Friday, August 30, 2013


When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God. But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.  Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another. (Galatians 5:19-26, NLT)

Last night I had a dream about excavating. In the natural, I know very little about excavating. In fact, I know next to nothing about the subject. I can use common sense to piece together how it might work but I don't even know the name of the heavy equipment that would be used in excavations so please bear with me as I try to explain the dream. 

I saw top soil that was dry, hard, and rocky. Then I saw a big excavating machine, like heavy machinery, digging down and pulling up dark, rich soil. The bucket on the machine would dig deep down through the top of the ground, then slowly pull it's contents up as bugs, roots, and rocks fell out of the bucket. Underneath was pure, fresh, life giving, mineral and nutrient filled soil that would be used to grow life!

One definition for excavate provided by Free Online Dictionary states, "to remove by digging" and "remove earth carefully and systematically from an area in order to find buried remains".

Once we received Jesus, we were given a new heart and a new spirit! Our stony, stubborn heart was taken out. Now we have a tender, responsive heart. (Ezekiel 36:26) We may not have known that prior to today. We may not have been taught that prior to today. We may have been taught that but forgot about it. But today is a new day! Now we've heard it, seen it in His Word, and now we do it because we are wise! We immediately begin practicing what we learn, never to return to yesterday! (James 1:22, Isaiah 43:18, 19)

As we allow the Holy Spirit to systematically remove rocks (sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these)
from our lives, what is left is pure, fresh, life giving, mineral and nutrient filled soil (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)!

He is the vine and we are the branches. We remain in Him, producing much fruit. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. Today is a new day. We've been taught the Word, we abide in Him, and we produce much fruit because He is teaching us to number our days and we are gaining a heart of wisdom! (James 1:22, Psalm 90:12)

We practically apply this to our daily lives in the following manner. When we are tempted to be hostile, we crucify that by producing gentleness. When we are tempted to quarrel, we nail that temptation to the cross and we replace quarreling with kindness! When we are tempted to operate in dissension, we refuse to feed the lustful nature. Instead we operate in the Spirit and pursue peace! (Psalm 34:14)

Brother Kenneth E. Hagin gives powerful advice in his book, Growing Up Spiritually. He writes about sitting at a table with his son and a pastor, when the pastor, "got to talking about some of the church members, airing some of their faults and failures.." Brother Hagin responded with, "I would rather you'd curse in front of him." (Hagin's son) "That wouldn't register on him." But for the twelve years I pastored, he always thought every member we ever had was an angel." "They weren't-any more than all his members were." "He never heard his parents say one word about any deacon, Sunday School teacher, superintendent, or church member. You need to be careful what you say around children, and other people as well." 

Interesting side note: 

In 2 Timothy 3:16 through 17 we are taught, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

I believe it is important to deeply examine the fact that, sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, drunkenness, wild parties, are all clumped together in the same passage as hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy…….and other sins like these.

That's food for thought and a whole other blog post. 

Most loving, faithful, and gracious Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we welcome You to come and excavate our hearts and our lives! Thank You for this wonderful new day, a new day to abide in You producing much fruit! Thank You for removing the rocks in our lives and replacing them with pure, fresh, life giving, mineral and nutrient filled soil! Instead of producing rocks, we shall produce life! We are hearing and doing Your teachings and we are gaining wisdom! We are building our homes on our Solid Rock! We operate in Your law of love completely excavating all religious law. We belong to You Christ Jesus and we have nailed the passions and desires of our sinful nature to the cross and crucified them there! We live by Your Spirit and we follow the Spirit's leading in every part of our lives! We are never conceited and we do not provoke one another! We continually stand amazed by You, King of all Kings, Jesus! 

Matthew 7:24:29
Galatians 5:19-26, NLT

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Crisis Pregnancy

See what [an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are! The reason that the world does not know (recognize, acknowledge) us is that it does not know (recognize, acknowledge) Him. Beloved, we are [even here and] now God’s children; it is not yet disclosed (made clear) what we shall be [hereafter], but we know that when He comes and is manifested, we shall [as God’s children] resemble and be like Him, for we shall see Him just as He [really] is. (1 John 3:1,2)

Last week, I stopped by to catch up with a friend who works at a Crisis Pregnancy Center. It had been a while since I had seen her and she lives out of the way so I stopped by her office because I drive by the center on my way home.

