Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Can See! I Can See!

But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. (James 1:22, NLT)

This morning, Gracie, my seven year was acting like a seven year old. Mikea and I were cleaning up the breakfast dishes while Gracie was spinning around the living room bumping into chairs and tables, repeating, "I can't see! I can't see!"

The reason she couldn't see was because she had pulled her own shirt up over her head. 

Mikea (my nine year old) kept repeating, "Take your shirt off your head, uncover your eyes and you will be able to see." I ignored her, knowing, once she was finished she would remove the covering she placed on her own eyes. 

I thought, "Wow, that was me for so many years." Walking around, bumping into things, covering my own eyes from God's Truth. Some came alongside me trying to help, telling me to just take my self imposed covering off my eyes. Others ignored me, knowing once I was ready to make changes, I would. 

I thank God for calling me out of darkness into His marvelous Light! I also thank God for giving me wisdom to stop blinding myself. I thank God I no longer wallow in offense, living in rebellion against His life giving Word, and I thank Him for showing me daily how to refuse darkness and walk in Light. 

Thank God for the wisdom to finally "take my shirt off my head" so I could not only hear but do and stop fooling myself! When God's Word says I'm more than a conqueror, I will walk out my days believing and speaking, I am more than a conqueror walking by faith not by sight. Abundant  life is listening to His Word AND doing what it says. Living according to everything, not just some things, God's Word declares for us! 

I can see! I can see!

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