Saturday, February 15, 2014

Las Vegas Nevada Homeschool Field Tripping

We apologize for the delay in posting the follow up to the previous blog post. I've been fighting off some sort of sinus issue and we were off island this week. 

The following day we explored M&M World, the Titantic exhibit, and Bodies exhibit. Unfortunately neither the Titanic nor Bodies exhibit allowed us to take pictures.

We used the Monorail as our means of transportation. We paid the daily fee (24 hours of unlimited rides) of twelve dollars (each) so we could show the girls both ends of the strip and everything in between. 

M&M World has a lot of memorabilia, shopping, and a free 4D mini movie.

We didn’t know this when we went to the exhibits so this is a free insider tip…there is a very small booklet that has a five dollar off coupon for each exhibit. You can find the booklet at your hotel concierge. 

We all found the Titanic Exhibit and the Bodies Exhibit, very well done and we highly recommend both. One word of caution, the Las Vegas Bodies Exhibit has a room of infants and I personally found that room difficult to view. The room was very well done, respectful, and educational...I just have a soft spot for babies.

Another very important insider tip
Living in Hawaii, I found it difficult to find good whole food meals. Imagine my delight to find Blizz Frozen Yogurt at the Mirage who sells a real green smoothie; however, it was a bit pricey at over eight dollars. 

All along the strip, we found "actors" dressed up for photo ops. Insider tip: they are happy to pose for a picture for tips. I paid one dollar per photo. Cheap entertainment for the kids, helps people make a living, and boosts the economy!

The following day (Wednesday) we explored the Children's Discovery Center. We were delighted to meet our cabbie, who was originally from Oahu! 

However, we were not delighted to learn he had no idea how to get to the Children's Discovery Center. Nor were we delighted to discover once we drove up to where the Children’s Discovery Center was supposed to be…they had moved. Thankfully, my iPhone Siri along with the assistance of a security guard we were able to reach our destination. My iPhone Siri nor the security guard was able to help me recoup the money we lost while driving around lost in the cab. Yes…Las Vegas cabbies do actually charge you when they are lost…who knew?

Insider tip: After the Discovery Center closed, we were told to walk to the World Market Center which is one block away so that we could catch a cab. On our way there, my girlfriend said, “Hey…what are all those shuttle buses for?” I said I didn’t know but we could find out. Thankfully, we were able to ride the shuttle bus right back to our hotel, free of charge! Shuttles leave on the hour.

On our way back to our hotel, we saw a most amazing piece of architecture! This building is not condemned. It is actually a working facility, genius!

Please watch the following You Tube of our Las Vegas Nevada Homeschool Field Tripping. My very wise ten year old chose the music for this video, enjoy!

You Tube Video: Las Vegas Homeschool Field Tripping


  1. We are still experiencing issues posting the you tube link!