I had my two youngest girls with me, ages eight and ten. It didn't even occur to me we had never discussed a crisis pregnancy nor did it occur to me they would even read the sign.

After leaving the center, on the way to the car, my ten year old seemed very distracted. I asked if she was alright. She sadly said, "Mom, how can a pregnancy ever be a crisis?" 

I must say, I was nearly floored by her comment as well as her demeanor. 
I must also say, I'm so thankful she will never know the fall out of being unwanted by her parents.

This is not a stab at abortion, or medical professionals who perform them. 
This is a bold statement to decree and declare to you, two undeniable, impenetrable, absolute truths.
  1. God loves you. (John 3:16)
  2. God has such an amazing quality of love, He loves you and calls you His child! 
If you have been told or if you've found out, you were/are not wanted by:
  • your earthly parent(s)
  • a spouse
  • a friend

Today, that all changes along with all the baggage that accompanies it because the Creator of Heaven and earth wants you, loves you, and calls you His child!

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for every reader in this situation today. I thank You for taking what the enemy intended for harm and working all things together for good for those who love You! I thank You for causing them to triumph in Your perfect plan for their lives! I thank You for being strong in their weakness and I thank You for sending Your word and healing and rescuing them! Thank You for giving me the boldness to proclaim, "It is finished!" because I do not waver! I am not tossed to and fro! I ask You and You do anything for me because of Your great love for us! 

Please make this confession out loud with me.

"Independent of who wants me and doesn't want me on this earth, I am thankful God wants me! The enemy intends rejection to harm me but he is a liar and I thank God for working all things together for my good! I praise God who causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus! When I am weak, God is strong! God sent His Word and healed me of everything that attempts to rise up against me. I thank God, no weapon formed against me shall prosper! I thank God He never leaves or forsakes me and enables me to be strong and courageous! THANK YOU KING JESUS!"

Genesis 50:20
Romans 8:28
2 Corinthians 2:14
Jeremiah 29:11
Psalm 107:20
Isaiah 54:17
John 8:44
John 14:14
James 1:6
Deuteronomy 31:6

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The View Up Here!

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. (1 Corinthians 13:7-8, AMP)

I had a dream last night about how we view ourselves. In the dream, I saw an extremely beautiful woman who was very educated, experienced, and wealthy. She consistently operated with a pure heart in all her relationships, personal and professional. She was very gentle, giving, always quick to help others, and she was one who refused to give up, ever. She viewed others through a love filter but she did not view herself through the same filter. She found it easy to give love but difficult to understand how someone could love her. 

The dream prompted me to attempt to explain the importance of viewing ourselves through the filter of love.

God is love, as a result He views us through the love filter. (1 John 4:8) 
The God kind of love. 

Not Hollywood love, or tabloid love (do people actually read those?), or romance novel love, 
or "reality" tv show love, 
or I love my kitty cat love or I love pizza love. 

True love is ever ready to believe the best of every person. (1 Corinthians 13:7-8). "Every person" includes ourselves. As born again believers, we are to imitate our Father. (Ephesians 5:1)

When we stumble, God sees through to our heart.  (Samuel 16:7) His love never fails, (Psalm 136:1) so in our best and worse times, He never changes nor does His great love for us. (Malachi 3:6) He loves us, not because of us, but because of Him. Because of who He is, love.

As we consistently view ourselves through the of unfailing love "filter", we become perfected by love. (Ephesians 5:1, 1 John 4:8, John 15:1-14) 
As a result, we view those around us through eyes of unfailing love, even those the world has deemed unlovable. (John 15:5) 

As we are perfected in love (1 John 4:8) by fellowshipping with Love (1 John 4:8, Matthew 6:33) all fear and torment is cast out. God withholds nothing good from us and freely gives us all things! (Romans 8:32) The greatest of all is, love! (1 Corinthians 13:13) He freely gives us love! True love! Please refer back to the kitty cat love comment.

Please allow me to make a bold statement about the most basic truth. It's so simple and broken down, it seems like it needs to go unsaid. But let's lay this foundational truth and move onto spiritual maturity. 
GOD. LOVES. YOU!!! (John 3:16)

Say it, "GOD. LOVES ME!!!" Receive it by faith. Speak it out loud every time you think of it. And if it isn't already currently in your heart, saturating every cell of who you are, it will! (Galatians 6:9) 

Now that we've established how to love ourselves through the love filter, let's address how we consistently view others through the love filter. How do we handle every person and every circumstance insulated with the love filter? 

