Thursday, September 29, 2011

Use His Exact Words!

While I was unloading my dishwasher one day, I observed Mikea (my middle child) helping my youngest child (Gracie) through her schoolwork assignments. Gracie was having problems grasping a concept. Neither one of the girls knew I was watching them. As I silently processed what was going on, the thing that impacted me most was that Mikea was helping Gracie through the problems by using my exact words.

I immediately thought of my Father, and how He must feel when He sees us helping others using His Words. “For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” (Zephaniah 3:17)

One way to use His Words and help others is to speak faith into their lives by applying the concept we read about in Romans 4:17- “...(As it is written “I have made you a father of many nations.”) He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were." 

I was privileged, honored and blessed to sit under the teaching of Dr. Larry Ollison while we lived in Missouri. He taught us how to practically apply scripture. In this passage in particular, he taught us that if we have a dog who is outside and we want the dog inside, we go to the door and we say, “Here Spot!” We call those things that are not as though they were. Spot is currently running around the yard. We don’t say what we see. We say what we want. We don’t watch the dog run around the yard and say, “There Spot, there!” or “Oh, now Spot is over there.” 

No, we call Spot to the place where we want him to be.

Gracie wasn’t willing to do what she was being told. Mikea, with great patience, repeatedly instructed her to write the question down on paper and work the problem out. She said, “Once you work it out, you will clearly see the correct answer.” Gracie wanted a short cut. She knew Mikea had the answer and that’s all she was after. Yet Mikea knew if she just gave Gracie the answer, the next time she was faced with a problem, she wouldn’t be able to work it out. At times, rebellion sets in, and I observe my children struggle with a school assignment simply because they didn’t follow my instruction.

We cannot operate under the desire to take short cuts and expect God to always just give us the answer, now. God is a good Father. He knows if He just continually gives us the answer, we won’t mature and grow in to the full stature of what He intends us to be. 

He loves us too much to “diaper” us.

Dr. Terry Mize, one of my fathers in the faith, and a great man of God, says “I know God is good and I know His Word is Truth. Truth always trumps true.” If we are faced with a situation, for example, where a child or a spouse receives a negative doctor’s report we can take Truth, which is the Word of God, which is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12) and change true! Psalm 30:50 also tells us that if there is no joy…it’s not morning yet! The “facts” or circumstances may be true; however, we will apply (2 Corinthians 5:7) and walk by faith, not by sight! 

We can and will work out any problem that arises by using His exact words!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Will You Fall For It?

A friend of mine had a BRILLIANT idea for some of us girls all to celebrate her 50th birthday by going skydiving. I was totally in, thinking “Sky diving. Okay, well that will be fun, and something to ‘add to my life list.’”

Oh-My-Goodness! I never imaged what a ride it would be. Especially with the jumpmaster that was assigned to me. He was a little....well, whacked! He was a nice, clean cut type of guy who looked more like a very studious freshman in college than a sky diver. He didn't exactly look like the crazy man that was RIGHT BENEATH THE SURFACE! He very professionally suited me up and explained the process. He asked if this was my first time jumping. I, very coolly, responded with "Well yes, it is my first time to it your first time to jump too?" He halfway smirked. I was thinking “Oh, great, I got the boring guy!” NOT! He was just pacing himself!

Allow me to offer a little background for those who don’t know me:
I’m a “planner.” 
A methodical, precise person- who likes to adhere to my schedules and lists. 

For whatever reason, once I got up in the air, thoughts began to hit me left and right:

I hadn’t really thought this through and perhaps I should not have done this. 
Did I pray this through? 
I thought I did, but maybe I should’ve listened more closely.

As funny as it sounds, I had been really busy, and I hadn’t thought this through! Some girls said, “Let’s go” and I said, “I’m in!” I mean, after all, one of the girls on this trip was my pastor’s wife! What better people to jump out of a plane with?

While growing up, my grandmother often told me, “You don’t have enough sense to be afraid of anything.” I, on the other hand, prefer to think of myself as applying God’s Word to my life! I.e., “For God has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Another translation says “self-control.” For our purposes today, we will use the former translation as opposed to the latter. Despite the stunts I’ve “pulled”-  I really do have a sound mind! 

