeness/prosperity/miracles) are present!

There comes a time to grow up. I love babies. I am all about the babies. But what justice would I do, what honor and glory would I give to my Father, if I created spiritual cripples who couldn't "wipe their own noses" after 20 years of pew warming? My role as a parent, biological and otherwise, is to "work myself out of a job”. To "train up a child” (biological and otherwise) in such a way, they crawl, walk, and then run-run-run their own race! I never stop mentoring but I most definitely stop diapering.    

Listen, people are led to leave churches, I get that. People get saved in a church, grow up and step out into their own ministries. I understand that. The church experiences divorce. People get divorced and one party is "granted sole custody" of the current church in the decree. I get that. There is a church for everybody and everybody for a church. That is not what I'm referring to. What I am referring to is, if you leave a church, you best be making sure God is the one moving you and insure it is not your flesh that is moving you. Otherwise it could be catastrophic, for you. As well as those who may be caused to stumble. (Luke 17:1) 

God has a perfect plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11); however, the devil has an evil plan for our lives. The devil wants to kill us (John 10:10). If he can’t kill us “in the natural”, he's just as happy to kill God’s perfect plan for our lives. Bro Terry Mize recently said, “It matters where you go to church.” And that is hardcore factual statement.  It matters to be in the church God has called us to. 

So, if you've left a church because your flesh told you to, I encourage you today, go back and clean up the mess. *Whiny voice alert* "But everyone there is mad at me." Big woo. This isn't about everyone. This is about you and doing what you Father has called you to do where He called you to do it. This is about obedience.

"Coming in for a landing.” If someone comes to you with a situation, if you can't turn them to the Word of God, please...don’t turn them anywhere. Immediately stop the conversation and refer them to their pastor or someone who you know will give them godly counsel. Because the moment, we cannot turn someone and counsel them with the Word of God, we just became unqualified to counsel them.

My middle child just told me, “If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hotdogs.” As much as I dislike hot dogs, that statement will preach.

Thank God we (church folk and otherwise) are not called to be perfect; otherwise, I would never "make it".  If we were all perfect in our love walk, no one would have a need for our perfect God. All would turn to those who are perfect, living by sight and not by faith positioning ourselves to be unpleasing to God. (Hebrews 11:6) 

Sometimes, there is a very fine line between those "in the church" and those "out". True "we" are in this world but not of it; however, "we" ALL are progressing through it, from glory to glory. Becoming more and more like Him, PRAISE GOD! (2 Corinthians 3:18) Let us be known as a people who push and pull each other and not a people who trample one another. 

Start right now. Make a plan to go to church tomorrow with a clean slate, completely independent of what everyone else says and does, including those in your household. Living afflicted with the speck and the plank syndrome will only keep you sick. (Matthew 7:3-5) We must continue to be transformed, continue renewing our minds, and keep no record of wrongs. (Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 13:5) And most importantly, love. (John 13:34) 

God please forgive me for all the times I've played a part in the above goofy, irresponsible, petty, whiny junk. Thank You for leading me to Light. Thank You for teaching me, love is truly always, always the answer. Thank You for changing me, glory to glory, and making me more like Jesus every day! I pray a supernatural revelation for each and every reader right now, I thank You in advance for repentance, change, forgiveness, and for making us more and more like Jesus as we further and further submit our spirits to Your Holy Spirit, all for Your glory!

Valley of Fire National Park

Thursday was the highlight of the whole trip for me! 

We visited Nevada’s oldest National Park, Valley of Fire! 

Hang'n with the friendly locals.

Once the park closed, we saw Hoover Dam and Lake Mead.  
Our island girls were so happy to see water again!

Our island girls are not acclimated to mainland water temperatures in Febuary!

No swimmin!

We crossed the state line into Arizona and back into Nevada…several times, 
and not purposely. 
Much like our Oahu cabbie, we were lost; however, 
this time the meter wasn’t running!

As beautiful and fun as Nevada is, 
nothing compares to Paradise 
and we were all happy to be back home!

Please follow us to keep up with our traveling adventures!
Next stop: Chicago, Alaska, or California in the Spring!
We're still trying to decide. Hey, any tips for us?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Nevada Date Nights

We have been posting about our recent trip to Nevada. If you missed those posts, please go back and read our previous posts to catch up, thanks!

During our Nevada trip, my girlfriend very graciously, stayed with our girls so that Mike and I could have dates every night. Thanks friend!

Our favorite restaurant this trip was Joe’s Stone Crab. 

They had a Farmer’s Chop salad that was quite possibly the best salad I have ever eaten! Mike and I had never had stone crab but we are both huge fans of Alaskan King Crab so we were excited to try something new. Stone crab ranks right up there with King Crab! The atmosphere, service and the food was excellent, so excellent we kept returning to Joe's!