Before thinking/speaking/acting/texting/tweeting/posting on Facebook, we run it through the love filter. (2 Corinthians 10:5) If we can't filter a person or a circumstance with love, we wait, we spend time with our Father, and then we move forward in love. (Galatians 5:22, 23) 

If we cannot move forward in love, we do not move.

Does it feel good to bash something/someone via conversation/action/social media? Yep, sure does, if we are feeding the flesh. We each individually decide what dominates us. (Galatians 5:16)

What about the ones who are acting out of control? What about the ones who deserve a good gigging? What about when we feel like gig'n 'em up like we would a frog? What about the ones who are having flesh fits against us? 

We do not gig 'em. No, we imitate our Father by blessing them and we pray for them because of love. We walk in forgiveness and if we can help them in any way, we give. We pursue peace and guard our hearts. We maintain a Heavenly perspective and be willing to believe the best. (Romans 5:8, Luke 6:38, Ephesians 5:1, Luke 6:28, John 14:15,John 14:21, Psalm 34:14, Proverbs 4:23, Ephesians 2:6, 1 Corinthians 13:7-8) We walk in peace and patience, allowing them time and allowing the Holy Spirit time to guide them into all truth.  There is a time for everything and we must remember, our timing doesn't rule. (John 14:27, Hebrews 6:12, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2 Peter 3:8, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Psalm 90:12) And we remain vigilant in being more aware of our Heavenly seat than our earthly seat. (Ephesians 2:6) 

Well done, good and faithful servant! It's celebration time! (Matthew 25:23)
Until that day comes:
Well done, and welcome to life in excessive abundance! (John 10:10)

I thank God and I thank my friends and family for allowing the Holy Spirit time to guide me into all truth! I've pulled some major doozies in my life and I've had to apologize…a lot, but thank God for friends and family who love God and keep His commands so when I clean up my messes, I am met with open arms and love!

But what about those who are not willing to meet us with open arms when either they or we mess up? 

We shall walk in the awareness of our Heavenly seat!

I often speak and write about maintaining the balance. Balance must be kept while applying the love filter to ourselves. When (please notice that is when and not if) someone brings to our attention of a matter we may be struggling with and need to address, we must keep an open heart and a teachable spirit. Please be prepared, at times things are brought to our attention and delivered out of love. It may even come through the voice of a child. (Luke 18:17) Or someone who hardly knows us. Or someone who knows us very well. Or someone we respect so much, we would never want to disappoint them. Independent of how it is brought to our attention, independent of their motivation, use it as a tool and watch God work all things together for our good. (Romans 8:28) Take it to God in prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. (John 16:13) Seek trusted biblical godly counsel. (Psalm 37:30,31) We are in the process of growing into spiritual maturity so we study and show ourselves approved! (2 Timothy 2:15) We get wisdom and understanding! (Proverbs 4:5) We confess all sin and He cleanses us! (1 John 1:9) We never reject knowledge and will not be destroyed! (Hosea 4:6) We are not a people who strain a gnat and swallow a camel! (Matthew 23:24)

The "ditch side"...dun-dun-dunnnnnn! What if a close friend or relative comes to us and says, "Hey, lets go rob a bank!" Enabling others to do any kind of wrong is not walking love. God raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the Heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. Seated in the Heavenlies, we do not wrongly divide the word of truth. No, we rightly divide the word of Truth! (Ephesians 2:6, 2 Timothy 2:15)

Father, as we all embark on this new season in You, this phenomenal season of a deeper revelation of Love…I thank You and praise You for your great love! 

When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the You, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from Your glorious, unlimited resources You will empower us with inner strength through Your Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in our hearts as we trust in Him. Our roots will grow down into God’s love and keep us strong! And may we have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep Your love is!  May we experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully! Then we will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from You, God! Now all glory to God! Who is able, through Your mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think! Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen!!! (Ephesians 3:14-21)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Passenger Excitement!

For the Lord Himself will come down from Heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, NLT)

I always have so much fun traveling on inter-island flights between the Hawaiian Islands. The plane is always buzzing with excitement as tourists are amazed at being in Hawaii. Some people who come here have saved and waited for most of their lives just to visit the Hawaiian Islands. Some are staring and pointing out the windows at the beauty of paradise while others are looking over maps trying to get their bearings while others are busy asking locals questions wanting insider information. 