As we flew to our jump spot, the guy I was strapped to and his jumpmaster buddy started harassing us. They began saying things like "Yea sometimes we get people up here and they start screaming, ‘Geronimoooooooo’...or at least it sounded like Geronimo but actually they said, ‘I don't wanna gooooooooo’ as they fall.’" I was thinking "Ok, real funny, you little whipper snappers". They went on to say, "And some of our people scream, ‘GO! GO! GO,’ or at least that is what we thought, but when we get them on the ground they were actually saying, ‘NO! NO! NO!’” Then they casually pointed out the place on the reef below where they "feed all the tiger sharks." So when they started to tease me...or at least that is what I an effort to appear to be a non-wimp who was more than willing to hang with the best of 'em, I started to agree to EVERYTHING THEY SAID. 

After all, I’m a chosen generation! A royal priesthood! His own special girl! I proclaim the praises of Him who called me out of darkness into His marvelous light! All of which is contrary to being a wimp!

My jumpmaster asked me "So, are you into twists, turns and spins?" I casually said while waving him off, not believing a word that was coming out of his mouth, "Oh-yeah, just do whatever." Then he asked me "So you wanna go out backwards?" I my most fearless voice..."Oh yeah, let's just go for it all!" Even as I uttered those words, I was completely confident that they'd NEVER do these things with a first timer. When they opened the door of the plane, this guy literally picked me up and very efficiently placed me where he wanted me and in short order! He was freakishly strong! Two tandem teams went before me, and they went face first. So, imagine my surprise when my jumpmaster literally whirled me around to where MY BACK WAS TO THE DOOR!!!

Now, those who personally know me know I do not like surprises. Not surprise parties, not surprise surprises, and certainly not surprises while jumping out of a plane! I said, "Hey! I need to always see where I'm gooooooooooing!" At which point he LITERALLY FLUNG ME OUT OF A PERFECTLY GOOD, OPERATING PLANE...BACKWARDS...and then threw us into the SPIN OF A LIFETIME! I did not know which way was up! I really don't think I could've given anyone my name had they asked! Then we were in a free fall through the clouds where precipitation is hitting our faces at a very alarming rate! I’ve learned, at odd times, that I often have odd thoughts. Please bear with me as I explain!

At that moment, my mind flashed back to high school science, and actually thought to myself, “Wow, my teacher really was correct! The clouds actually DO hold precipitation.” And said precipitation was stinging my face mercilessly as I was falling through the clouds at 120 mph!

I have NEVER SCREAMED that LOUD or that MUCH in my WHOLE-ENTIRE-LIFE!!! And it was an involuntary scream. It felt as if it was coming from my chest, and out of my head. But I didn’t feel like I was the one making that sound. I finally thought, “Who is that still screaming?!? Oh, is that ME?!?” So, naturally...I stopped. I was a little embarrassed because I rarely put myself into positions where I might lose composure. Sheepishly looking for encouragement, I said, "Does everybody scream like that?!?" He said, "Oooooo, you are right up there with the best of 'em!" Oh, ok...thanks whipper-snapper....for making me feel sooooo much better about my lack of self-composure. 

When it was time to jerk the parachute...the chute all things give God the glory! Now I was thinking “Okay, the adrenaline rush is over. We'll merrily float to our landing strip, and I will have added one more cool thing to my “to do list in life."

Not so fast. The little whipper snapper had yet another "power surge," and flings us into a spin to the left. Then into a spin to the right. Then lifts us “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOP”...up and away I don't know how many feet. And he repeated this process several times! What IS WRONG with people?!? He finally gets himself composed, or at least I think, and we gently float along the most beautiful coastline I've ever seen in my life! Mountains, ocean, reef, skyline, clouds, surf hitting the rocky shore of the North Shore of Oahu where the ocean meets the is truly indescribable. God's wonders truly NEVER CEASE! From that vantage point, I was even further in awe of God and His amazing creation! 

The God Who made the universe, and everything in it, truly is the Lord of Heaven and earth!

As we closed in our landing strip, he gave us one last flingy circle- where it looked as if we were going to make very quick and very hard contact with a building (told ya’ he was a little whacked!) From some place outside of my being, I heard myself or him (you can guess which) let out a BIG “WAAAAHOOOHOOOHOOO!!!”

God has so richly and so abundantly blesses me with opportunities to do many exciting, amazing things. Skydiving was absolutely the most exciting, coolest, adrenaline rush I have ever experienced. With one exception...and that was falling for Jesus!

