Sunday, January 22, 2012

THE Blood, Not Stats!

Later this week my youngest baby celebrates her birthday. A precious little gift from God who medical science said could never be. I'm very grateful for medical science; however, I don't always fit into their stats. (Mark 9:23) 

Rewind to 2001. We hadn't attempted to prevent a pregnancy for a long time. During a routine exam, my P.A. questioned me about birth control. I explained I hadn't used birth control for approximately eight years. I just assumed one day we would conceive. It was then that she pointed out there was obviously an issue and asked if I wanted to pursue conceiving. I explained I would talk to my husband and get back with her.

After our discussion we decided to begin necessary testing to determine the cause. We were told infertility issues are "40% female factor, 40% male factor & 20% unknown". After passing every medical test, we were diagnosed in the 20% unknown category. I already had a child so the diagnoses was secondary infertility with no known cause. The fertility specialist told us we had, "a better chance of flying to Vegas and winning the jackpot than we had of conceiving a child."

After going thru many rounds of different treatments including AI...we still hadn't conceived. We agreed to one round of IVF & if we weren't successful, we would abandon the hope of having a child. Over 103 injections later, numerous blood tests and ultrasounds, we were told by the specialist, we would deliver in June of the following year! 

The week of that baby's 1st birthday, we discovered we would deliver again the following January. Yes! Two for the price of one! Did I mention, we were told we were infertile? {High Fiving God!} After the positive pregnancy test, I called my GYN to change my annual appointment to a prenatal appointment, she and her whole staff was surprised and excited! They had walked through a lot with us and we had grown very close to them. They were more like close friends than doctors and nurses. 

The pregnancy was physically easy except for one incident early on which resolved but all during the pregnancy the enemy bombarded me with mental attacks. As I would go about my day, out of nowhere I would hear, "Your baby is dead." and "You will never bring this baby home healthy and alive." The thoughts would leave me breathless. I loved my babies the moment I found out I was pregnant and this mental bombardment was difficult. I was so new in my Christian walk I didn't know how to take every thought captive. (2Corinthians 10:5) I didn't even know to take every thought captive. I wasn't aware I was in a position of spiritual authority. (Luke 10:19)

Thankfully, as Christians we don't have to have everything perfect because thank God, He causes us to triumph! He is faithful to fill in the gaps and watch over us! (Psalm 121:7 & 8) He took what little I did know to say, and worked things out for our good! (Romans 8:28) During these spiritual attacks, I calmed myself with, "My baby is fine today."

Continued tomorrow

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