It always prompts me to think about how exciting it is going to be when we see Jesus coming! Can you imagine that day? I sure can and think about it often! Some have waited most of their lives just to see Jesus coming from Heaven with a shout! Some will be staring and pointing at the awesomeness of Jesus while others try to get their bearings while others ask questions wanting information.

Every night when I go to bed, I think…"Well, Jesus didn't come today, hopefully we will see Him coming tomorrow." Jesus is coming soon! I shout, "Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20)

What will you do when you see Jesus coming down from Heaven with a shout? If I'm able, I want to dance like king David danced, but I may just stand still in awe. Until we see Him coming, may the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you! (Revelation 22:21)

Have you accepted Jesus? If not, I encourage you to receive Him now. He came so that we can have life and have it in excessive abundance! (John 10:10) Make the decision today to make Him Lord of your life! Eternal life starts now! If you want to receive Jesus, please contact us by emailing us at and will be help you. We will also help you connect with a bible based church near you. If you feel uncomfortable contacting us, we highly suggest for more information. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Know the Drill

For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to do what is right. Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong. (Hebrews 5:13-14, NLT)

My girls have been traveling since they were three months old. Currently, they are eight and ten years old. When they were younger, I had to instruct them how to maneuver through airports. I taught them how to stay hydrated, take advantage of every bathroom location, keep an eye on the monitors for flight changes, locate departure gates, and how to successfully get through security screenings.

On one occasion while in the Kauai airport, my scuba dive computer (which also serves as my watch) caused me to alert TSA and experience a pat down. I cannot define the joy of the experience as Mikea loudly protested with all the drama she could muster up, "She's innocent, she is innocent!" Although I found her antics quite amusing, the TSA agent did not. Thankfully, now Mikea understands there is a time and place for everything. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Through training, she now now skilled to know what to do…and what not to do, when dealing with TSA.

Helpful hint: TSA pat down is not the time for joking.

Traveling with an eight and ten year old is a whole lot easier than it was back when I had my baby in the front pack, while wearing a back pack full of baby supplies, and pushing my toddler in a stroller. I no longer have to instruct my girls step by step on airport travel. Through training, experience, and maturity they know the drill. Much in the same way, as we study God's Word, we grow from "milk to solid food" every day bringing us closer to knowing the drill (spiritual maturity). 

Traveling with an infant may be difficult, but that never kept me grounded. While my girls were infants, I front packed one, carried what they needed in my backpack, and pushed the other one in her stroller. Thankfully, I am not currently front packing an eight year old, they no longer need a backpack full of diapers, and I'm not pushing a ten year old in a stroller. But I didn't expect them to get out of the front pack, diapers, or stroller before the time had come. On the other side of that coin, I certainly taught them when and how to get out of the front pack, diapers, and stroller as they matured

It is through training that spiritual infants gain the skill  to know the difference between right and wrong. Spiritual infants must be taught how to stay well hydrated (John 4:14, John 7:37--38), take advantage of every bathroom location to dump what needs to be dumped…no pun intended, (Matthew 6:14, Luke 17:1), keep an eye on the monitors for flight changes, (Matthew 24:4), locate the gate (John 14:6), and how to easily get through security screenings (Matthew 24:42).

Lord God, thank You for calling us out of darkness into Your marvelous Light! Thank You for being forever faithful toward us and never slack! Thank You for surrounding us with favor as a shield! And thank You so much for placing the spiritual mature in our path to give us milk and then solid food at Your appointed time. And thank You for teaching us to not only hear but do what as Your Word instructs us. I pray for every reader right now, both the believers on milk and solid food. May the ones on milk rise up and receive training becoming skilled. May the ones on solid food be strong in You and the power of Your might! And may we all walk in everything You have called us to walk in, and never grow weary in doing good. I pray all these things in Your Son's name and I thank You for all things You are working right now together for our good!

1 Peter 2:9
2 Peter 3:9
James 5:16
Ephesians 6:10
Galatians 6:9
Romans 8:28

Monday, August 19, 2013

Hawaiian Ipu

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26, NLT)

Over the weekend, we attended a really great ancient Hawaiian Cultural Festival. The festival offered lei making, canoe paddling, hula, Hawaiian music, and ipu making.

Gracie decided she wanted to make an ipu so we got in line to pick out a gourd. For more information on the Hawaiian ipu, please click the link below. It is very interesting.