Fall for Him today. He came to give you and me life in excessive abundance...and we shouldn't waste a day of it!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Daddy's Girl

During a recent conversation, a friend said something that sparked a childhood memory that I hadn’t thought of in many years. I thought back to times as a little girl when I had behaved cantankerously. For those of you who personally know me, I understand that is very hard for you to grasp! My daddy would say “Don’t make me whisker you!” Of course, I’d repeat whatever I had done, and he’d rub his scratchy face on my neck and tickle me until I screamed for mercy!

I’m very thankful to be so blessed in the “Daddy Department.” God blessed me with an amazing earthly father who loved me and always made me feel unique, even though he had 6 other kids and 3 grandkids. I never questioned my relationship with my dad because he had instilled so much confidence in me that it didn’t even occur to me to question his love. I was so secure in our relationship that the security of the relationship was beyond question. I understand that is redundant; however, I am trying to really drive the point home. 

I was so secure in my relationship with my dad that I knew nothing and no one could ever separate me from his love, not even my behavior. I knew I could always “run to Daddy.” I also knew I could never be replaced. He had instilled so much confidence in me, that when he made me a promise, my mind was immediately at perfect peace. I knew whatever he had promised was as good as already completed.

As confident as I was in my relationship with my dad while he was living, that confidence pales in comparison to the faith I have in my relationship with my Heavenly Father...because His love never fails (Psalm 136). I’m convinced that nothing will ever be able to separate me from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).

Not only did God richly bless me with my earthly daddy, He also blessed me with my spiritual daddy, my father in the faith. My spiritual father continues the training my earthly father began, and they both have taught me a lifelong message that has molded me into who I currently am. I have a Heavenly Father who loves me (John 17:23). God told me in Romans 8:15, I have not received a spirit that makes me a fearful slave. Instead, I received God’s Spirit when He adopted me as His own child. Now I call Him, “Abba Father!”

If you feel like you don’t have a dad here on earth for whatever reason, I’ve got a good report for you! The Farlex dictionary defines adoption as, “To take into one's family through legal means and raise as one's own child; to take up and make one's own”. Through faith in the Blood of Jesus, and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. He has taken you as His own! Now call Him “Abba Father!”

I have firsthand experience with adoption. I was actually adopted when I was a small child. My biological father has been in prison for most of my life. I won’t go into further detail because I don’t want to embarrass anyone. I only mention that detail to illustrate that through adoption, my earthly father restructured my identity and changed my future. Through adoption, details of my life, down to my original birth certificate were changed. I was issued a new certificate renaming my father and giving me a new last name! It was as if everything prior to my adoption (and the life I previously had) had been erased and I was made new! The parallel is crystal clear in my life with Christ. Since I belong to Him now, I have become a new person! The old life is gone! I stepped into my new life! My exceeding abundant life! (John 10:10)

Recently, I’ve heard people say they are in an “identity crisis” and “don’t know who they are.” Please understand, if you are born again believer, your identity is in Him! As I think of Him in my heart, I am exactly what He called me to be! (Proverbs 23:7) I’m good ground, when I hear the Word, I accept it and bring forth fruit! (Mark 4:20) I continue to look into the perfect law of liberty, I’m not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the Word and I am blessed in my deeds! (James 1:25)

For all the fathers reading this, you are critical in the lives of your children. God has placed you in a very powerful position. Do not allow the enemy’s lies to rob you of your God given position in your family’s life. Don’t allow the relationship with your children to be killed. You have an enemy who has set himself to kill, steal and destroy- and he doesn’t care how he does it. (John 10:10) 

Recently, my six year old daughter wrecked her scooter and hurt her neck. With tear filled eyes, she looked at me and said, “Oh, if only my Daddy were here.” She has so much confidence in her dad that in a difficult situation where she was hurt, she had no doubt he could turn it around for her good. That’s child like faith (Mark 10:15), and that is confidence in her father. When she was hurt, her first thought was of her father. Don’t ever believe you are not an important part of your child’s life.

