Thursday, June 20, 2013

I Just Don't Understand.

As most of you know, we have a dog named Bo. Because of Bo, I now understand the saying, "A dog is a man's best friend." I also understand the saying, "I wish I could be the person my dog thinks I am." 

Bo loves to be with me. When I'm working at my desk, Bo is at my feet. Most of the time, he lays on my feet. When I am reading on my lounge chair, he lays beside me. When I leave the house, Bo loves to go with me. 

Bo always wants to go with me but unfortunately, it isn't always safe for him to go with me. For example, today I was going to downtown Honolulu for several appointments and had to be gone until after noon. Bo believes he should always be able to go with me. I can't explain to him why he can't sit in the hot car for four hours while I am at appointments. All he knows is, he wants to go with me. He doesn't understand that I am keeping him safe at times, by refusing to allow him to go with me. He will never understand because my thoughts are higher than his thoughts. 

His face was so sad today when I was leaving and made him go back inside the house. He drooped his eyes, lowered his head, put his tail between his legs, and slowly walked away. His bone in his mouth (looking like a binkie) completed his pitiful look. 

He could not understand that my refusal to allow him to go was actually a decision to keep him safe.

This reminded me of a conversation I recently had with a very close friend. It is the same conversation I've had with numerous other people throughout the years. My friend was going through a very hard time and she asked me, "Is what I'm going through an attack from the enemy…or am I out of the will of God?" I'm sure we've all asked that question.

So many times, we want to go somewhere or do something but it never comes to fruition. And so many times, we just don't understand. 

It's times like this that we determine to trust the Creator of the universe and accept that His ways are far beyond anything we can imagine. The next time we want to do something that just doesn't pan out, we cannot droop our eyes, lower our head, and put our tail between our legs. No. We must trust God and His ways, knowing He is working all things together for our good! (Romans 8:28

Father, I pray for every reader right now. In the name of Jesus, I pray You illuminate their hearts to Isaiah 55:8-9 so that the next time they are faced with a situation they just don't understand, that they will determine to trust You and rest in knowing You always work all things together for their good. Thank You Father! I also ask that You bless them and keep them, make Your face to shine upon them and be gracious to them! Lord, please lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace! (Numbers 6:22-27) I thank You for giving me the confidence to know, when I ask anything according to Your will, You hear me. And when You hear me, You answer me! (1 John 5:14-15)

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