Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Tiny Lightsaber

I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours. (Matthew 11:24, NLT)

We are currently renovating a rooftop apartment. Last night, we were at Lowes picking out tile, doors, windows, paint, etc.

Our youngest, Gracie, saw a light wand of some sort. A little trinket flash light that looks a lot like a tiny lightsaber. Gracie is a huge Star Wars fan. I saw her face as she inspected it. She turned it on. She turned it off. She turned it over. She turned it around. She inspected every aspect of the trinket.

I don't buy trinkets. She knew not to come to me. I have a rule. We don't buy something every time we go to the store.

But Daddy, Daddy blesses his baby girls! She said, "Poppa, can I please have this light? It's like a tiny light saber!" Daddy is also a Star Wars fan. He "gets" Gracie.

As we were walking out of Lowes, she was skipping across the parking lot (tiny lightsaber in tow) and grabbed my hand. She said, "When I saw the lightsaber, I prayed and asked God for it. I believed I would get it. And now I have it! Thank you Mommy!"

The tiny Lightsaber life lesson:


Key point:

She knew to ask her Father.

Since her father provided her with something as seemingly insignificant as a trinket, how much more does a perfect Father provide what we need! (Luke 11:13)

I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours. (Matthew 11:24, NLT) Even tiny light sabers.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No Trespassing!

Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. (Luke 10:19, NLT)

Sunday was our youngest daughter's birthday. To celebrate, we went to the Probowl game in Honolulu with friends. On our way to the game, we had to drop our dog off at our store. For some strange reason, doggie seats were not available at Probowl. Otherwise, I'm sure Bo would have thoroughly enjoyed himself as much as we did!

When we drove up in the parking lot of our store to drop Bo off, individuals had "set up shop" in our back door and was doing business. Literally, complete with bed, full length mirror, etc. 

I have never seen Mike get real forceful (verbally or otherwise). He is a very quiet, gentle, compassionate man; however, he is a Texan to his core and has very deep ideas of what is right or wrong. He drove right up to the "hooch" (that was a new word for me) and put the car in park. He ripped the tarp back and...well, lets just say everyone on the block knew he was not playing around when he said, "Get out!"  He turned to me and said, "Call the police." At which time, people started to scatter. 

There was one person who, lets do I describe this...stalled in leaving. I'm sure street drugs were preventing this person from using common sense. 

The police arrived very quickly. (Mucho mahalos to the Honolulu Police Department!) Once the police cars arrived, there were no trespassers to be found in any direction. The police quickly took our report and searched for the people to insure there was no misunderstanding they were to never trespass on our property again. We were told we could dispose of all their property (approximately a small truck load). We assumed we would have to clean up the nasty mess but we decided to clean up later because we didn't want to be late to the game. 

We made it to the Probowl just in time for kickoff. Once the game was over, we went back to the store to get Bo. Obviously, the officers handling the case was very convincing because all the items had been removed and the area was totally spotless! Not even a piece of trash remained. 

Here is what I learned: When we walk in our God given authority, darkness scatters. 

Here is the analogy:

Mike knows he is the store owner. 
We must know who we are in Christ! (Luke 10:19)

Mike knew he had the authority to remove the trespassers. 
When darkness (strife/offense/envy/depression/murmering) attempts to trespass, we must use our authority and remove it! (Mark 11:23)

He boldly took the necessary steps to protect his store.
We must boldly approach God and seek His Word on how to take the necessary steps to protect our mind/mouth/home/relationships and Facebook pages! (Ephesians 3:12)

When one trespasser stalled, the HPD removed them. 
When we submit to God and resist the devil, he has no other option, he must flee! God rebukes the devourer for us! (James 4:7, Malachi 3:11)

My youngest daughter got upset when she saw the homeless man taking down his bed and tarp and said, "But Mommy, if CPR is a house to that homeless man, now he has nowhere to live!" We prayed for the trespassers and I explained, we tried to work out a deal with the man. He was to keep our parking lot clean of trash and debris and he was allowed to stay. But he continues to occupy more space. And the more we looked the other way. Initially, he only had one small corner in our parking lot. But left unchecked, he had his belongings strewn halfway across our parking lot and ended up completely blocking the door. 