We walked from Joe’s in Caesar’s Palace to the Venetian for a gondola ride and those people can really sing!

One of Mike’s friends who he had spoke with at the conference suggested we eat dinner at Capo’s Italian Steakhouse. 

I was a bit skeptical because generally a steakhouse is a steakhouse and an Italian restaurant is an Italian restaurant and I prefer not to mix the two. But the place came highly recommended so we decided to give it a shot. The cab ride to the restaurant should have convinced me to get out and walk to Joe’s. The cabbie looked nice; however, once behind the wheel…the ride to the restaurant was half the adventure. 

Thankfully we arrived safely. Once inside Capo’s, we walked inside a small entrance where we were told to pick up the phone and ask to see, “Goose”. A small door about the size of a six inch by six inch abruptly opened and a huge face was staring at us and said, “What do you want?!” Mike said, “Yea, we are here to see Goose.” Completely in character, the man stormed back, “What kind’a place do YOU think we are run'n here that you could come and ask for Goose??!” Then he slammed the small door in our face.

Mike and I looked at one another and busted out laughing…which obviously convinced the guy to let us in.

The website itself is quite an adventure.

Walking in the restaurant is like taking a step back in time. There are several large screen televisions playing the Godfather. There was live music, etc. Capo’s is very old Vegas and the theme is very good; however, the food is another story. I’ve always been told, if I can’t say something nice…don’t say anything at all…so I won’t. 

Please join us for our next blog post which is our conclusion and my favorite day of the trip!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Las Vegas Nevada Homeschool Field Tripping

We apologize for the delay in posting the follow up to the previous blog post. I've been fighting off some sort of sinus issue and we were off island this week. 

The following day we explored M&M World, the Titantic exhibit, and Bodies exhibit. Unfortunately neither the Titanic nor Bodies exhibit allowed us to take pictures.

We used the Monorail as our means of transportation. We paid the daily fee (24 hours of unlimited rides) of twelve dollars (each) so we could show the girls both ends of the strip and everything in between. 

M&M World has a lot of memorabilia, shopping, and a free 4D mini movie.

We didn’t know this when we went to the exhibits so this is a free insider tip…there is a very small booklet that has a five dollar off coupon for each exhibit. You can find the booklet at your hotel concierge. 

We all found the Titanic Exhibit and the Bodies Exhibit, very well done and we highly recommend both. One word of caution, the Las Vegas Bodies Exhibit has a room of infants and I personally found that room difficult to view. The room was very well done, respectful, and educational...I just have a soft spot for babies.

Another very important insider tip
Living in Hawaii, I found it difficult to find good whole food meals. Imagine my delight to find Blizz Frozen Yogurt at the Mirage who sells a real green smoothie; however, it was a bit pricey at over eight dollars. 

All along the strip, we found "actors" dressed up for photo ops. Insider tip: they are happy to pose for a picture for tips. I paid one dollar per photo. Cheap entertainment for the kids, helps people make a living, and boosts the economy!

The following day (Wednesday) we explored the Children's Discovery Center. We were delighted to meet our cabbie, who was originally from Oahu! 

However, we were not delighted to learn he had no idea how to get to the Children's Discovery Center. Nor were we delighted to discover once we drove up to where the Children’s Discovery Center was supposed to be…they had moved. Thankfully, my iPhone Siri along with the assistance of a security guard we were able to reach our destination. My iPhone Siri nor the security guard was able to help me recoup the money we lost while driving around lost in the cab. Yes…Las Vegas cabbies do actually charge you when they are lost…who knew?

Insider tip: After the Discovery Center closed, we were told to walk to the World Market Center which is one block away so that we could catch a cab. On our way there, my girlfriend said, “Hey…what are all those shuttle buses for?” I said I didn’t know but we could find out. Thankfully, we were able to ride the shuttle bus right back to our hotel, free of charge! Shuttles leave on the hour.

On our way back to our hotel, we saw a most amazing piece of architecture! This building is not condemned. It is actually a working facility, genius!

Please watch the following You Tube of our Las Vegas Nevada Homeschool Field Tripping. My very wise ten year old chose the music for this video, enjoy!

You Tube Video: Las Vegas Homeschool Field Tripping

Friday, February 7, 2014

Viva Las Vegas

When we are blessed with the opportunity to travel, we like to take you along with us via Key Tov Blog! Perhaps one day, we will have Key Tov Travel Blog! 

A week ago today, Mike (my husband) received notification about a conference relating to our business that was going to be held in Nevada…beginning the following Monday.

This is a pic of my middle child the moment she found out we were going on an unexpected trip to the mainland.

This is a pic of my middle child moments later once she remembered it was winter time on the mainland!

True to form for us, two days later, we hopped a couple planes to take advantage of the conference as well as the exhibits we could use for homeschool field trips. For extra special fun this trip, we invited our bffs to come along!

