Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life. (John 8:12, NLT)

Lighting. It's critical to many things, one of which, putting on makeup.

Putting on makeup in a dimly lit room will yield completely different results than putting on make up in a perfectly lit room.

Putting on make-up in a dimly lit room yields:

Missing foundation/eye shadow, etc. In a spot, or two...or three.
Too much blush here and there.
Eyeliner not exactly where it's supposed to be.

Putting on makeup outside on our lanai where the sun shines yields totally different results because I can see more clearly and apply what needs to go where.

The same is true in every day life. When we operate in a life that is dimly lit (void of The Light, Jesus) spots in our lives are missed, we get too much of something or the other, and our lives are just not exactly where they are supposed to be.

When we spend time with Jesus and allow the Son to shine on us, our daily life yields much greater results!

  • love
  • joy
  • peace
  • forbearance
  • kindness
  • goodness
  • faithfulness
  • gentleness
  • self-control

(Galatians 5:22 & 23)

What's your "lighting" like today?

Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus, our Light! We follow Him in every circumstance and thank You for The Light that leads to life in excessive abundance!

(John 10:10)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Minor Distractions

Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil. (Proverbs 4:25-27, NLT)

I took Bo, our dog, running this morning. Bo really, really likes cats. But not in the agape sense. 

As we were walking down the traffic side of the side walk at CPR (our store, Central Pacific Rebuilders), he became distracted by a cat. He ran out in the middle of Nimitz. For those of you who do not know, Central Pacific Rebuilders sits at the corner of Nimitz and Mokauea, which is a very busy intersection in Honolulu.

Thankfully, the light was red and there currently was no vehicles coming his direction; however, there was a huge truck at the red light waiting for a green light. Behind the large truck was a line of cars and trucks, bumper to bumper, three lanes of traffic.

As you can imagine, the cat was a minor distraction compared to the large truck and line of traffic waiting for a green light. Thankfully, I was able to get his attention and get him off the road before the light turned green. 

Deep cleansing breath.

Immediately, well immediately after my deep cleansing breath, it occurred to me how critical it is for us not to be distracted with anything and maintain our focus on everything God has called us to do. Oftentimes, the enemy will throw a "cat" in front of us distracting us from the "large truck, line of cars, bumper to bumper, and three lanes of traffic" that is headed our way. (1 Peter 5:8)

As we seek first Him first kingdom (Matthew 6:33) we can insure we never get distracted!

Thank God for those who He has placed in our lives, standing on the "sidewalk', praying for us, screaming our name, and calling us back before the truck gets the green light.

Are you distracted by a "cat"? Refocus right now and stay on a straight path!

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I refocus my life right now and release all distraction. Please forgive me for focusing on distraction instead of mediating on You, Your life giving Word, and Your unfailing love. Thank You for gently bringing me back to the path You have set before me. You are good and Your unfailing love and mercy endures forever! Thank You for loving me enough to guide me straight back to You and every good work You have called me to do! I love You Lord! I am grateful for Your and Your call on my life. Thank You for equipping me!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rough Conditions

Count it all joy because He has given us all we need for life and godliness lacking no good thing! (James 1:2-4, 2 Peter 1:3, and Psalm 34:10) 

When I woke up today and looked outside, I saw rain clouds and heard the wind blowing. Immediately, I knew, today will not be perfect conditions for stand up paddling.  

Please allow me to explain, I really like glassy conditions. Glassy conditions are peaceful. Rough conditions…not so much.

I really wanted to go paddling so I sucked it up and went. As soon as I unloaded my board, a friend and fellow (seasoned) paddler said, "It's rough today, stay close to shore." I listened to him because he has paddled way more than I have. And he had already been out. So he has "been there". 

As I paddled in the rough water, against the wind, I envisioned my heart, lungs, and core getting stronger. I was actually joyful during the "fight". Not exactly the conditions I would've chosen for myself; however, I made a conscious choice to mediate on the advantages instead of meditating on all the disadvantages.

