Sunday, November 18, 2012's dead.

Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14, NKJV)

My husband is a mountain man. He reads mountain man books. He watches mountain man movies. He looks like a mountain man. In his heart, he is a mountain man. Thankfully, he doesn't smell like a mountain man! He is his happiest when he is in the woods. Either preparing for, or gathering food for, his family and friends. 

He hunts for days on end. Being in his stand well before daylight until dark. To further qualify his mountain man status, he prefers temperatures to be in the single digits and he hunts with a "climber". 

For an informative video on climbers, please use this link. 

Yes...he's THAT tough! 

We are thankful to primarily eat wild game over grocery store meat, as is our family and friends. In other words, if you don't agree with hunting, you may want to stop reading now. 

He has been whitetail hunting at the Lake of the Ozarks. A few days ago, he shot a doe. The weather was cold enough to let the doe lay for a while before processing so he stayed in his tree to see if anything else would come through. Not long thereafter, a 7 point buck meandered near where he was hunting. 

The buck was a legal buck but Mike hunts trophy bucks so the 7 point, being fully unaware of Mike's presence, walked under his tree stand and approached the doe. The buck appeared to fail to determine the doe was dead. For almost an hour, the buck went about "steps" to mate with the doe. 

To the buck, the doe looked and smelled like a doe. From Mike's perspective, he knew the doe was dead. 

The LORD spoke to my heart and said, "Life cannot be conceived with that which is dead." 

If God, operating from a higher perspective than you, tells you a relationship is dead...why continue trying to create life with that which is dead?

Then He brought this scripture to my remembrance. 

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. (Proverbs 18:21, NLT)

Dr. Larry Ollison ( teaches a powerful message regarding this scripture. I will paraphrase. "My life and my death are directly linked to my tongue." In other words, my life and my death is not connected to anyone else's head...but mine. 

Not only physical life and death, but all areas of life and death. For  example:

A husband and wife can have a marriage full of life or a marriage reeking of death. 
A person can be physically alive but dead in sickness, disease or be emotionally dead. 
A millionaire can prosper financially but not be well in their soul. 
A parent can have living children who are dead in sin. 

In order to have:

A powerful marriage,
Walk in divine health,
Prosper as our soul prospers,
Train our children in the way they should go...

We cannot attempt to conceive life with that which is dead. So, it is imperative to connect our words with our faith and our actions. It's simple math. And keep that equation in alignment with God's Word. And here is the key, refuse to waver. (James 1:6)

To elaborate:

We cannot confess God's Word concerning our marriage, say we have faith for a godly marriage, then cancel that out by filling our eyes and our hearts with "Mommy Porn"/vampire love triangles, fantasize about every dude on Facebook/Pinterest, flirt with everyone who comes within a 5 mile radius and/or dogging our spouse at every opportunity. 

The same goes for our physical health. Again, it's simple math. 
Caloric intake + exercise (or lack thereof) = body weight. 

The same holds true for our finances. We cannot make daily confessions concerning prosperity but then pass out cash to everyone standing around us with their hand out as if we are card dealers in a Las Vegas Casino! Or have a "hole in our pocket". Helping others is an admirable quality to have; however, we have to insure we are not interfering with God's plan in their lives as well as His plan for our lives. 

We cannot train our children in the way they should go without including the very critical lesson of seed-time-harvest. 

I hear people say:
"Well...God is in control..."
 "Please say a little prayer for me...*sigh*...
"I opened all the bills, put them on a table and said, "Ok God, these belong to you." 
"All I can do at this" *head hanging low*

Those may be religious, cutesy little catch phrases but they are not scripture based and they won't change the law of seed-time-harvest. We must refuse to victimize ourselves, perishing due to lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)

God's Word is Light. 
Negative confession and counterproductive actions are dark. 
What communion does light have with darkness?

The buck could not conceive life with the dead doe.

We cannot conceive life with that which is dead, physically or spiritually. 

What are you conceiving? 

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