Darkness operates the same way; for example, when strife attempts to rear it's ugly head, we can't look the other way. A "deal" can never be cut with darkness. If not addressed immediately, darkness continues to occupy more and more space until we adversely affect everyone we come into contact with. 

  • We must take every thought captive and refuse to sow discord! (2 Corinthians 10:5, Proverbs 6:16-19) 
  • We must shine our lights before man so our Heavenly Father is glorified! (Matthew 5:16) 
  • We must speak peace and life into every situation! (Romans 12:18, Deuteronomy 30:19)

When we pray, walk in authority and purpose to speak God's Word about every situation, darkness doesn't block the door, we block the door to darkness and protect what God has so richly blessed us with!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


But then Law came in, [only] to expand and increase the trespass [making it more apparent and exciting opposition]. But where sin increased and abounded, grace (God’s unmerited favor) has surpassed it and increased the more and superabounded, So that, [just] as sin has reigned in death, [so] grace (His unearned and undeserved favor) might reign also through righteousness (right standing with God) which issues in eternal life through Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) our Lord. (Romans 5:20  & 21, Amp)

There is currently much buzz about grace. Here is my take on Romans 5:20, 21. Are you ready?


Is that it, you may ask. Yep! How can grace be so simple? Here's how.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8, NKJV)

To me, the "grace message" is so obvious.

  • Would we sit on the sidelines of our financial investments and expect good fruit? 
  • Would we sit on the sidelines of our checking/savings account and expect good fruit?
  • Would we sit on the sidelines of our marriage and expect good fruit?
  • Would we sit on the sidelines of raising our children and expect good fruit?
  • Would we sit on the sidelines of our friendships and expect good fruit?

Ok, I know some do/would; however, always look at the fruit. It is simple math. 

John 15:5

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Last November, during a mainland trip to Missouri, we accompanied family and friends to the Sight and Sound Theatre in Branson and watched Joseph. The depiction of this classic was phenomenal!

Since that time, Joseph has been on my mind a lot. The bible tells us about the struggles Joseph faced. I wrote about that in a previous blog post, "In the Crack." You can read it at the link below.

While studying Joseph, I also learned he:

  • Was successful in everything. (Genesis 39:3)
  • Was handsome and well built. (Genesis 39:6)
  • Shown faithful love by God. (Genesis 39:21)
  • Was the prison warden's favorite and successful in prison. (Genesis 39:23)
  • Was made ruler of Egypt, second only to the king. (Genesis 41:40)
  • Got married. (Genesis 41:45)
  • Became a father, twice. (Genesis 41:50)
  • Walked in unprecedented forgiveness. (Genesis 45:15)
  • Gave his family the best. (Genesis 45:18)

Did I mention, he went from prison to being second only to the king?
Joseph was so successful in everything he did because the Lord was with Him! (Genesis 39:2)

The Lord is with us too! (Zephaniah 3:17) As we study and meditate on His Word we will prosper and have good success! (Joshua 1:8 NLT)

My prayer for every reader today is to prosper as their soul prospers and to have good success in everything they set their hand to in the name of Jesus!

Please make this confession with me today!

Father God, I thank you for always being with me! I thank You for never leaving or forsaking me! Thank You for teaching me Your Word and giving me a heart to meditate on it day and night! It is because of You that I prosper in every area of my life! I thank You for my successful life, I know all good things comes from you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:10 NKJV)

One of my friends posted the following link on my Facebook, mahalo David Johnson, enjoy!

As I was watching the flowers pop open, it occurred to me, that is exactly what we look like when we received Jesus Christ as our Lord! (1 John 4:15) As He made us a new creation, we popped for the first time ever, we reached for The Son, and produced beauty! (2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 7:17)

I noticed one of the flowers in the video had a flower within a flower. As we continue to reach for Him daily, we continue to produce beauty to everyone who comes into contact with us shining our light before men glorifying our Father! (John 15:5, Matthew 5:16)

What about you? Have you "popped" yet and received Jesus? If not, I encourage you to today. Just repeat the following out loud with me.