For all the ones reading this who have a relationship with their dad, be merciful and forgiving. Honor your dad and God will bless you! (Ephesians 6:1-4) Please note, there are no loopholes in this passage. The scripture plainly says:
  • Obey because I belong to Him.
  • Obedience is the right thing to do.
  • Obedience ensures things go well for me.
  • Obedience ensures I have long life on earth.
For all of you who are reading this, and for whatever reason are in a position where you are estranged from your dad or your dad has passed away, please understand, your Heavenly Father, has adopted you and made you His own! Be confident in Him! Trust in Him, and rest in perfect peace knowing His promises are as good as done! Know you can always run to Him!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Walk it Out

The first time I ever received a revelation of how the spirit rules the flesh, and how the words of our mouth dictate what occurs in our lives, I was walking down a road. My girls were very small, and every morning after my husband went to work, I’d put them in the double baby jogger, put our dog on a leash and walk, and praise and pray for two hours. Thank God for the privilege to be able to stay home and raise my little ones, amen?

We had just moved to Missouri. My first year in Missouri was beyond miserable. I had gone to church all my life, but never had true communion with my Father. I had a begging, fearful relationship with Him- but not a loving Father/child relationship like He desires. I gave in to my misery and comforted myself with food. I gained almost 20 pounds in a year. I was lonely for friends, and chocolate became my best friend.

Praise God, we found a church that introduced Jesus to me. Not the man made Jesus…the God made Jesus…the very Blood of Jesus. I finally, really, truly was born again! Prior to that, I got saved almost every time there was an altar call. For twenty years, I got saved and saved and saved because I was so legalistic (and probably a little OCD). I thought I had to say the right things perfectly in order to be saved. One week, I’d repeat the prayer. I’d go out sometime during the week and “lose my religion,” generally, very early on in the week. Sometimes, by noon on Monday!

The next time I was at church…I’d take the teaching, and twist it, and start saying over and over in my head, “I thought I was saved, but I really wasn’t because this time the pastor said something different, or included something that I hadn’t said before. So had I died this week, I would have gone straight to hell thinking I was saved but wasn’t!” I’d repeat the prayer, and the cycle would start all over again.

If this is you, please understand, Romans 10:9 clearly says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Don’t complicate God’s Word, just believe it. “Cleaning up” is a process. You don’t have to be perfect or get perfect. I will take the pressure off you right now, there is only one Perfect One and that’s Jesus. So just be who He created you to be, allow Him to love you, make daily communion with Him a priority and everything falls into place (Matt. 6:33). He meets all of us where we’re at.  He doesn’t have a list of requirements to come to Him. He loves you and wants you (John 3:16). I was finally born again!

On this particular day, my husband had gone to work. I grabbed my girls, dog, iPod full of praise and I headed out for my walk. I am not an exercise buff. I only started going on this walk for a few reasons. First and foremost, I could buckle my girls in the jogger and they couldn’t get out. Secondly, I could turn up my iPod so loud, I couldn’t hear them fight and scream! Also, I had a goal to lose the weight I had gained over the past year. Lastly, it was the only time I could truly get alone with Jesus, and as I continued this walk, He showed me great and mighty things which I did not know (Jer. 33:3).

Please allow me to digress for a moment. Home gets really wild when a young mother has little ones all in diapers, and one or more nursing. Pray for the young families in your church. Pray for these moms who endure screaming for most of the day, and night, during that season. Pat these moms on the back and smile at them. Carry a baby now and again. Take it a step further, go to her house and visit while you help with laundry and read a few stories, rock her baby to sleep, and put together some puzzles.  Plant some seeds into that family. Children are a reward. (Ps. 127:3)  Sometimes, the sin nature that comes along with them, is a struggle.

Now, on this particular day it was hotter than the days before. I hadn’t spent a summer in Missouri up to this point, and I was told “Missouri has mild summers.” This day was not mild. It was hot and humid. My kids were fighting and screaming. The dog (which was a very big dog…what WERE we thinking?!) was yanking on me. About 20 minutes into the walk, I got angry and frustrated and said, “Forget it…it’s too hot, my kids scream too loud, this jogger is too heavy, this dog yanks on me too hard, I’ll never lose this weight, I give up”. I started to turn the jogger around and something from deep within me ROSE UP! My mouth said, “Shut up! You WILL go on this walk! You WILL finish the whole two hours! You WILL not give up!” 

It was as if some force, outside of myself, had taken a hold of everything in me from my waist down. My lower body was literally outrunning my upper body. It was like my being was being controlled by two different forces and my upper half was screaming, “please wait up!” and my half was screaming, “I CANNOT! Get With The Program! Come on, don’t get left behind!” GLORY!  My upper body did catch up with my lower body that day, thankfully.

I finished my walk that day, but something happened on a deeper level than me just putting one foot in front of the other. That walk was part of my building a relationship with Jesus. My walk with Him was deepened that day and since then, I have walked my life out before Him day by day. 