Our first field trip experience was riding in a limousine from the airport to our hotel. As you can see, the limo was a huge hit! What better (and safer) way to experience Las Vegas Boulevard at night than from a limo?

Our next field trip (of which offered many lessons might I add) was the Las Vegas strip.

A favorite among our girls was Caesars Palace. We celebrated Gracie's nineth birthday lunch at Cheesecake Factory, went shopping, and watched the free Atlantis show.

Another huge hit with our girls was the water feature at the Bellagio.

Some may be asking...of all places to take our girls, Las Vegas?

Yes. We have a policy in our home. If our girls ask, we answer...completely and honestly. By taking our girls to Las Vegas, all or at least most, of the perceived allure is eliminated. By the end of the first day, all three girls were thanking God for the privilege of living on the Big Island of Hawai'i! Moms, our Las Vegas mission was a complete success!

Please join us in the coming days for more blogging of our Nevada adventure!
Until then, enjoy the following You Tube Video!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Daddy's House

For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. (2 Corinthians 1:20, NKJV)

Yesterday we blogged about making the move into my Daddy’s house at the end of my junior year in highschool. Since then, I’ve been thinking about how all the things that became available to me immediately upon the move…had actually been available to me all along. All I had to do was "make the move”

His door had always been completely wide open to me; however, external factors held me back and kept me from making the move. I allowed familiarity and fear to keep me bound in captivity. But once I made the move, I asked myself…”Why oh why did I wait so long to move?"

Immediately moving in with my Daddy, I exchanged:
  • pressure for peace
  • fear for security
  • offense for forgiveness
  • strife and tension for laughter and joy
Just to name a few.

My Daddy was so loving, graceful, patient, kind and was so gentle in spirit. I am very blessed to have had as many years as I did with my Daddy. 

People have told me, “Yea…but my dad wasn’t like that.” 

I’m here to tell you today…

We have a perfect Heavenly Father “watching for us”. He is “filled with love and compassion" and He "quickly runs to meet us” ready to celebrate our return with everything good He has in His possession! (Luke 15, Hebrews 2:10-13, Psalm 50:10-12, 2 Corinthians 1:20)

Please don’t hesitate, all of God’s goodness is available to you immediately upon the move. Please don’t allow anything to hold you in captivity, all you have to do is "make the move”. (Romans 10:9) 

Move now….and let the party begin! (Isaiah 61:3, Luke 15:24)

Please make the following declaration out loud with me. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree and declare Jesus is Lord! We believe in our hearts and we confess with our mouth that You, God, raised Jesus from the dead. Thank You for forgiving our sins and reconciling us to You! Thank You for the blood of Jesus! Thank You for Your Holy Spirit! Thank You for saving us! Father, please teach us how to walk in eternal life starting now, right at this moment, and please teach us daily how to walk in authority and to daily take what rightfully belongs to us! (John 10:10)

Please connect with a strong bible based church. You may also connect with solid teachings via live stream every Sunday at and daily devotions at

Welcome to our family! We are grateful you moved!

Romans 10:9
1 John 1:9

Monday, February 3, 2014

Moving In with My Daddy

Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing, (Psalm 92:13-14, NLT)

Recently, a girlfriend from high school posted a "throwback Thursday" picture of herself on her Facebook page. Her picture prompted me to post a throwback Thursday picture on my Facebook page.

As you can tell from the picture, life wasn't good for me at this point in my life. 

However, nearing the end of my junior year of high school, I moved in with my daddy. Immediately, I was living in peace, love, and safety and I began to flourish.

As you can tell from the picture, my life immediately and drastically improved once I moved in with my Daddy.  

The same holds true for my Heavenly Father. Once I received Jesus, and "moved" in with my Heavenly Father, old things passed a way and all things became new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) In that single "move" I crossed over out of darkness and into His marvelous light, into life in excessive abundance! (1 Peter 2:9, John 10:10) And now I spend my days telling of the wonderful goodness of God! (Psalm 100:5, 1 Corinthians 10:31) My best days are yet to come! (Jeremiah 29:11) I am planted in His house and according to His promises, I flourish! (Psalm 92:13)

The pictures above are taken only one year apart. What a difference a year can make once we move in with our Father!

What about you? Have you "moved" in with your Heavenly Father? If not, please feel free to comment below or email us at and we can help you walk through that choice!

Father, thank You for calling me out of darkness and into Your marvelous light! Thank You for forgiving me, reconciling me back to You, thank You for restoring me and thank You for teaching me how to have a real, genuine relationship with You! I pray for every reader, that they would have the power to understand and personally know how wide, long, high and deep Your love truly is and how to personally walk in the closeness of a growing, changing, deepening, nurturing relationship with You Father! Thank You in advance for all the testimonies that will come forth from friends and family as they crossover into a deeper relationship with You daily! 

Ephesians 3:18