Monday, January 30, 2012

We fight! We fight! We fight!

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12) 

George Lucas has a movie entitled, "Red Tails". It is a portrayal of the Tuskegee Airmen. A group of African American men, who at a time of racial segregation, fought in the U.S. Armed Forces during WWII. 

In the movie, before a mission, the Tuskegee Airmen would circle up and declare,  "We fight! We fight! We fight!" They, along with other soldiers, we're willing to die for their country.  They were united in their objective but divided internally. 

As I watched the movie, I thought..."They have the same objective so doesn't it just make good sense for them to unite in the fight ?"  God spoke to my heart and said, "That's how it is in many marriages." LIGHT IS!

This is what the movie taught me about marriage and relationships in general.

  • Always follow orders. (His commands, 1 John 5:3) 
  • Some people in our lives will consistently submit to a rebellious spirit, refuse to follow orders, fly like they have a death wish, crash and burn losing everything and there's nothing anyone can do about it. (Matthew 10:14)
  • If we find ourselves in a plane screaming its way to the ground at an accelerated speed, pop the canopy, and eject. (Matthew 7:6)
  • No self pity, man up, and lead. 
    • This is for men and women. If the leader refuses to lead, the next in the chain of command must rise up and accomplish the mission(s) fulfilling the objective. (Psalm 23:1)
  • When the smoke starts smoke'n and the engine starts scream'n from too much pressure...pull back on your stick and level out. (Philippians 4:8)
  • Sometimes...there's a lot of blood, figuratively speaking. (Proverbs 17:9-11)
  • Expectations are high. We are on the side of The Almighty! (Romans 8:31)

No matter what others may do, He will never leave or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Since He be for us, who can be against us! (Romans 8:31)
He has thoughts of peace toward us giving us a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)
When others decide to crash and burn, we press on and continue to fight the good fight of faith. ( Philippians 3:13 and 1 Timothy 6:12) 

Stay on mission!
Fight! Fight! Fight!  
Do you copy?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

THE Blood, Not Stats! Conclusion

A little while later, our pastor's wife came to my room. She said I had really been on her heart all day and she had received many calls from women in the church asking about me. They were all praying for me but didn't know why because no one knew what had happened. Thank God for people who are led by the Spirit of God! (Romans 8:14) And thank God for their obedience!

She asked if there was anything she could pray for. I asked her to pray for my baby because the doctor said she might have to be sent to Honolulu for a blood transfusion because she had lost so much blood. She did pray and my baby didn’t have to have the procedure! (1 John 5:14)

The statistics we were given at the time of the event were that this occurrence is extremely rare (0.7%). Stats show when the uterus is ruptured during pregnancy 80% of the mothers and babies die before an ambulance can arrive with the mothers bleeding to death and the babies suffocating. The remaining 20% who do survive typically have long term disabilities. I am completely whole…well, sans the uterus (which has been fine with me). {Smile} I do not take medication and really cannot tell I’ve had a partial hysterectomy other than the absence of the monthly cycle (YAY!).

“Uterine rupture in pregnancy is a rare and often catastrophic complication with a high incidence of fetal and maternal morbidity. From the time of diagnosis to delivery, only 10-37 minutes are available before clinically significant fetal morbidity becomes inevitable. Fetal morbidity occurs as a result of catastrophic hemorrhage, fetal anoxia, or both. Uterine rupture is associated with (1) clinically significant uterine bleeding; (2) fetal distress; (3) expulsion or protrusion of the fetus, placenta, or both into the abdominal cavity; and (4) the need for prompt cesarean delivery and uterine repair or hysterectomy.” Gerard G Nahum, MD, FACOG, FACS and Krystle Quynh Pham, MD, FACOG (Please refer to the end of this post for full credits.)

I will always remember the first time I was able to go outside after being released from CCU. Mike pushed me out via wheelchair to the hospital garden. I will never forget the way the breeze and sunshine felt on my face, the way the flowers smelled, and the way the birds were singing. Being outside…being alive, was way beyond anything I can describe. That day I promised God I would never ever take another day for granted. I know each day with my family is a gift from Him!

