Thursday, May 2, 2013

Toddler Assignment

For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26, NLT)

Today was our homeschool co-op day. At some time during our co-op days, I am assigned to the toddler class. Surprisingly, I have enjoyed their class above all other ages. 

Our co-op has the cutest toddlers. Each of them have big brown eyes, long thick eyelashes, and adorable little toddler voices.

I enjoy watching them interact during free time and chatting with them during snack. We carry on quite the intelligent conversations. I like washing their little hands and chubby cheeks. There is nothing cuter than the tiny little hands of a toddler. 

But most of all, I enjoy their story time. They take turns bringing me book after book, after book…after book. It seems they have nothing more important to do than to sit and listen to my voice.

They never tire of listening to me. I like to watch their little faces as I purposely "mess up" their stories and wait for them to correct me. Today I was reading about Winnie the Poo but kept calling him Mickey Mouse. While reading a story about red shoes, I kept calling them blue boots. It's a little game we play with one another and they love to keep me lined out.

During story time, they are my captive audience. They all sit at my feet and hang on my every word. Their huge brown eyes stare up at me and their infectious laughter fills my heart.

They have so much faith in me. When we go up and down stairs, they don't say a word as their little hands reach for mine to keep them safe. When one of them are thirsty, they don't hesitate to ask me for a drink. Nearing the end of our day as they get tired, they crawl up in my lap just like they belong there.

Today I got tears in my eyes as I stopped for a moment during story time. For just an instant, I saw into our Father's heart. I stared at them staring at me. All those big brown eyes on me, just waiting for me to say something. I love these little guys. My heart is so tender towards them. How much more is our Heavenly Father's heart tender toward us?

I thought, "Lord, how precious and beautiful these little ones are, all your own creation. I don't wonder why the Kingdom belongs to such as these." (Proverbs 22:2, Luke 18:16) 

I believe He spoke to my heart saying, "You are all my children."  (Galatians 3:26)

No matter our age, we are all precious to Him and He loves us! (John 3:16) We can always count on Him, He is always faithful! (1 John 1:9) We can always "crawl up" to Him when we are tired. (Matthew 11:28)

Listen closely, He calls you His child!

Loving, faithful Father, thank You for Your grace. Thank You for giving us a look into Your heart. Thank You for these precious children You have entrusted to us. We submit our spirit to Your Holy Spirit and welcome You to quicken us to always remember, our children belong to You and to treat them as such. Lord, we bless You, honor and adore You. We thank You for Your Son, Jesus. Please continue to empower us to understand, how wide, how long, how wide, how high, and how deep Your love is, in the name of Jesus and all for Your glory! (Ephesians 3:18, John 14:13)

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