Once she picked out her gourd, we received instruction on how to clean it which involved going to the shoreline, filling it one-fourth full with sand and three-fourths full of salt water, then swishing the salt water/sand mixture around in the gourd, emptying it, then repeating the process. And then repeating the process, and then repeating the process…and…then…repeating….the…process.

This process took well over an hour and it wasn't an easy process. I was wearing new white shorts on a black sand beach so I had to make sure sand and water didn't come into contact with my shorts. We were bent over for a long period of time (we didn't bring a beach chair). We dealt with wave after wave pushing us around. We were in a cove like area with ocean on one side and a huge hill on the other so it was quite hot. Plus, we were on summer break, working this hard was not on my radar! I was thinking more along the lines of sand and sun while laying in a hammock!

Several times,  Gracie grew tired of the process, took the gourd back to her teacher for inspection and was told, "Just a little more." We had to insure all the inside contents of the gourd was washed out; otherwise, it would rot and be useless.

Over two hours later, the time had finally come and the gourd was completely cleaned out on the inside. Gracie had finally earned her scraping tool which was a coconut husk. She was sent back to the shoreline to use the saltwater/sand mixture and the husk to remove all loose particles from the outside of the gourd. 

Once the inside had been cleaned, the outside cleaning was extremely easy.

Cleaning the inside took well over two hours while cleaning the outside took approximately ten minutes. Once the outside was cleaned, Gracie's teacher congratulated her on a job very well done, wiped down her gourd with coconut oil, then taught her how to tie string on the outside so that we could hang it up and display her beautiful ipu. 

About two hours into the cleaning process I thought, "Man…I am so thankful God didn't make it this difficult for us to become one of His kids! He just gave us a new heart and put a new spirit in us! Thank God for sending Jesus!"

Dear most gracious and loving Heavenly Father, thank You for saving us by Your grace, thank You for Your miraculous gift! (Ephesians 2:8) Thank You for giving us a new heart and putting a new spirit in us! (Ezekiel 36:26) Thank You,  when we became ingrafted in Jesus, You made us a new creation, a new creation altogether! The old passed away and behold, fresh and new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17) You are such a giving God, and we thank You for You, Your Son, Your Holy Spirit and thank You for leading and guiding us into all truth!

Gives: Freely transfer the possession of something to someone. Thanks Google!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Blackberry Patch Lessons

From time to time, we are blessed by a guest blog post. Enjoy the following by one of my sweetheart girlfriends, Shila Barker. Every summer, she picks blackberries then sends me mouth watering pictures of her bountiful harvest. 

Now THAT is a fine looking blackberry!

Recently she excitedly shared with me about what God had shown her in her blackberry patch.

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5, NLT)

I learned something in the berry patch today. We can think about fruit, talk about fruit, and plan for fruit all year long; but, if the vine or the connection to the vine isn't healthy, the fruit just won't produce. Connection to the vine is crucial. 

Pruning out unfruitful weeds (distractions, life sucking attachments) is absolutely necessary or even with the best intention, fruit won't produce properly. 

I am so thankful for a vine that is continually faithful to feed and nurture the branches where fruit almost effortlessly produces because of the massive love that flows through the vine!

In Him,
Shila Barker

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Chemical Reactions

Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” (Psalm 126:2, ESV)

Today in homeschool, we learned about chemical reactions. We concocted a recipe and once we added the last component, our mixture boiled over and out of our bottle as squeals and laughter ensued!

The experiment reminded me of one my best girlfriends, Bambi! When we met, we just clicked and it was like we had always known each other. She's a Texas girl so we "get" each other. We spend a lot of time together and once she is in the mix, there's a lot of boiling over as squeals and laughter ensue…as is evidenced in this picture!

"Hey Genice, watch this AND take a pic!" SPLAT...SPLASH! Ohhhh, that's gonna leave a mark...hahahaha!

She also teaches me how to paddle Texas girl style! 
She is a divine connection, truly a gift from God. She came into my life during a very confusing, difficult, discouraging time. She consistently spoke clarity over me, gave me solid counsel filled with anointing, spoke the Word over me, produced good treasure, but most of all, she made me laugh…and laugh…and laugh, until we saw victory! (Psalm 37:30, 31, Luke 6:45, Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10)

Not every connection in our lives result in this kind of reaction. I don't get this "reaction" from all people. I'm sure some people in my life have found it easier to love me from afar. That's ok, at times, wisdom says love from a distance.

