Monday, August 25, 2014

Last Text

He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered. (Proverbs 28:26 NKJV)

Recently, I was texting with a friend. Their text seemed very…well, a little odd. 

After a few minutes, it dawned on me….my friend was texting and driving. 


In order for us to avoid being diagnosed with the speck-n-plank syndrome…let’s take a different approach. Let's learn from the situation. (Matthew 7:3-5, Mathew 7:1)

To insure I was correct, I asked, “Are you texting and driving?” My friend responded with, “Yes but I have voice text.”

This is my issue with driving and voice texting.
  1. The recipient still has to read incoming texts in order to respond. Voice texts only work for outgoing texts.
  2. The recipient still has to proofread their outgoing texts to insure the text is correct.
  3. In both scenarios, the driver is still distracted…terribly distracted.
According to the (NHTSA) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “Driving while texting is six times more dangerous than driving while drunk."

From my experience, people cannot text and have a decent conversation when they are face to face with someone. Much less text and safely operate a six thousand pound (average weight) vehicle at the rate of speed of sixty miles per hour (average on the highway) creating a velocity of…well, a lot. 

Once I discovered my friend was texting and driving, I explained;

"I love you too much. And I will never knowingly be anyone’s last text.” 

And I stopped texting, immediately.

Thankfully, my friend has read Dr. Larry Ollison's book, "Breaking the Cycle of Offense" and still loves me. They didn't get offended and hopefully will never text and drive again...even with voice text.

I’m sure you’ve seen the notices that show a picture of a person’s last text. That last text before they crashed their car and hurt or killed themselves or someone else.

Before I get in my car, I put my phone on silent, and put it in my purse. That is my way of committing to not text while I drive.

After this incident with my friend, I started thinking about all the challenges going on Facebook, etc. And I thought to myself, we should make a Last Text challenge.

So, I challenge each and every one of you. Refuse to position yourself where you could be someone’s last text by letting everyone know, I don’t text anyone while they are driving because I love you too much. 

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for every reader right now to rise up and commit to refuse to text and drive as well as refuse to text anyone who is driving. May each and every one of us understand the magnitude of the power we are responsible for when we are behind the wheel for ourselves as well as all those around us. Thank You Lord for loving us so much, we know to walk in wisdom. Especially when assuming the responsibility of driving a car. 

What about you? Will you take the challenge? Will you challenge your friends and family?

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