Monday, January 23, 2012

THE Blood, not Stats! Part Two

An amniocentesis was highly suggested because of "advanced maternal age". I agreed to the test because I reasoned, if something were wrong I needed time to adjust, prepare myself, and prepare my family. During that time, we had been very busy with work. We sold our house, opened another branch of our business on another island, and attempted to relocate to Maui.

We went through a very frustrating time because we were unable to obtain permitting to renovate an apartment as we had planned. As a result, we ended up living in a hotel for a short time. Keep in mind, I was pregnant with a toddler in tow. We later moved into a condo rental temporarily so that we could make some decisions. The OB/GYN I trusted was on Oahu. We were on Maui. I was to deliver in 3 months. I told Mike I wanted to go back to Oahu.

During frustrating times, in everything give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and seek Him first (Matthew 6:33 and Psalm 37:23) because even though it may not seem like it, He is working things out for our good. I believe the following testimony could have ended up very differently had He not made my path straight by delivering on Oahu under the care of doctors who had become very close friends. (Proverbs 3:6)

We bought a townhouse on Oahu shortly thereafter. While moving in and unpacking with a toddler on one hip and a box on another going up and down the stairs, I ripped something in my stomach. A few days later, I accidentally got shampoo in my toddler's eyes, picked her up to console her and rinse her eyes and I ripped something in my stomach again. A few days later, I lifted her and ripped my stomach again.

I know what you are thinking. The same thing I was thinking. Stop lifting stuff! I know, right! Each time, it was equivalent to what I'd suspect it would feel like if I attached a battery cable to my stomach and turn the power on high. The pain literally shook my teeth. But the pain was momentary and there seemed to be no after affects so I blew it off.

During my normal OB appointment I explained to my doctor what had happened. Since there was no cramping/spotting/after affects, etc she assumed I had pulled a muscle in my stomach so there was no alarm. Please keep in mind, the three ripping incidences occurred three months prior to delivery.

Continued tomorrow

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