The Lord laughs! (Psalm 2:4) Today, make a date with a best girlfriend and imitate the Lord as much as possible! Well, unless you are male…in that case, well…hopefully there rest goes unsaid!

Father, thank You for creating friendships and thank You for sending friendships to us at precisely the right time, all in Your perfect timing. Thank You for like minds to share all the great things You have done and continue to do in our lives! I pray for friendships for every reader right now, may we always be watchful to honor, love, and bless those friends who You so graciously place in our path. Thank You for all good things!

Homeschoolers, our recipe is below:

5 drops food coloring
2 tablespoons warm water
1 squirt dish soap
1 teaspoon yeast
1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide

Place ingredients in a small bottle, turn 'em out in the yard and ENJOY!

Monday, August 12, 2013


Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105, NLT)

If you've followed our blog for very long, you know we have a love for God's living Word. (Hebrews 4:12) And a love for reading! There are many great authors who expound on God's word and offer advice on how to practically apply the bible, teaching us how to live the abundant life!

It has been on my heart to share with you six books that have changed my life.  They are listed below. I have read, re-read, and re-read these books. God has used these authors and these books to change my life from daily defeat to daily victory!

  • Breaking the Cycle of Offense, Dr. Larry Ollison
  • Battlefield of the Mind, Joyce Meyer
  • God's Opinion of You, Dr. Terry Mize
  • The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman
  • Who Switched Off My Brain, Dr. Carolyn Leaf
  • Prayers that Avail Much, Germaine Copland

We highly suggest these books for living victoriously! Most of the books in this list may be found at and clicking the Lighthouse Bookstore tab. If you have any questions, about any of these books or authors please feel free to contact us at any time in the comments below or by emailing us at

Happy reading and happy living! Light be, in the name of Jesus!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Heavenly Perspective

For He raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the Heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:6, NLT)

A while back, I read a devotion by Dr. Bill Hanshew entitled, "Standing in the Shadow of a Man of God." You may find the link below.

Everyone should read the devotion because it is excellent training. Everyone should keep it close and re-read it to maintain that training. 

There are many great aspects of the devotion; however, the one that I have been meditating on is the overall chord running through the devotion (as well as Dr. Hanshew and this ministry) and that is, Heavenly Perspective.

No matter what storms may rage, above the storm we find, Heavenly perspective. Look through the dark clouds to Heavenly perspective. Every storm that rages in our lives can be fought through Heavenly perspective.

Heavenly Perspective = God's Perspective = God's Word (The Bible)

Offense…Matthew 18:15
Infertility… Deuteronomy 28:4
Marriage…Ephesians 5:22-33
Unruly children…Proverbs 22:6
Unbelief…1 John 5:14
Finances...Luke 6:38
Health...Isaiah 54:5
Battles…Ephesians 6:12
Manipulation...Matthew 24:4, Galatians 5:1, 
Gossip...Proverbs 29:19
"I don't know what to do."...Jeremiah 29:11 so 1 Peter 5:7
'I don't know what to say."…Ephesians 5:1 
"I can't, this is so hard."...Galatians 6:9

We could do this all day!

Our God, our Heavenly Father, the Creator of Heaven and earth, the Owner of everything on earth, the Giver of all good gifts has given us everything we need for life and godliness in and through His giving…life changing Word! (Psalm 18:2, 1 John 3:1, Psalm 146:6, Psalm 50:12, James 1:17, 2 Peter 1:3, Hebrews 4:12)

And He is The One who's love will never be separated from us!
(Romans 8:38) 

Does that mean there won't be storms? Absolutely not. But that does mean, we keep our eyes and hearts beyond the dark clouds, above the storm, through to Heavenly Perspective, we rise above the storm and walk in Heavenly Perspective!

For every storm that rages, find your answer in the Bible, and keep Heavenly Perspective!

Father, thank You for teaching us how to find and to keep Your perspective. When the black clouds roll in and the battle rages, we know that we know that we know, we are seated with You. Thank You for uniting us with Christ Jesus! I pray for every reader right now, as well as myself, in the name of Jesus I decree and declare we are not deterred, discouraged, or distracted by dark clouds but we see through the dark clouds to Your perspective. We walk in Your perspective in the name of Jesus!