Monday, September 24, 2012


But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2, NLT)

Last Thursday, we were all so excited, we packed up and went on a camping trip in the mountains. It’s cold in the mountains! Thankfully, God blessed us with a cabin or Mike never would have convinced me to camp. I’m a country girl but I’m not that country!

The primarily living quarters of the cabin (living room and kitchen) face the west and all the bedroom windows of the cabin face the east. We had a fireplace in the main living area of the cabin. We shut all the bedroom doors, except the ones we were using, in order to conserve heat. Once we were awake, we shut all the bedroom doors and huddled around the fireplace.

Our first day at the cabin was very foggy, like Seattle foggy. So foggy, that visibility was just past the cabin's railing on the porch. That's approximately three foot visibility. That's foggy. Have I ever mentioned, I'm a sunshine girl?

The first morning, I was sitting in front of the fireplace and noticed the sun shining beneath all the bedroom doors. I got up, went into the cold bedroom, put my face next to the window, and faced the sun in order for the sun to shine down on my face.

The heat, light, and the warmth reminded me of our favorite Christian rap artist, Mynista. And one of his songs where Pastor Mark Hankins gives the intro:

“C’on there’s healing, in His wings.
What’s that mean, in His wings?
Well, actually that’s translated in His being by some translations.
That means you just get out and let the 
Sonshine of His love and of His Word and of His Spirit
just saturate’cha, Amen!”

I pray that for every reader! 
C’on! Get out and let the Sunshine of His love, His Word and His Spirit just saturate’cha, Amen!

You can find Mynista's music at this link, enjoy!

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