Father God, I need you and Your Son, Jesus! I believe Jesus shed His precious blood on the cross for me! With all my heart I believe that You, God, raised Jesus from the dead! I accept Jesus as my Savior and according to You Word, I am born again! Thank You for your unlimited grace! Thank You for Your perfect plan for my life because You are perfect! Transform my life and make me new in the name of Jesus! (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 10:10, 2 Corinthians 5:17)

If you said that prayer for the very first time, welcome to the family! Get connected with a solid bible based church. If you need help in finding one, please let us know, mahalo!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Between a Rock and a Hard Place Moment

Bo, our dog, and I took a long walk on the property this morning that led us through the boat harbor. Part of our walk took us along a concrete wall that was about 2 feet wide. On our left was mud and tall prickly grass that cut our legs. On our right was a huge drop off and boat harbor water with who knows what underneath.

Bo doesn't like water. He stayed right next to me, continually brushing up against me as if to check in and feel safe.

As we walked on the concrete wall, I was reminded of the Israelites when they faced a "between a rock and a hard place" moment. The Red Sea was in front of them and Pharaoh's army was quickly approaching on the other side. (Exodus 14)

The Israelites cried out to the Lord and their leader, Moses. (Exodus 14:10, 11) Being in between this rock and a hard place, they tweaked on their leader and shouted accusations!
(Exodus 14:10-12)

A side note. If your marriage (or any relationship) is in between a rock and a hard place today, don't turn on your leader. Suit up and STAND! (Ephesians 16:13) As the saying goes, "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

Moses said, "A'ight, errrbody listen up! C'on now, don't anybody be skeered. Just stand. The Lord is about to show up and do battle. And these guys chasing us are about to be fish food. You see them now, but you will never see them again. So errrrbody, please just stay calm! (Exodus 14:13).

Then Moses, at some point, cried out to the Lord and the Lord tells Moses, "Don't cry, MOVE!" Or more specifically, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!" That'll preach! If you've been crying over a situation, stop squawking and do something!

Oftentimes I hear, "Well...the in control. He is gonna do what He wants to do. All I can do is try to pray." Followed up with a huge sigh and a head hung low while their thought process and their actions remain the same as it has for decades. That is a lazy, defeated, irresponsible, ignorant response to Him and His Word. (James 2:17)

Please allow me to challenge you today. Purposely commit to His Word (2 Timothy 21:5, 2 Timothy 3:16, 17) and "continually brush up" to Him in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! (Psalm 27:13) Light affliction, is but for a moment and is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory! (II Corinthians 4:17 NKJV)

When the Israelites were in between a rock (Red Sea) and a hard place (Pharaoh's Army) God delivered, just like He always does! (Psalm 34:19)

Are you facing a "Red Sea" on one side and a "Pharaoh's Army" on the other? Get up and move, do something because God is can show up with a "strong east wind"! He will unleash His mighty power! And you will be filled with awe! (Exodus 14:13-15, 21, 31 NLT)

Please make this confession with me.

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for being mighty to save! I thank You for saving me! You never said I wouldn't face adversity but You did tell me You would deliver me out of all of it! I thank You for always showing up and unleashing your mighty power in all situations that attempt to rise up against me and my family. You have filled me with awe of You! I love You, praise and worship You my mighty King! Thank You for all the "strong east winds" You have blown in my life so that I could walk through on dry land!

In no way is this an attempt to advise anyone to stay in an abusive/neglectful relationship. Nor it is an attempt to advise anyone to move out. Be led and allow wisdom to rule! (Psalm 143:10 and James 1:5)

Saturday, January 12, 2013


“So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. (Deuteronomy 11:18 NLT)

Our dog Bo, spent the last couple of weeks with family. He's back with us now and we've discovered some areas where he has to be retrained.

For example, he has been trained to walk on our right side. Which may not seem like a big deal, until he (with all of his 90+ pounds) decides to cut to the left right in front of us on a whim without prior warning. Can you say, screeching halt?

