Saturday, December 22, 2012

Every Morning!

Every morning you'll hear me at it again. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on Your altar and watch for fire to descend. (Psalm 5:3, MSG)

Have you ever noticed how much harder the gym is the morning after eating fried food and a heavy dessert?

When I eat "clean" (lean meats, fresh fruits, berries, seeds, fresh veges) I hardly miss a beat hitting the gym the next morning. But when we go to a party, eat fried food and a heavy dessert, it takes me longer to get in the swing of it the next morning at the gym.

Our mind can be the same way. Letting sinful nature control the mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control the mind leads to life and peace. (Romans 8:6) It is easier to keep the mind clean than it is to clean it up after getting "dirtied".

I go to the gym around 6:00 a.m. because generally it is very quiet that time of day. But during the busy seasons there are a few gym goers. I'm amazed at what people will watch (fill their hearts and minds with) on t.v. at 6:00 a.m.

Yesterday morning, I was alone in the gym when a lady came in and turned on the t.v. to some sort of drama. There's a reason there is a movie genre labeled, "dramas". A word to the wise, avoid all drama. Many have asked, "Well then Genice, what DO you watch on television?" I always say, "Not much."

The drama was a series about a mental ward. Some of the scenes were very ugly. I was thankful I didn't have my girls with me. And I was thankful I couldn't hear the t.v. over the music on my ipod because I'm sure the sounds would've only added to the creepiness. The t.v. was directly in front of the elliptical (where I was) so I mostly stared out the window which was on my right until my neck got tired then I closed my eyes facing forward to give my neck a rest. I considered asking her to change the channel and if I'd had my girls with me, I would have. But I thought, hey...just let the woman workout to her show and I tried to avoid the t.v.

I'm not sure about everyone else, but what I do early in the morning sets the pace for the rest of my day.

Even though I had already filled my heart with godly things prior to going to the gym, for the rest of the day I "fought" the images from the t.v. show that kept popping into my mind. There was only three but they were extremely gross.

Do you think other gym goers would see it as odd if I wore a sleep mask on the elliptical? Don't be concerned that was a facetious-itical question. *grin*

My prayer for every reader today is to fill themselves full to the overflow of God's Word the very first thing every morning! To dig in scripture and ask God, what do You want me meditating on today? To lay out the pieces of their lives on Your altar and watch for fire to descend! I ask all these things in the name of Your precious Son, King Jesus! (John 14:14)

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