Prayer works! Once I was transferred from CCU to the OB unit I was told I would be in the hospital for at least a week and my baby would be released before I was. I healed so quickly I was released to go home the following Monday! Me and my baby went home together! I give God all the glory for working things out for my good and the good of my baby that day!
This is just one of the many reasons why I celebrate God's goodness and why I tell of His great love and power!

What stats said couldn't be...God said, "Here is your reward!" (Psalm 127:3) 
And when stats told a negative report...God said, "You are healed!" (Isaiah 53:5) 
All things are possible to him who believe! (Mark 9:23)

Happy Happy Birth Day Grace!

You are truly a gift from God!
Way beyond anything I could’ve ever thought or asked for!

Gerard G Nahum, MD, FACOG, FACS  Adjunct Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; Head of Global Clinical Development, Women's Healthcare U.S., Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals

Krystle Quynh Pham, MD, FACOG  Attending Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center; Clinical Instructor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Stanford University 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

THE Blood, Not Stats! Part Four

Meanwhile, over three hours later in the chapel...thank God for praying husbands! And thank God for a God who hears and answers! My OB was explaining to Mike that, “There was a lot of bleeding.” (I bled out two and a half times.) Blood had to be brought from Honolulu (which is approximately ½ hour drive depending on traffic) via ambulance during the surgery. And she said "My blood pressure got low enough several times that brain damage was a concern." She told him he could visit me in the critical care unit.

When I woke up I couldn't speak because I was still intubated. Can I just say, intubation is so not cool?! The tube looked small; however, it felt like a semi tractor trailer had parked right down the middle of my throat! And "suction"...who thought of such a thing?! Attention all nurses, I love nurses!

Mike and my OB/GYN was in my room and I asked for a pen and paper. I wanted to know where my baby was! I wanted to see my baby! I heard my OB/GYN explain to Mike since I was writing in cursive, there was no more concern regarding brain damage. I thought, “Brain damage?!? What happened today?!? "And WHERE is MY BABY?!" I wasn't able to see her because she was on a different floor receiving oxygen therapy, was on IV, and being monitored. It was almost like torture as I thought about my baby all night. I didn't get to see her until noon the next day. Mike was a very busy man running between me in CCU, our baby in an incubator on a separate floor and our toddler who was in the next town over!

Regarding the surgery, my OB/GYN explained the three incidences of the ripping in my stomach was my uterus rupturing. There was no diagnoses, treatment or change in activity, and my uterus was ripped for approximately three months until delivery as I went about my normal routine. Every time there was a rupture, the placenta plugged the hole...this happened three times in a week. Over the course of the next several months, the placenta grew through the rip, over my uterus and grew to my bladder and other organs. During surgery, two other specialists had to be called in to very intricately remove the placenta from my organs as to not cause damage. Once my uterus was cut during the c section, the placenta detached unplugging the hole causing bleeding. (Did I mention...a lot of bleeding?!?) While trying to get the baby out, blood rushed up the umbilical cord and out her mouth. (She was on iron therapy for three months.) 

This is how I explain what happened. God sent His angels to keep charge over me and my baby in all our ways!

Continued tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

THE Blood, not Stats! Part Three

I was scheduled to deliver at 38 weeks via c section on a Thursday. The Saturday prior to delivery I went to my women's monthly breakfast/bible study. I was so nervous and uneasy about delivery but couldn't really put my finger on why because my prior delivery just 19 months earlier had been text book. At the end of the bible study, our leader asked if anyone needed prayer. I raised my hand and explained how I was apprehensive about the c section. The girls prayed for me.

The following Thursday, the morning of the c section I was stalling while getting ready to leave for the hospital because I was so upset. I just didn't know why I was upset. I very slowly walked out my door and when I stepped off my porch I broke down in tears. I don't often do that so my husband was very surprised. He asked what was wrong. I explained I didn't know but I just knew I didn't want to go to the hospital. He consoled me the best he could and we left.

I was prepped and in surgery. The atmosphere was light and there was excitement but I felt very...not there. I could hear people laughing and I could hear music playing but I wasn't in touch...if that makes sense. This day was completely unlike my prior c sections.

