Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chicken Wars

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12, NLT)

I wasn't going to do it but as you can see, I'm doing it, i.e. jumping on the recent chicken war band wagon. I mean, how can I not? There are too many puns, hash tags, and poultry jokes to miss this opportunity!

I like Chick-fil-A for a lot of reasons; however, I cannot show my support by contributing to the increase of their sales today because we don't have one where we live. Even if they had a location near us, it is highly unlikely I would eat at one of their locations today because I'd much rather sit on a quiet beach, absorbing the surf, and eating a Clif Bar in exchange for long lines, hungry people and fried chicken. 

Assumptions of that part of my personality can and have been interpreted on both ends of that spectrum. I have learned to file assumptions in the "Big Woo" department. You should try it, it's life changing! 

Please forgive the digression. Moving right along. 

Regarding the Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, we could get real deep real quick. For example, what if rallies like this occurred every single day until there were no more innocent babies being slaughtered with tax payers money, or not another child died of hunger, or Social Security/Military pay weren't threatened while politicians pay remains secure?Whoa, we got real deep real quick.

There are more issues revolving around this hot topic than can be covered in this post. So I will concentrate on one.

As a business owner, my biggest issue with this conflict is that of power and control; namely, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religious Expression. However, that is still not the foundational issue. The bottom line (no pun intended) issue is we do not wrestle with flesh and blood. The only way to combat this war is "on our knees", not with chicken. By that, I mean the wars being waged behind the chicken (Appreciation Day vs. Kiss In, etc). 

I am in no way diluting the efforts of over 600,000 participants (at last reporting) in the Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day waiting in line for over two hours in up 109 degree heat because it reminds me, when we stand in agreement powerful things happen!

My argument is we can't be distracted and fail to realize this is a spiritual battle. 
So Matthew 6:33 and "Eat mor chickin"!

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