Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23, NKJV)

I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours. (Mark 11:24, New Living Translation)

This morning I woke up with the Legacy Church (www.legacykona.com) Praise Team singing in my head. Loud and clear, I could hear William McDowell's version of  "Standing".   

"We are stand-ing... stand-ing...
Standing on the promise of Christ our Savior!"

If you've never heard that version of the song, I encourage you to meditate on it. It will really bless you. I so deeply appreciate the impact worship teams have on congregations! Life giving words set to music and whole heartedly belted out during services in a "corporate setting" continue to minister days, weeks, even months or years later! I consistently revert to praise songs I heard over twenty years ago. Worship teams, don't ever fall for the lie that you are not impacting His kingdom. 

But, praise teams is not what this post is about. Today's post is about standing on His promises! 

After I worshipped the LORD with that song, thanked Him for His great faithfulness, and enjoyed His amazing presence, I asked Him what He would have me write today. He said, "Standing!"

In a previous blog post, I discussed speech issues that we've battled with my youngest child. If you missed that post, you can read it here.  


The following Sunday after Gracie's initial consultation, I took her to our pastor,  Dr. Larry Ollison. He prayed for her and declared all would be right with her. Additionally, he spoke life and peace into me. That moment was a turning point. From fear and despair to faith and hope. 

This morning God brought to my remembrance, our family's confession for the past 4 + years during the speech battle with Gracie. Basic, simple and very uncomplicated, every time the LORD brought it to our remembrance or every time the enemy would whisper in our ear, "It's been so long, she will never speak correctly." We laid our hands on Gracie's head and gently spoke, "Perfect speech in the name of Jesus." We also taught her and her sister to stay in agreement with us by speaking the same thing. We refused to get in agreement with what we were seeing and hearing. Instead, we were standing in agreement with His promises. 

Last year, when Gracie was six years old, she was tested by a www.chea-elks.org speech pathologist. At that time, her speech was at a five year old level (one year behind). Last week, she was re-tested, her speech is now at an eight year old level (one year ahead).

In this fast food nation, the temptation to give up if immediate results don't manifest may strike. Strike back! It is more crucial now than ever, to forego what we are told in the natural and hold fast to that which is permanent without wavering because He who has promised is faithful! 

"We are stand-ing... stand-ing...
Standing on the promise of Christ our Savior!"

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