Disclaimer: the following is not for the faint at heart or the weak stomached.

The incision was made and it was as if someone had a water hose and was spraying blood everywhere, including on the doctors and nurses. I could see blood spraying higher than the curtain they had placed over me. I could see the doctors trying to keep the blood spatter off their faces. I looked up at my husband's face and could tell something was very wrong. I kept asking about my baby but no one would answer me. 

The atmosphere changed immediately. There was no more joking. No more laughing. The music was turned off. All the doctors and nurses were very serious. I kept hearing my OB/GYN say, “Call Dr. ______ stat!” and "Call Dr. _____ stat! Get him in here NOW!"

It seemed to take a long time to get the baby out. When they finally got her out, she wasn't crying. I kept asking, "Why can't I hear her cry?!" But my questions were still ignored. 

I finally saw her and she was so white. I hadn't ever seen another human being that white before. She was quickly taken out of the room.

Then I felt extremely sick and weak. I wanted to pray but was so weak I couldn't concentrate or speak. So I did the best I could do and just kept saying, "Jesus". In between very slow...very slow heart beats, when I had enough strength...I kept saying, "Jesus". Praise God there is still power flowing through His name!

Continued tomorrow.

Monday, January 23, 2012

THE Blood, not Stats! Part Two

An amniocentesis was highly suggested because of "advanced maternal age". I agreed to the test because I reasoned, if something were wrong I needed time to adjust, prepare myself, and prepare my family. During that time, we had been very busy with work. We sold our house, opened another branch of our business on another island, and attempted to relocate to Maui.

We went through a very frustrating time because we were unable to obtain permitting to renovate an apartment as we had planned. As a result, we ended up living in a hotel for a short time. Keep in mind, I was pregnant with a toddler in tow. We later moved into a condo rental temporarily so that we could make some decisions. The OB/GYN I trusted was on Oahu. We were on Maui. I was to deliver in 3 months. I told Mike I wanted to go back to Oahu.

During frustrating times, in everything give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and seek Him first (Matthew 6:33 and Psalm 37:23) because even though it may not seem like it, He is working things out for our good. I believe the following testimony could have ended up very differently had He not made my path straight by delivering on Oahu under the care of doctors who had become very close friends. (Proverbs 3:6)

We bought a townhouse on Oahu shortly thereafter. While moving in and unpacking with a toddler on one hip and a box on another going up and down the stairs, I ripped something in my stomach. A few days later, I accidentally got shampoo in my toddler's eyes, picked her up to console her and rinse her eyes and I ripped something in my stomach again. A few days later, I lifted her and ripped my stomach again.

I know what you are thinking. The same thing I was thinking. Stop lifting stuff! I know, right! Each time, it was equivalent to what I'd suspect it would feel like if I attached a battery cable to my stomach and turn the power on high. The pain literally shook my teeth. But the pain was momentary and there seemed to be no after affects so I blew it off.

During my normal OB appointment I explained to my doctor what had happened. Since there was no cramping/spotting/after affects, etc she assumed I had pulled a muscle in my stomach so there was no alarm. Please keep in mind, the three ripping incidences occurred three months prior to delivery.

Continued tomorrow

Sunday, January 22, 2012

THE Blood, Not Stats!

Later this week my youngest baby celebrates her birthday. A precious little gift from God who medical science said could never be. I'm very grateful for medical science; however, I don't always fit into their stats. (Mark 9:23) 

Rewind to 2001. We hadn't attempted to prevent a pregnancy for a long time. During a routine exam, my P.A. questioned me about birth control. I explained I hadn't used birth control for approximately eight years. I just assumed one day we would conceive. It was then that she pointed out there was obviously an issue and asked if I wanted to pursue conceiving. I explained I would talk to my husband and get back with her.

After our discussion we decided to begin necessary testing to determine the cause. We were told infertility issues are "40% female factor, 40% male factor & 20% unknown". After passing every medical test, we were diagnosed in the 20% unknown category. I already had a child so the diagnoses was secondary infertility with no known cause. The fertility specialist told us we had, "a better chance of flying to Vegas and winning the jackpot than we had of conceiving a child."

