Friday, December 2, 2011

Had a Terrible Fight this A.M.

Grammatically Correct People, you may want to forego this post!
I hear cringes already!

Or just read it like I wrote it, from my heart. It’s ok, I have a college degree and I really do know how to use it…just choosing not to use it today, freedom!
Yesterday, one of my high school buddies reminded me, we don’t always have to be in perfection mode.

Thanks Sandy…you rawk!

Some days I just gotta throw down, bust out and blog, K? K. Okay!

The fight started off early and caught me off guard…not cool!
I even name called…eeeek! But I didn’t go as far as to blame shift, yay!

The fight was against a formable opponent…myself.

I had planned to go to the gym. I needed four days this week and today is my fourth day. When much to my surprise, my flesh screamed, “I don’t feel like going to the gym today!” I am very organized and today is a gym day! But I was so tempted to entertain the thought of not following through with my plan.
But I declared there will be no little foxes here! I said, “Flesh, shut up! Don't be a dirty lazy hound dog! Git' urself up & GO”. When I git aggravated my Okie accent becomes dominate! I said, “You are the temple of the Holy Ghost! You will glorify God!” (1 Cor 6:19 & 20) I went on to say, “I don't keer (care..gotta be Okie to get that...maybe a lil Texan...I grew up near the Red River so I proclaim to be an honorary Texan! Plus I married a Texan so that makes me a shoo-in. Sayz me!)...if you don't feel like going, you are going! And if you mess with me, you will do double!"

Guess who won?

“Yeaaaa…flesh, that's what I thought you said”.

Walk’n in Victory…in every area of my life…one step at a time!


  1. I needed to be reminded that the flesh is really the weaker part of us. Greater is He that dwell in me, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead than my flesh who tried to be the boss of me.

  2. April...that's right! We always have to know who is The Boss of us!

  3. Just read this! Thankyou for the grown-up-word this chilly Okie Monday morning! Just exactly what my flesh needed! ;-)

  4. (Wonder why my picture didn't show up....)

  5. Jennie...grateful it blesses you!
