Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] (Matthew 11:28 AMP)

Generally, I am the first one in our household who is awake every morning. Last night, many of our neighbors were ringing in the New Year and didn't run out of fireworks until after 2:00 a.m. so today, I overslept.

We gave our two youngest girls remote control Barbie cars for Christmas. That statement soon ties in.

My youngest woke me up by peeking in my bedroom door. She was so cute with her silly smile and disheveled bed head.

She crawled into bed with me and we had the following conversation.

Gracie: Mommy, I was driving my car and I accidentally bumped into Sissy's car.
Me: I'm sure everything is ok.
Gracie: Mommy, Sissy got mad at me and screamed, "Stop it!"
(Which led me to believe perhaps it wasn't an accident and there was a possibility she repeatedly rammed the cars.)
Me: Did you apologize?
Gracie: Well, that is a good idea but instead something else just accidentally fell right out of my mouth...
Me: And what would that be?
Gracie: Sissy, your car is the stupidest car I've ever seen!

I held her in my arms and told her we would fix everything. She laid her head on my chest, smiled a huge grin, and did the "Gracie twinkle toes shuffle". Which is quickly shifting her feet back and forth when she is really happy and has an energy burst.

All this reminded me of when I crash, sometimes accidentally and sometimes intentionally followed up by things falling out of my mouth. I can always crawl up next to my Father and He always fixes everything! (Psalms 54:4 NKJV)

Have you crashed?
Have things just accidentally fallen out of your mouth?

Go to Him, He will refresh your soul!

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