After going thru many rounds of different treatments including AI...we still hadn't conceived. We agreed to one round of IVF & if we weren't successful, we would abandon the hope of having a child. Over 103 injections later, numerous blood tests and ultrasounds, we were told by the specialist, we would deliver in June of the following year! 

The week of that baby's 1st birthday, we discovered we would deliver again the following January. Yes! Two for the price of one! Did I mention, we were told we were infertile? {High Fiving God!} After the positive pregnancy test, I called my GYN to change my annual appointment to a prenatal appointment, she and her whole staff was surprised and excited! They had walked through a lot with us and we had grown very close to them. They were more like close friends than doctors and nurses. 

The pregnancy was physically easy except for one incident early on which resolved but all during the pregnancy the enemy bombarded me with mental attacks. As I would go about my day, out of nowhere I would hear, "Your baby is dead." and "You will never bring this baby home healthy and alive." The thoughts would leave me breathless. I loved my babies the moment I found out I was pregnant and this mental bombardment was difficult. I was so new in my Christian walk I didn't know how to take every thought captive. (2Corinthians 10:5) I didn't even know to take every thought captive. I wasn't aware I was in a position of spiritual authority. (Luke 10:19)

Thankfully, as Christians we don't have to have everything perfect because thank God, He causes us to triumph! He is faithful to fill in the gaps and watch over us! (Psalm 121:7 & 8) He took what little I did know to say, and worked things out for our good! (Romans 8:28) During these spiritual attacks, I calmed myself with, "My baby is fine today."

Continued tomorrow

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's all about the Bennys!

I have an exciting hot investment tip for you today that has guaranteed returns!
If you get this down in your heart and walk in it, your life will change in all areas of your life beyond anything you can ask or think! How do I know this? Because it happened to me! I first learned this while I was in college and I’ve worked it for over 20 years. It is a tried and true method never failing me yet!

First, let’s lay some ground work.
  • All Scripture is inspired by God
    • His Word is useful to teach us truth (what is right)! (2 Timothy 3:16)
    • Since all scripture (His Word) is inspired by Him (God), it (His Word) is qualified as something we can put our trust (faith/confidence) in.
  • Have faith in God! (Mark 11:22)
    • In other words, have faith in God’s Word.
    • He is His Word. (John 1:1)
Here is how you work it (the hot investment tip)!
  • Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse! (Malachi 3:10)
    • Tithe defined is 10% of the income.
      • Here is an exciting part! Paying tithes literally opens the windows of Heaven! So much, there isn’t enough room to contain it!
  • Offering
    • Offering defined is that which is above the tithe.
    • Giving is a heart condition. A matter of generosity and not as a drudging obligation. (2 Corinthians 9:5, 6)
Oppositions to paying tithes/offerings
  •  But what will they do with my money?
    • Keeping His commands is attached to our obedience not “theirs”.
      • The 10% is not ours.
        • I view it this way. He allows me to hold the 10% until I can place it where He has instructed me (in the storehouse).
        • I’m not at all suggesting you just “throw money in a hole” or at the “evangelist of the hour” you see on television. I’m suggesting you connect with a good bible based, scriptural “storehouse” (church) and invest in God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 6:33 and James 1:5)
  • I can’t afford to tithe/give offerings.
    • Truth is, you can’t afford not to.
      • “Will a man rob God?” (Malachi 3:8)
      • If you haven’t been paying tithes/offerings, how is that working for you?
  • Do I calculate the 10% off the gross or the net and do I include gifts?
    • Here are my suggestions:
      • Pray asking/seeking/knocking. (Matthew 7:7)
      • Be led by the Spirit. (Romans 8:14)
      • He is our Helper (Psalm 121 and James 1:5)
God doesn’t want our money, (Psalm 50:10). He wants our hearts! (Luke 10:27) When you get this down inside you, you won’t be able to stay away from giving! 

Most people have no problem believing He is. Is what? Is God. And is everything His Word says He is. But did you know and do you believe He is a rewarder?

