Sunday, June 23, 2013


You can ask anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. (John 14:13, NLT)

A couple weeks ago, we celebrated Mikea's tenth birthday. She is the cute little red head, giving the dolphin commands! 

As I was listening to my husband, Mike, pray a special birthday prayer over her, I remembered a time when specialists told us, "You cannot conceive without medical intervention. With medical intervention, your chances of conceiving are extremely low. You have a better chance of flying to Vegas and hitting the jackpot than you do of conceiving and bringing home a healthy baby."

My response was, "You do what you are trained to do and I will do what I'm trained to do."

Thank God for medical science. I'm thankful for doctors, nurses, hospitals, and their procedures; however, that is only part of the story. My story, and your story (if you are a born again believer), does not stop with what statistics record and/or what specialist say. 

Mike and I agreed to go through one round of in vitro fertilization. For me, IVF was not only a medical procedure involving months of treatment as well as 103 shots (yes, I counted), but a closer walk with God and understanding His great love. 

To make a long story short God showed me great and mighty things I didn't know. (Jeremiah 33:3) IVF was a daily walk…at times, it was a moment by moment walk. 

To name just a few:

On one occasion while discussing IVF with a friend, I said, "We are going through infertility." God quickened my spirit, spoke to my heart and said, "Are you pursuing infertility or fertility?" I immediately corrected my vocabulary and from that point forward said, "We are going through fertility treatments." 

I believe, it is critical to insure our mouth lines up with God's promises. (Matthew 12:37)

On another occasion, the specialist told us we were "Indeed pregnant but there is a problem. It appears you have a tubal pregnancy and we will have to go in and remove it." Every other day, for weeks, I had to get blood drawn. Every other day, for weeks I was told, "Your blood counts are abnormal, you need to prepare yourself for removing the pregnancy." 

Every day I leaned on God's promises. I trusted what He said when He said, "I can ask anything in His name, and He will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father." I asked God to correct my blood counts. I knew that I knew that I knew, He had brought me that far and I knew He would complete what He started. (Jeremiah 1:12)

At thirteen weeks in my pregnancy, my blood tests corrected. At thirty eight weeks in my pregnancy, I delivered our beautiful little promise from God, Mikea Faith Fulton! 

The following year, God hastened His Word and performed it as we learned we would have double for our trouble (without medical intervention)…yes, Gracie was on her way! (Isaiah 61:7)

As I look at my girls, I thank God for them (Philemon 1:4). They are constant reminders of the wonderful goodness of God!

We love to hear from you! Do you want prayer agreement? Let us know and we will agree in prayer with you. (Matthew 18:19)

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