Saturday, August 18, 2012

Please Believe Me

Jesus said  "Only believe." (Luke 8:50)

I am very blessed with many friends and family members in the medical profession. Medical science is fascinating. What God designed the human body to do is beyond astounding. 

When a person decides to go into the medical field, they must first receive instruction. They sit under the training of a professor according to the book, they do their internship according to the book and then they perform their duties according to the book. 

My question is this. What if they consistently refused to believe what is in the book? What if, when their professor taught a subject, they argued against the teaching and refused to believe what's in the book? What if they went to lunch with their friends after class to argue what aspects of the book they just couldn't believe? What if they consistently refused to perform their internship duties according to the book offering up such statements such as, "I just don't know if I can believe all that stuff in the book." What if they attempted to perform their duties on the job refusing to operate according to the book with their reasoning being they just cannot believe everything that's in the book. In spite of research, statistics, success stories, history, etc. 

My friends and family would say, "They wouldn't be in the medical profession very long if at all."

Even if they were, in an emergency situation (or any situation) would we want this person administering medical attention on our behalf or on the behalf of our children? I'm very confident the answer to that is no. 

Jesus said, "Only believe." Believe what? Believe everything in His Word.

Believe He is and He is a rewarder. (Hebrews 11:6)
Believe all scripture is God breathed. (2Timothy 3:16)
Believe God cannot lie. (Hebrews 6:18)
Believe God's Word is everything He says it is! Alive! Powerful! (Hebrews 4:12)

Since we believe God's Word regarding salvation, literally eternally saving us from Hell, it is just as easy to believe everything else in His Word including but not limited to, healing, prosperity, tithing, a victorious life. In other words, perfect peace. How can we believe His Word for salvation but not for every other promise? 

Also, I'd really like to establish a concrete foundational issue. We are not begging God to move on our behalf. God is a loving Father who delights in the prosperity of His servant. (Psalm 35:27)  He has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing. (Ephesians 1:3) God is always good. (John 10:10) Nothing and no one ever dilutes the wonderful goodness of God. He never changes.  (Malachi 3:6)  Bitter and sweet cannot flow from the same fountain. (James 3:11)

As born again believers, we are students of His Word. He has set before us professors. (Ephesians 4:11-16) 

Jesus said, "Only believe." I believe He said only as to be so full of belief in every aspect of The Word there is no room for any doubt, not even an ounce. 

This morning I read another version of this scripture. Instead of "Only believe" it says "Just have faith." How much faith (or confidence) do we desire our family, friends and especially our children to have in us? How much faith do we put in complete strangers when a medical emergency arises? How much more faith can we have in our perfect Father and His Word?

I've heard Joyce Meyer say, "We all believe in something, may as well be something good."

What do you believe? 

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