Another example, he has been trained to leave slack in the leash during our walks. Again, which may not seem like a big deal until he (with all of his 90+ pounds) has been pulling on my shoulder for over an hour. Can you say, where is the bio freeze?

When he does something that needs correction, I gently tug at his leash and give the correct word (command). We repeat this process for the desired result.

Today, as I was retraining him, I was reminded of God's Word. He gently tugs at us through His Word and shows us areas of correction when needed and gives us guidance. He leads us in a straight path! (Psalm 27:11)

My prayer for every reader today is to wholeheartedly commit to His life giving, life changing Word! And for us to continually be led by His gentle tugging. Thank You for guiding us Jesus!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Straight Ahead!

I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you. But we must hold on to the progress we have already made. (Philippians 3:12-16 NLT)

For Christmas, we bought a pair of remote control cars for our girls. They've had a great time buzzing their dolls all over the house in their miniature convertibles.

I was watching them play when I noticed, the cars whiz around in forward but in reverse they get slow down substantially and spin their wheels.

I thought, that is exactly why God tells us to forget the past and press on to what lies ahead! He doesn't want us getting tripped and spin our wheels.

In Proverbs 4:25-27, He tells us:

  • Look straight ahead!
  • Fix our eyes on what lies before us!
  • Mark out a straight path for our feet!
  • Stay on the safe path!
  • Don’t get sidetracked!
  • Keep your feet from following evil!

  • Look! Look where? Straight ahead! (Not deviating from what is usual or expected.)
  • Fix! Fix what? And where? We must fasten our physical and spiritual eyes securely on what lies before us!
  • Mark out! We must set boundaries to and delimit everything that keeps our feet from a straight path!
  • Stay! Stay where? In His Word!
  • Purposefully refuse to be sidetracked. Let's pause for a moment. At times, it can be seemingly minor circumstances that side tracks us. (Solomon 2:15) A cranky kiddo, a rude comment on Facebook, computer problems. Trust me, this month, I know all about computer problems. It is critical for us to immediately recognize when we are tempted to get sidetracked and fix our eyes on the things that are eternal, thank Him for progress, and keep our feet from evil!

Wow, His goodness never ceases to amaze me. He tells us how to map out our daily life! He has given us everything we need for life and godliness! (2 Peter 1:3)

My prayer for every reader today is to immediately recognize when we are tempted to get sidetracked, then immediately get back on track looking straight ahead and fixing our eyes on Him! I pray we purposefully mark out our path, setting boundaries that keep us on His straight path, in the name of Jesus!

Please say this out loud and make it your confession with me today
We are not looking back, we are pressing on and praising Him for the progress we've made!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

In the Crack

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor. (James 4:10, NLT)

Last week, we flew from the Big Island to Oahu. After getting our rental car and while driving away from the airport, I looked up at an overpass and saw a beautiful, colorful, bush, growing in the crack of the overpass. The picture below doesn't really show how pretty and colorful the bush was but it does give you an idea of its surroundings.

The bush was not only living in the crack but was thriving in the hard place, surrounded (on all sides except one and the top) by concrete. I couldn't see any soil and I couldn't figure out it's root system. I could see, it was positioned to receive a lot of sun. I pondered that for quite a while and I was reminded of Joseph, the man with the coat of many colors.

His brothers:
Hated him. (Genesis 37:4)
Hated him some more. (Genesis 37:5)
Hated him all the more. (Genesis 37:8)
Threw him in a pit. (Genesis 37:22)
Sold him into slavery. (Genesis 37:28)

Was falsely accused of rape by (of all people) his master's wife. (Genesis 39:14)
Thrown in prison. (Genesis 39:20)
Forgotten about. (Genesis 40:23)
Wept loudly. (Genesis 45:2)

Like the bush, Joseph experienced life in the crack (hard place).

Hard decisions are never easy to make.

When Joseph's life was in the hands of his brothers, they intended evil. But when the life of his brothers was in the hands of Joseph, he made the decision to not only forgive them, but went further and kept them from starving. That's some powerful character right there.

