Thursday, November 21, 2013

Roots and Fruit

I am so excited about today’s teaching. I’ve spent time in prayer and wow!

Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done. (Colossians 2:7, NLT)

The LORD has been giving me dreams. Initially I thought it was all about a close girlfriend of mine so I contacted her and we worked some things through to victory but today the Lord showed me, nope that's not all. This is also about Key Tov Blog's readers. Busted! Some of you are SO busted! 

All that said, I have a question for you. How do you feel about roots? 

I will give you an example. I’ve colored my hair since I was in my early twenties I can hear GASPS from all over cyberspace, “Ohhhh, she just told people she colors her hairrrrr!” Well,  big woo. Let us just all commit to stay real with one another k? It’s hair color, it’s not brain surgery. *smile*

So, I color my hair and every three weeks or "they" come…roots. Gotta cover those puppies up...again. Cover 'em, good for a while, deal with 'em, cover 'em, good for a while, deal with...over and over...

The Lord has revealed to me, there are some Key Tov Blog readers, who are dealing with roots. Hair roots? Perhaps, yes. But there are also roots that have been planted recently and a long time ago, that God doesn't want us to deal with anymo. (Not misspelled) I have a word for you today. 

Are you ready? This is a personalized word for YOU, Key Tov Blog readers. 

God wants you free. 

Yep…God wants YOU free!

Say it…God. Wants. ME. Free!

My sister and I were recently chatting. She's been a registered nurse for a really long time. She’s extremely intelligent. And sees A LOT OF stuff, so she is experienced in a lot of matters. We talk almost daily and I really value what the Lord is showing her. She is truly anointed to speak into my life. During our conversation, she said something that hit my spirit like a freight train. She said, something to the effect of...When something bad happens to someone, if the root is not dug out and Jesus' healing power yielded to, healing/deliverance doesn’t take place and the fruit of that root always comes out. If not dealt with, it may come out when a person is 20, 40, 60, or 80 years old, but it always comes out. 

Choo! Choo! Does that hit you like it hit me? Listen, the fruit may consistently come out every day, week, month, or year. Or may not manifest until 10, 20, 40, whatever, years later. Whatever the case may be, the fruit of that root manifests itself someway, somehow. It may be in a repetitive behavior, or in a negative medical diagnoses, or by an emotional response like outbursts, lying, etc.

Now, I am in no way saying, if someone gets a negative doctors report that there is always hidden sin or bad fruit or whatever. I donbelieve that. We all still live in the dispensation of time of John 10:10. That was just a little rabbit trail to clear up some really bad "doctrine". 

Forward march! Back to the root of our discussion, *teeheehee*.

We can switch friends, circles of friends, jobs, cities, states, even other words, we can exchange whatever outside "stimuli" seems to be causing the problem; however, until the root of an issue is dug out and Jesus' healing power is yielded to...and that old root is replaced with a root that produces good fruit...those roots continue to produce bad fruit...again...and again...and again. Have you ever heard the phrase, “The problem with moving away is you take you with you. Ok, as rude as that sounds, there is a lot of power in that if we take it and use it for our good.

I once heard Dr Larry Ollison, (You may find his teachings at ask, what would you do if someone came to your house to take what belongs to you? Let’s say this person came to your house and said, "I want your diamond ring. k? What would you do. Cower down? Meely mouse around and say oh ok. Shoots no! I'd say, now way my sista! That diamond ring is mine! It belongs to me! And you are not taking it!

It's the same way with the peace that passes all understanding. THAT belongs to us! So when someone is yielding to....let's just say, not yielding to God and letting their light so shine (Matthew 5:16) not just take what they are offering! Don’t just say, ohhhh ok. Here, take my peace.

Philippians 4:7 says, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." 

