Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dumpster Diving!

For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. (Luke 8:17, NKJV)

When I fly, I remove all excess cards: credit/debit/library, etc from my bag. I strip my purse/wallet/Daytimer down to the bare bones, taking with me, my driver's license and one credit card. We are business owners. We have five locations on four different islands...that is a lot of cards. Once I return home, I put them all back in my Daytimer. 

I flew interisland last Friday (removing the cards, as usual) and was going to put all the cards back in my bag on Monday. Except on Monday, they were nowhere to be found. The last time I remembered seeing them was on my kitchen countertop. I did remember throwing a shopping bag away full of what I believed to be trash. Yes...gasp. I immediately contacted Mike and asked him to pray. 

Replacing them wouldn't be as easy as making a few phone calls and having them replaced because to be honest, there are so many cards I didn't know what cards were missing. No...I didn't put them all in a copier and make a copy to put away for safe keeping; however, now I know why people suggest we do that. *grin*

I had removed rewards cards, gift cards, library cards, insurance cards, I.D. cards,  etc. Even my blood donor card! To compound the issue, we are in the process of changing banks (business and personal), so I literally have two sets of all our banking cards. How can so many cards go missing you might ask? Well, I keep them in card holders that fit in my Daytimer. They weren't all loose cards, there were four sets of cardholders. After I looked in all the obvious places, I got a little nauseous at the thought of someone dumpster diving and getting every card I own except the one credit card and my Driver's License that I had taken with me.

I was a little dizzy as I started trying to make a card list from memory, girl's ortho rewards cards ($10.00 replacement fee), owner's beach card key ($75.00 replacement fee), several gift cards...what if they were accidentally thrown away? Mike had taken out the trash at least three times since Friday and the trash man came on Monday morning! 

To accompany the nausea, a headache attempted to ensue, then I quickly said...nope, not going there. I determined, "I will not be mentally tortured!"

I said to myself...well then, if I did throw them away, God will somehow make them be somewhere and intact. After all, Jesus said, "All things are possible to him who believes." That's me...I'm a believer, not a doubter!

 I started proclaiming:
"Thank You God for working all things out for my good, I love You!" (Romans 8:28)
"I thank You for sending Your angels to keep charge over me in all my ways! That includes finding my cards...intact and unharmed, right now in The Name of Jesus!" (Psalm 91:11)
Then I called my cards forth saying, "Cards, you listen to me! I call you forth in The Name of Jesus! Make yourself known to us right now! Nothing, including you, cards...shall remain hidden!" (Matthew 21:22 & Luke 8:17)

My girls said, "What are you doing Mommy?" I told them. They got excited and said, "Yay! We will help you!" Our house was buzzing with excitement and speaking The Word, waiting to see God's glory be made manifest!"

Shortly thereafter, in my "see-er" (I don't know how else to explain it.) I saw the middle console of my car. My initial response was, "That can't be...I'd NEVER leave all those cards in my console of my car parked at the airport!" I searched my memory. I could not remember ever placing them in my car. 

I also had emptied out my small make up bag that was in my purse. When I left, I left all my lipstick, nail clippers, etc on the kitchen counter. Which is where they were when I put them back in my purse. So it only made sense for the cards to be with the make up items since that is where I cleaned out my purse. Neither Mike or my girls remembered me putting the cards in the console.

I sensed so strongly that the cards were in the console even though I rarely even use the console for anything. I said, "Mikea, can you please go look in the console of my car." She did and GLORY be to GOD, there they were!

Incidents such as these are not at all odd or foolish! (1 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV)

Am I saying I accidentally threw my cards away in the shopping bag and God miraculously placed them in the console of my car? To be completely honest, I still don't remember where I put the cards after I removed them from my purse; however, if He did work it out that way, I would not be surprised. After all, Jesus called to a dead man in a tomb and He came forth! (John, 11:43, 44) Some may say, "Uh, well, yeah...THAT was Jesus!" To that response I'd have to say, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father." (John 14:12, NLT). In light of Jesus' statement, I'd have to conclude cards in the console is completely doable. 

His Word is alive and we speak His Word to change our circumstances! (Hebrews 4:12 & Romans 4:17)

We would love to hear from you!
How do you use God's Word to change your circumstance?

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