Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Impossible Eh?

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. (Mark 9:23 NLT)

This post is a follow up to the blog post, Every. Single. Little. Detail. 

I initially didn't include this in the prior post because I didn't have permission to include a friend's testimony. I spoke with my friend today and she told me I should include it. 

Many years ago, one of my Life Christian University instructors who is now one of my dearest and closest friends, Jennie Crowell, told me of an incident she had had which is now a powerful testimony. A powerful testimony for her and me as well.

She was in an extremely difficult position with a close family member. She was praying and told God, "God, this seems like an impossible situation." 

At that moment, she accidentally knocked a bar of soap off onto the floor. The soap landed on it's tip and she distinctly heard God say, "Impossible eh?"

Since that time, The Lord has resolved the situation with her family member. What seemed impossible wasn't impossible because she believed.

Fast forward to the day I saw my earring back on the tip of the dryer. If you missed that blog post, it is entitled "Every. Single. Little. Detail."

Once I saw the shiny gold object on the tip of the dryer, my spirit excitedly said,  "Thank You Jesus, that is the back of my earring!" My eyes literally bugged out. Given the details of my day, my discouraged flesh immediately piped in and said, "That cannot be. It's been weeks since it was lost and all the laundry has been washed several times. It is impossible for that to be the back of my earring." 

I heard God say,"Impossible eh? Like the soap?"

Nothing, no thing, is impossible for whosoever shall believe. I'm wearing those earrings that was in a seemingly impossible situation because God's goodness and His promise made it possible. 

Father, thank You for showing us in our every day walk, with seemingly ordinary situations that nothing is impossible with You. Thank You for taking time to show us and remind us when we are tempted by circumstance to walk in what we see instead of walking by faith to stop and purpose to do as Jesus instructed when He said, "just believe". Because of You, Your goodness, mercy, grace and love, thank You for gently reminding us, Your Word has final authority in our lives over all earthly circumstance. You are truly good and Your love truly endures forever. 

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