The wind was blowing me around and the water was bumpy but I saw something I had never seen before while on the water. I saw three water spouts. They were very small (Approximately three feet in height and approximately fifteen feet from me.) but big enough to knock me off my board if they got too close. 

I reached for my phone (in it's waterproof case) because I thought, "What a great video!" Then wisdom kicked in and I thought, "Ok, if the turbulence from the water spout knocks me off my board, I most likely need my paddle, not my camera in my hand." And, I really didn't want to see my phone drown.

The first two water spouts went past me from a safe distance.  I looked up and the third water spout was headed straight for me. Wisdom kicked in again and I thought, "I do not want to get caught in that"...although, in hindsight,  it would make for a great story if accompanied by video. Perhaps it's time for me to invest in a Go Pro Cam! 

Back to the waterspout. I didn't want to get beat up today. I just wanted to paddle. So I looked at the spout directly in front of me and I said, "You may NOT come near me in the name of Jesus." 

True story...the water spout immediately changed course and turned away from me, passing me from a safe distance.

I've said it before, I'll say it again…stand up paddling is a lot like every day life. 
  • Some days are perfect conditions. 
  • Other days are rough conditions. 
Thank God who has given us our friends, and apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers who have gone before us. They've "been there" and as we heed their advice, we walk in wisdom and stay "close to shore" not being blown out to sea. (Proverbs 27:9, Ephesians 4:11)

Thank God for spiritual authority and for teaching us to speak to the "mountain" and/or water spouts. (Luke 10:19, Mark 11:23)

Thank God for teaching us to count it all joy when (notice that verse does not say, if) we experience rough times because of His promises to work all things for our good. And since He be for us, who can be against us? (James 1:2-4, Romans 8:28, Romans 8:31)

What are your conditions like today?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Struggling to Understand

From time to time, I ask friends and family to write a blog post. Enjoy today's post from my oldest daughter, Cortni Mechaney. As an intercessor, she pours out her heart for hurting people like the people in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing. Please join us in praying for these people, our nation, and our nation's leaders. Mahalo

When I heard about what happened in Boston I struggled to understand. Why? Why do people want to hurt other people? This is something I don't understand and probably never will.

Yesterday, I read about the runners going to give blood. I also read about how the medical responders did such an amazing job. I was reminded to be thankful. Thankful to live in America, thankful for selfless people.

This morning as I read more about the bombings and learned we do not know who did it and nothing is being done but an investigation I became angry. This is America the greatest nation, our people have been attacked, so somebody please do something.

I got in my car to drive to work still frustrated but continuously praying. On the radio, they mentioned the deaths and the injuries. As I fought back the tears, I became overwhelmed with grief. God spoke to me and said, "I am hurting too." I had to think about that for a second. These people are not my friends, they are not my family, they are mere strangers that my heart breaks for. These people are God's friends, they are Gods family.

How much more does He love us than any earthly person?

God's simple statement of "I am hurting too" lets me know we are not alone, not now, and not ever. I pray for those affected by this tragedy, and my faith rises up because I am a child of the One True King.

Cortni Mechaney

John 11:35
Deuteronomy 31:6
Romans 12:15
Galatians 3:26
Ephesians 4:30
Revelation 19:16
Matthew 7:11
John 10:10

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. (1 Peter 5:8-9, AMP)

This morning I took an amazing opportunity to go Stand Up Paddling; hence, the SUP.

Conditions were perfect: cool tropical breezes, water was smooth like glass, sun was rising up over the Koolau Mountain Range. Ohhh yeaaa, perfect conditions!

As I paddled, I realized, Stand Up Paddling is a lot like every day life.

We've got to stay balanced. If we get scared and look down (look at current circumstance), we lose our balance and fall. We have to look fix our eyes forward (to Jesus and what lies ahead), press onward to our prize! (Hebrews 12:1-2)

This is the deal my friends, the world has a million ways to eat our lunch every single day but as we stay balanced (prayer, staying in His Word, communion with Him) we smoothly paddle on!

What'SUP with you today?