Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Indescribable Focus

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. (Proverbs 21:5, NLT) 

My dog, Bo, has an indescribable ability to focus. At times, I think my focus needs to be more like Bo's focus.

For example, when we take him to the beach (or anywhere for that matter) as we are leaving our apartment, he continually makes eye contact with me. He disregards whatever is going on around him and constantly "checks in" with me by watching my every move. He stays at my heels until I give him the command to get in the car.

As we walk downstairs to leave, my girls are excited and saying, "Come on Bo! Come! Come!" But Bo, very obedient, ignores them, focuses on me, walks at my side, and waits for my command/direction. That has to be difficult for him because he is so excited when he gets to go with us. But he maintains self control and proper focus.

We currently live on one of the main roads in Honolulu at one of the busiest intersections in the city. You know what that means…traffic…major traffic. Again, Bo ignores his surroundings, keeps his eyes on me and waits for my direction.

As we walk to our car, people walking on the sidewalk greet us. At the beach, beach goers are engaging in water sports and playing ball games. Bo really likes ball games but he still maintains focus and self control. He checks in with me via constant eye contact, staying at my heels, and waiting for my direction.

If I were a jealous person, I'd be tempted to be jealous of Bo's focus!

Bo has taught me a very valuable life lesson. 
  • Be obedient
  • Maintain self control
  • Keep proper focus

No matter who or what surrounds me at all the busy intersections of life, I commit to ignore external forces, focus on God, and wait for His command/direction. (Matthew 6:33)

Father, thank You for blessing me with my dog, Bo. He teaches me lessons I never would have thought of had You not brought him into my life. He is a blessing! Father, in the name of Jesus, as I submit my spirit to Your Holy Spirit, please quicken me and remind me to maintain focus. When I'm at a busy intersection in life, when life's traffic seems to be buzzing around me, when people play games, whatever the case may be that temps me to steal my focus from You, I know You will fulfill Your promise and draw closer to me as I draw closer to You. (James 4:8) I pray this same prayer for every reader. Thank You for strengthening us to maintain correct focus, You! We love You so much LORD! Our heart's desire is to bless and honor You!

Bo, the recipient for the Best Pooch Ever Award!

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