But without faith it is impossible to please Him,
for he who comes to God must believe that He is,
and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
(Hebrews 11:6)

Wow, what a promise! How do we believe He is? We believe in our hearts and confess with our mouth Jesus as Lord and God raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:9).

How do we believe He is a rewarder? Diligently seek Him and His blessings will overtake us! (Deuteronomy 28:2) He will rebuke the devourer for us(Malachi 3:10) We will prosper and be in good health as our soul prospers! (3 John 1:2) 

What does this kind of prospering mean? I believe it means to prosper in all areas of our lives:
  • Peace of mind
  • Health in our body
  • Loving marriage
  • Rewarding relationships
  • Successful in business
The return on this “investment” is the peace of God which surpasses all understanding! (Philippians 4:7)

If after considering all this, you still don’t believe me…try Him in this! (Malachi 3:10)

Mike and I have made a lot of investments over the past 15 years, in businesses, in stocks, in property, in people. Nothing has ever yielded more precious return than that which we invest in His Kingdom. (Matthew 6:33)

What are you investing in?

Who are you investing in?

How are those returns working for you?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Peace Man

Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

Early last fall, we didn’t have much peace in our home. Mike and I had been fighting. Our girls had been fighting. For us, fighting seemed to be everywhere. I kept thinking about Philippians 4:7 and thinking, “Where IS the peace?!”

I’m a scripture quote’n, bible tote’n, authority walk’n, Blood believe’n girl but where was the peace that was supposed to guard my heart and mind?! 

I knew I was missing something so I asked God for peace in my home. I didn’t necessarily want or expect to have to do anything but ask. {grin} My thought was…I ask, He hears, I receive, amen! {double grin}

Immediately, He said, “You’ve got some housekeeping to do.”

Oh-ho-ho-ho and OUCH!

You mean, His peace wasn’t guarding my heart and mind because of something I did/failed to do?! …Yup…Gulp…

I (respectfully) said, “Ok so what did I do now?” I knew I had done something, I seriously just didn’t know what. He brought before me every face I was to apologize to and then showed me what I had done to each person. I hadn’t set out to hurt anyone but with my directness and lack of sensitivity I had inadvertently hurt some feelings.

I immediately got busy contacting the people that God had so faithfully shown me (Philippians 4:5) and peace came to my home the same day. Once again, His peace was guarding my heart and mind! Thank You Jesus!

During that time, I had failed to see the first word in Philippians 4:7. Once I noticed the “Then”, my lightening fast mind said, “Read the previous scriptures.” So I did. Then the Holy Spirit prompted me to read the end of Philippians 4:7. “as you live in Christ Jesus”….Ohhhhhh, ok…now I got it!

Which then made me realize perhaps I haven’t been as scripture quoting as I should’ve been, hmmm.

Are you lacking peace? If so, are there some phone calls you need to make? It’s easy and completely worth the effort! 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Two Plans

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Last year, Pastor Melissa Harris said something to me that was a light bulb moment. She and I were discussing a matter and I said, “God has a plan.” She responded with, “So does the devil.” That taught me to keep matters in balance and to not exercise one spiritual muscle without exercising the opposing one.

If you have followed my blog this week, you know I ended up in the emergency room right before Christmas. Afterwards, someone said, “Well, sometimes we just don’t know why these things happen and sometimes God just has to spank us to get our attention.” I responded with, “I know exactly why it happened. Emotional issues I had been addressing for months manifested into the physical.”

God didn’t “spank” me and send me to the emergency room. (Isaiah 5:20 and James 3:11)

Some may say I, “Am not living the abundant life because I ended up very sick and in the hospital.” To that, I would respond with, many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers them out of them all (Psalm 34:19). I was attacked; however, God delivered me!

Beginning late last summer, I dealt with one heartbreaking issue after another. Once one issue had been addressed and resolved, another arose, wave on wave. This continued into late November. I was in the emergency room in late December…it’s simple “math”.

Dr. Larry Ollison teaches John 10:10 very well.

