Monday, August 13, 2012

Freedom Impact Statement

Just believe. (Luke 8:50)

A very dear friend just told me about an experience she had with God. During study and prayer time, she surrendered herself to God and told Him she would do anything He wanted her to do. She explained how she could physically feel His anointing by means of heat and tingling come on her hands, feet, and in her mouth. God had a word for her through me, she will go places for Him, touch people for Him, and say things for Him. 

She is very excited about her experience but explained she couldn't share the experience with "just anyone" because sometimes others cannot believe what she feels physically. 

Jennie Crowell, one of my instructors at Life Christian Universities and one of my closest friends, taught on this subject during one of my LCU classes. She explained, we are not in a position to refuse to believe someone else's experience with God, we were not there. And "it is a very good idea to protect that anointing and that precious intimate experience with God".

Just because some can't believe an experience doesn't make the experience any less true. Are we to say how our Heavenly Father moves on or through someone else? Does He communicate with each of us using the same technique every time? 

Do we as parents communicate with our children in the same manner every time? Or, do we spend enough time with each of them to communicate in a way that is most effective to them as an individual? Do we minister to them individually, communicating in such a way to effectively reach them as individuals? How much more does God, our perfect Father, communicate with each of us as individuals?

God has blessed me with three phenomenal girls. I have been stretched by parenthood having to learn many ways to relate to them that ministers to them. I communicate with one through words of affirmation, another through quality time, and another through physical touch. Thank you Dr. Gary Chapman and The 5 Love Languages.

We must not be so wrapped up in our own understanding of how God communicates with others or we could miss an opportunity to be ministered to or minister to others. Had I totally closed off my mind to the experience my friend told me, I would have missed God's opportunity to speak through me to her. If I decide, based on her experience, she's too far out there for me and then God wants to use her to bless me, it may be very difficult for me to receive from her. Solely based on my own limitations and through a self imposed filter. 

Here is what I call my, "Freedom Impact Statement". No one is 100% completely correct 100% of the time, except Him. In some cases, we have to be as smart as a cow, eat the hay, and spit out the sticks. But we canot be so concerned with the sticks that we miss out on the hay. 

We cannot become so familiar with someone, seeing them in the "natural" and all their quirks...hey, we all got 'em...or what we perceive as quirks in them...that we cheat ourselves out of a blessing. For example, Dr. Larry Ollison once taught on a husband's authority in the home. Just because a husband may have left his dirty clothes on the floor does not dilute the authority and anointing placed in and on him by God. 

This may seem irrelevant but it is pertinent. My friend surrendered herself to God and received direction. While some beg God and receive no direction. As a child of God, we are not begging God to move on our behalf. (1 John 1:12, 13) He has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3). He offered up His own Son. (Romans 8:32) After offering up His own Son, there is nothing else to withhold. He freely gives us all things. 

Just believe. 

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