Saturday, July 6, 2013

That's Heavy

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:30, NKJV)

Today, I was in the kitchen and Mikea was standing near the trashcan talking to me. As I was cleaning, I picked up some things that needed to be thrown away. I threw them to Mikea for her to place in the trashcan. 

She braced herself because she thought I was throwing something heavy. But once she caught the items, she smiled really big and said, "Oh…that's not heavy at all."

I believe that is exactly why some people tend to steer away from Jesus. Wrong thinking, bad teaching, and/or negative prior experience, may leave them thinking following Jesus is just too "heavy".

But once we experience Jesus, truly experience Him, we all learn…He really IS easy and light because in Him we live, move, and have our being! (Acts 17:28) He carries us! (Psalm 68:19) Folks, it's time to smile really big, let Jesus carry you, experience how easy and light He truly is!

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray against anything and everything that has ever risen up against every reader today. I thank You in advance for revealing Yourself to them. I thank You for showing them, you are so easy and light. Thank You for carrying us! Thank You for your redemptive work on the cross so that we can live life in excessive abundance! We receive it all by faith right now, in the name of Jesus!

If you've never received Jesus into your heart, or if you've prayed this prayer before but didn't really commit to Him, you can pray this simple prayer and start eternal life right now!

Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus, I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that You are God. I believe Jesus is Your Son, I believe He died for me, and on the third day, I believe You raised Him from the dead. I will never deny Him. I will never deny You. Thank You for calling me out of darkness, into Your marvelous light!

Please find a bible based church, read your bible, and renew your mind daily. If you need help, please contact us in the comments below or email us at Welcome to our family!

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