He has given us a “walk”, a plan, He has anointed us for that plan, so it’s time to find your path and start walking it out.

As I walked this path over the next year or so, God revealed many things to me. My children learned how to patiently wait and better work together. God brought amazing friends into my life that are still a part of my life…many of them still correspond with me daily. And as a bonus, I lost the weight I had gained. You know…I never remember the heat being a stumbling block after that, or my kids, or my dog or anything. The walk was a joy!

As I walked this route, God spoke to me one day and said, “This (the area I walked) is your territory, pray for your territory (people).” I started praising God and He said, “...and pray for the territory attached to that and the territory attached to that!” I could envision a map that was stretched out, and the territory that I was responsible for praying over. I prayed for that territory during my walk, and when I drove up and down the road. So if you lived in Osage Beach, Missouri during 2006, and you were really blessed, you’re welcome!

During one of these walks, a big dog was in his yard barking and spinning out on the grass. He wouldn’t walk beyond what he knew were his boundaries. He wasn’t a real threat, he just wanted to look threatening. My dog was barking at him and they were very loud. “BARK! BARK!” on one side...then “BARK! BARK!” on the other side. Then I’d shout to the dog, “Shut up and get out of here!” I’d turn to my dog and say, “Shut up and come on!” As soon as I turned around to yell at my dog, the other dog would start. 

All this time, I’m trying to push my two kids up a hill, and Missouri has big hills.  Kids were screaming and yelling because they thought the dog was going to beat up our dog. I stopped praying and turned my praise off so I could deal with all the chaos.

 In that moment…all the noise was quieted as if someone had turned down the overall volume and God said, “There will be a lot of “dog fights” but you keep your focus on Me.” I regained my focus, started praying again, put my praise back on and walked away from the fight.

Many of you need to walk away from the fight. If the fight doesn’t belong to you, step away from it. Keep your focus on Him and just walk away. There are things that are worth a fight. A marriage, a relationship with your parents, children, friends, etc.; however, don’t take your focus off Him during the fight. Speak to the mountain (Mark 11:23) but don’t stop praying and don’t turn your praise off!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stay In It to Win It!

When my youngest child was three years old, she was referred to a speech therapist because her speech had not developed as it should have. I didn’t realize there was an issue. I thought her speech was a result of baby talk, and she would grow out of it. Once we were given the initial screening, I was told she would “need surgery” and required further testing “to the degree of a disability.”

I still remember how precious her tiny little hand felt in mine as we walked out of the initial screening. I forced back the tears and I fought fear head on. I refused to engage in thoughts of her going into surgery, never speaking correctly, and everything else that popped into my head that included “to the degree of a disability.” 

All I wanted to do was hug my baby and cry because I really didn’t know what lay ahead. I wasn’t even sure what “to the degree of a disability” meant! Fear was knocking hard, but faith answered. By the time we were walking out of the building, I began speaking life into all areas of her life. I declared that my child would have perfect speech, in the name of Jesus!

Initially, I believed we could go to therapy twice a week, pay for services and “tada!” she would speak correctly, and all would be well. I faithfully took her to therapy appointments. She was so cute as she colored her speech worksheets and engaged in therapy, playing speech games. Once we left therapy, I was thankful to check one more thing off my “to do list”...until next week. Once we left therapy, I didn’t really give speech another thought until our next session.

Since then, I’ve learned, speech therapy is a lot of “homework." Throughout the time she has been in speech therapy, I’ve learned more about speech therapy than I ever intended. Foremost, I learned, I really appreciate speech therapists. Secondly, I learned I would never want to be a speech therapist! Most importantly, I’ve learned that progress will not be made in two sessions per week.

After almost four years (we were told she would be in therapy until she was at least 8 years old) I finally grew up and realized in order for her to have perfect speech, I was going to have to lock in and work on speech with her at home. In other words, progress would not be made in two sessions per week without practical application the other 5 days per week. Speech is now a daily “assignment” in my home. As a result, she has progressed so well that her therapist told her, “I am so proud of you, the children I have in therapy don’t normally progress this quickly.” She smiled and said, “The Holy Spirit helps me.” She knows where her help comes from! (Ps. 121:2)

When I first began to go to church, I had the same attitude. Attend church once or twice per week, pay tithes & offerings & alms, “color my work sheets”, participate in class and even engage by signing up for a works ministry (usher, audio/video, etc.), cross church off my “to do list” and “TADA!” all would be well.

