Friday, February 7, 2014

Viva Las Vegas

When we are blessed with the opportunity to travel, we like to take you along with us via Key Tov Blog! Perhaps one day, we will have Key Tov Travel Blog! 

A week ago today, Mike (my husband) received notification about a conference relating to our business that was going to be held in Nevada…beginning the following Monday.

This is a pic of my middle child the moment she found out we were going on an unexpected trip to the mainland.

This is a pic of my middle child moments later once she remembered it was winter time on the mainland!

True to form for us, two days later, we hopped a couple planes to take advantage of the conference as well as the exhibits we could use for homeschool field trips. For extra special fun this trip, we invited our bffs to come along!

Our first field trip experience was riding in a limousine from the airport to our hotel. As you can see, the limo was a huge hit! What better (and safer) way to experience Las Vegas Boulevard at night than from a limo?

Our next field trip (of which offered many lessons might I add) was the Las Vegas strip.

A favorite among our girls was Caesars Palace. We celebrated Gracie's nineth birthday lunch at Cheesecake Factory, went shopping, and watched the free Atlantis show.

Another huge hit with our girls was the water feature at the Bellagio.

Some may be asking...of all places to take our girls, Las Vegas?

Yes. We have a policy in our home. If our girls ask, we answer...completely and honestly. By taking our girls to Las Vegas, all or at least most, of the perceived allure is eliminated. By the end of the first day, all three girls were thanking God for the privilege of living on the Big Island of Hawai'i! Moms, our Las Vegas mission was a complete success!

Please join us in the coming days for more blogging of our Nevada adventure!
Until then, enjoy the following You Tube Video!


  1. If the above link does not work, please try the link below!

  2. www.http://youtube/PoMa58ckAso

  3. We apologize, we are having technical difficulties.