I have a real enemy.
  • who really wants to steal from me
  • who wants to kill me
  • who wants to destroy me

If the first part of this verse wasn't important, God wouldn’t have included it. (2 Timothy 3:16)

And I’m not my enemy’s favorite, please allow me to elaborate.

You have a real enemy.
  • who really wants to steal from you
  • who wants to kill you
  •  who wants to destroy you

You can probably tell by now, I do not believe in hell and evil as a “concept” but as a real place and a very real driving force.

Praise God who causes me to triumph through Christ (2 Corinthians 2:14), our victory is found in the last part of John 10:10! I like the amplified version best.

I came that they may have and enjoy life,
and have it in abundance,
to the full, till it overflows.

I have a real friend, Jesus!

He came so that I may:
  • Have life!
  • Enjoy life!
  • Have life in abundance!
  • Have life to the full!
  • Have life till it overflows!

You have a real friend, Jesus!

He came so that you may:
  • Have life!
  • Enjoy life!
  • Have life in abundance!
  • Have life to the full!
  • Have life till it overflows!

Please forgive me for the redundancy! I’m very excited about the life Jesus came to give us!

I didn’t repeat the information to fill space. Every time I blog, I work very hard at writing a short blog. Ok…stop, I can hear the cyber laughter! If you have read very many of my posts, you know I rarely have succeeded in that but I really do shoot for it!

I repeated the information because it is my heart’s desire to get “life” deep down in your heart because out of the abundance of our heart, we speak! What we truly believe is what comes out of our mouth. (Matthew 12:34)

This is your life! This is your choice! Which plan will you choose?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Love conquers all!

“And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16 says, NKJV

One of the key words in this verse is abide: to remain, continue, stay. Is that possible? I believe it is. (2 Timothy 3:16) I don’t believe we have to work hard at loving. I believe, as we remain/continue/stay in Him, love is.

A quick breakdown of 1 Corinthians 13:4 explains, love:

·       Is patient
·       Is kind
·       Does not envy
·       Does not boast
·       Is not proud
·       Does not dishonor others
·       Is not self seeking
·       Is not easily angered
·       Keeps no records of wrongs
·       Does not delight in evil
·       Rejoices in truth
·       Always protects
·       Always trusts
·       Always hopes
·       Always perseveres
·       Never fails
·       Will never pass away

Now we know what love really is but what can love do on a daily basis? I recently had an experience that revealed to me exactly what love can do on a practical level.

The day before Christmas Eve, I had to go to the emergency room for an irregular heartbeat. If you missed that blog, please read, “Delivered: AGAIN!” A blog that was posted on 1/7/12

When I left the hospital, the doctors and nurse told me to “Get to the ER immediately if the problem returned”. I was told, “If this happens again, don’t mess around with this but come straight to the ER.”

Late in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, I felt my heart starting to beat incorrectly. The temptation to fear knocked. Thoughts flooded my head. “I don’t want to go back to the hospital!”, “I don’t want to miss Christmas morning with my girls!”, “I don’t want to be admitted to the hospital!”

I didn’t waste time. (2 Corinthians 10:5) And I yelled for back up, “Mike!” (my husband). Thank God for good training in spiritual authority. Thank you, Larry Ollison and Terry Mize. I know God has called my husband as the head of our household and he has spiritual authority over me.

He walked over to me and asked what was wrong and I told him my heart was trying not to beat correctly. He didn’t say a word. He gently put his head on my chest. He didn’t pray (although he had been praying since the night before) he just laid there. Peace flooded and my heart rate returned to normal within a few minutes.

I believe when fear knocked, love answered. The presence of love dissolved the source of the irregular heartbeat forcing my heart to beat correctly!

A quick side note here. We don’t have a perfect marriage. We fight more than we should and allow minor irritations to override our love walk. You don’t have to be a “perfect” wife/husband. Set your heart on God, abide in Him, and everything else will fall into place. (Matthew 6:33)

I believe evil is unable to stand in the presence of love. Love is such an amazing, powerful force! Love dissolves everything not of God!

Earlier in this blog, I asked the question, “What can love do?” I believe there is nothing love cannot do.

What can love do for you?

What can the love of God through you do for others?