I realized that playing church is not the same as being in a relationship with Jesus.

My pastor requires us to follow a daily bible reading schedule. For the first two weeks, my flesh screamed to the point I didn’t even get anything out of the readings. But as I pressed on (James 2:14-26) and continued in obedience (even though it didn’t make sense initially) to who God had placed in authority of my life (Jer. 3:15), my relationship with Jesus deepened and became more meaningful.  Sometimes, we have to lock in and push through to frustration and not expect a “fast food” result (Gal 6:9).

A friend and I were recently having a discussion about commitment having a direct correlation with walking in The Blessing (Deut. 28). Out of that conversation, the following Tweet was birthed: 

“2 hours per week o commitment = 2 hours per week o The Blessing 

Pastor Jason Meechan, Kona Faith Center, recently said, “If you are going to run The Race, be in it to win it!” As for me and my house, I’m not only in...but I’m in to win!

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1-3)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Both Sides of Your Mouth

"Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."' (Matthew 12:25)

I recently received a text from a friend asking about a natural disaster that had just occurred.  I hadn’t heard anything about it, so I told her I would do some research and let her know what I could find.

On my internet search, about the third line down, I saw where someone had stated they were praying to their "gods" for damage in a certain area of the United States to be worse than reported, and for another catastrophe to hit so that the area would be leveled. I wondered to myself who would think such a thing, write it down and then actually make it public.  God spoke to my heart and said, “that is what pray-ers are up against…in spiritual warfare.”

For example, He showed me situations where when the media broadcasts a hurricane, the information is “played up.” The meteorologists say things like-
“This has the possibility of being the largest natural catastrophe since before the beginning of time.”  Oh…please.
Excuse my detour into sarcastic humor.
I will stay on task. 

Once the information is released, several things happen:
  1. Pray-ers start declaring peace in the storm & the storm will be brought to naught, in the name of Jesus!
  2. The media hype continues until there is a “new threat” to report someplace else in the world.
  3. People began to talk about (speak...and speak...and speak) the “new catastrophe”. “Have you heard about _______?”
Ephesians 5:1 says, “Imitate God; therefore, in everything you do, in everything you do, in everything you do, because you are His dear children.” (Emphasis mine). Please allow me to explain. The scripture doesn’t say, “because you might be His dear children”…it says, "because you ARE His dear children, imitate Him in everything you do." I do not believe God sits in Heaven discussing how many dollars worth of damage the “current storm” is going to cost the U.S. Government; therefore, since we are His children and imitators of Him, neither should we.

Way back in Genesis 1, “God said”, and as a result of God saying, things happened. What should you do then? Please refer back to Ephesians 5:1.

Set before us is life and death, blessings & curses. 

He allows us to choose. We make the choice to bless or curse with every single thought, word and deed.  He encourages us to choose life! Let’s bring this home. We must be very watchful of what we think and say over our spouse, our children, our health, our finances, our church, our extended family and friends.

Do we confess:
The righteous man walks in his integrity, his children are blessed after him!
And then:
My kids are driving me up a wall!

May the LORD give me increase, more & more, me and my children!
And then:
I’m so broke, I can’t pay attention! I’m broke, my daddy was broke and my kids will be broke!

My children will also serve Him, our future generations will hear about the wonders of the LORD!
And then:
My kids won’t ever be born again...and that just makes me sick! 
What will become of this country when all these kids are running it?! 

Confessing God’s Word and confessing the opposite of His Word, is a house divided (to part, disunite, differ). To engage in spiritual warfare against your own self is unfruitful & will destroy a home/family. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Demolish defined is: to tear down completely, put an end to, to do away with completely (Dictionary by Farflex). 

My daddy use to say, “Don’t be talk’n outta both sides of your mouth.” Here's the translation:
1. Make a decision as to what you believe in. 
2. Stand by that decision with every thought, act, matter what the circumstance looks like at the time, especially the decision to speak life.
3. Summed up, don’t be a divided house (person).

We cannot afford to deceive ourselves, the words we speak are powerful.  Whatever we feed will grow (Unknown). The Word of God clearly tells us, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."(Gal. 6:7-9)

Jesus knows my thoughts! 
I think life! 
I speak life!
My house is not divided; therefore, my house will not be ruined. 
My house will stand!