Have you ever been in the crack (hard place)? Like Joseph, you are not alone. The Lord is with you. (Genesis 39:2).

If you are currently in a hard place, position yourself to receive a lot of the Son! He will make you succeed in all you do! (Genesis 39:2)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Some Days...

Some days, I don't want to write encouraging blog posts. Some days, I just want to forget everything I'm supposed to do and do whatever I feel like doing. Some days, I want to jump on the whining band wagon and "let'er fly"!

Today, I feel like griping and complaining. Yesterday was an extremely rough day. It started out great but quickly went south when I had to deal with some very serious work issues and then some extended family issues. And even though I spent most of the day in prayer (literally), things continued to go south until late last night. Wave upon wave. Smack upon smack. Knock upon knock. Well, I'm sure you've had those days so you get what I mean.

But then I'm reminded, I am in this world but not of it. I WILL NOT CONFORM! (Romans 12:2)

And I'm reminded, I live by what I know not by what I see or what I'm told! What do I know? Faith, Faith, and more faith! (2 Corinthians 5:7)

I'm also reminded not to complain about anything but with thanksgiving, prayer and supplication, make my requests known to Him! (Philippians 4:6)

For today's purposes, that's my version of Philippians 4:6. Other versions read, "anxious, worry, be careful for, be nothing solicitous (I found that one to be interesting and fun!). Complaining is often the result of being anxious, being filled with care, worrying, and being solicitous. (I am having so much fun with today's blog post!)

Last November, the LORD spoke to me and said, "Today is a new day. I make all things new."

Some days, He makes new things newer; for example, the days when everything is great (quite unlike my yesterday) and we wake up the next morning and can see...He is still making all things new!

Some days, He makes old things new; for example, the days when everything was like my yesterday but we wake up the next morning and can see...He is still making all things new!

Who God is and what He does is not affected by our circumstances.

He is always:
Good! (Psalm 100:5)
Present! (Hebrews 13:5)
The Same! (Hebrews 13:8)

Even though yesterday ended like it did, I continue to trust Him because I know that I know that I know, no matter how things look, He promised me, "Today is a new day. He makes all things new!"

My prayer for every reader today is to refuse to conform to the ways of the world and be continually transformed by the renewing of our mind! Refuse to walk by what we see and hear but continually and persistently walk by faith! Refuse to murmur and complain but in everything, everything, everything, make our requests known to God our Father with thanksgiving and praise! We thank You Father for always being so good to us! We thank You for always being with us! And we thank You for being our Rock, always being the same in an ever changing world! You are worthy of all our praise!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] (Matthew 11:28 AMP)

Generally, I am the first one in our household who is awake every morning. Last night, many of our neighbors were ringing in the New Year and didn't run out of fireworks until after 2:00 a.m. so today, I overslept.

We gave our two youngest girls remote control Barbie cars for Christmas. That statement soon ties in.

My youngest woke me up by peeking in my bedroom door. She was so cute with her silly smile and disheveled bed head.

She crawled into bed with me and we had the following conversation.

Gracie: Mommy, I was driving my car and I accidentally bumped into Sissy's car.
Me: I'm sure everything is ok.
Gracie: Mommy, Sissy got mad at me and screamed, "Stop it!"
(Which led me to believe perhaps it wasn't an accident and there was a possibility she repeatedly rammed the cars.)
Me: Did you apologize?
Gracie: Well, that is a good idea but instead something else just accidentally fell right out of my mouth...
Me: And what would that be?
Gracie: Sissy, your car is the stupidest car I've ever seen!

I held her in my arms and told her we would fix everything. She laid her head on my chest, smiled a huge grin, and did the "Gracie twinkle toes shuffle". Which is quickly shifting her feet back and forth when she is really happy and has an energy burst.

All this reminded me of when I crash, sometimes accidentally and sometimes intentionally followed up by things falling out of my mouth. I can always crawl up next to my Father and He always fixes everything! (Psalms 54:4 NKJV)

Have you crashed?
Have things just accidentally fallen out of your mouth?

Go to Him, He will refresh your soul!