Stand your ground! And say No! Jesus left me peace. Peace that passes all understanding is mine and you are not taking it! That is the battle! We don’t wrestle with flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6:12) Our battle is not with a person. Our battle is in the, you are not taking my peace that Jesus gave me! (John 14:27)

For those who know me personally, I am thankful because you will get what I’m about to say. For those who do not know me personally, what I'm about to say needs to be preempted with, I have what could be viewed as…let’s just say, a bizarre sense of humor. So please keep that in mind coupled with my Okie accent so you can find humor when I say, I am in the company of a group o' thieves! 

Yep, some of our readers are carrying around what does NOT belong to them!

You are BLOOD bought! 
  • Low self esteem
  • Poor body image
  • Rejection
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Whatever ugly, negative thing it is, does not belong to us! 
Let me ask you, are there any scriptures to back those up? Do we have a bible passage that tells us, “walk in low self esteem, have poor body image, be filled with anxiety and fear”…NOoooooo…well, there’s a reason for that

Don't be a thief! Dig those roots all out!  How do we do that? We dig out the negative root and replace it with a good root. We replace a negative root with a positive root that can be backed up with scripture!

We don’t need a gazillion scriptures in order to fight this fight. All we need is one word from God to change our lives forever! The bible says, we have not because we ask not, (James 4:2, 3) well let’s just make sure we are having by asking! Just say, Lord, please give me a scripture to deal with, ___fill in the blank___. He abounds in  faithfulness! (Psalm 86:15) He will give you a scripture that will just rock your world. Write it down, write it on your arm if you need to, read it every day, ten times a day, whatever it takes. It will eventually go from your head to your heart and when it does, watch out world cuzzzzz here you come!

For example, let’s say someone battles with fear. Every time we are tempted to fear we refuse that temptation. We declare NO! I do not fear. God hasn’t given me a spirit of fear, but of power! Love! And a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7) I am strong and courageous! (Joshua 1:9) See how that works? How many times do we say it? As many times as it takes. How long is that? As long as it is!

"Welllllll that's just so hard" *whine*….Let me ask you dealing with these roots over and over and over again, easy? Hmmmmm? I hear about difficulty all the time. I’m told, "But your SO strong and I’m so weak." Nope…it isn’t about strength…its about committing to God’s Word and refusing to turn it loose. 

LOOK right here on this anointed page where it says we are:
  • Overcomers! (1 John 4:4)
  • Blood bought! (1 Corinthians 6:20)
  • Free! (Luke 4:18)
You are FREE! You are not are FREE!

Whom The Lord sets free is free indeed! Who is whom? You are whom! If you are a born again believer, YOU. ARE. THAT WHOM! If you are not born again, let us know, shoot us an email. We can work that out. Otherwise, you are FREE! 

When the battle rages, stand firm, and declare, “I am free! The Lord has set me free! I am free indeed! I have overwhelming victory!" (Romans 8:37)

Everybody, in unison, let’s let our faces know we are free! *Huge grin*

Life gets hard. I get that. I know that, more than I care to know, T-rust me. For non Okies that means, trust much.  *Big Okie Grin*. Some days walking out our freedom means moment by moment. There’s nothing wrong with that. Walk it out, however you need to. Scripture by scripture.  

Walk out your freedom! Don’t turn it loose! Hang onto it like a bull dog! Every day of your life! Let your roots grow down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done.

Below, we will post scripture reference for our study today.

Hey, Thanks ya’ll and mucho mahalos for your time, we truly TRULY appreciate you!

Father, thank You for showing us great and mighty things we don't know. Thank You for revealing Your heart to us. In the name of Jesus, I pray for every reader right now and declare to and for them, they are free. Free and equipped to be everything You have called them to be. Boldness, strength, and courage to walk in Your perfect will for their lives, every day of their lives always giving glory and honor to You LORD! 

Psalm 33:4
Psalm 86:15
Romans 8:37
1 Corinthians 13:7
Matthew 5:16
Ephesians 6:12
1 Corinthians 7:23, please read!
John 8:36
2 Timothy 1:7
Job 22:28, please read!
Colossians 2:7

1 comment:

  1. Tina Turner TY love what an amazing teaching with W I S D O M. I had a root of rejection that brought devastation any time I was rejected and that was A LOT. At the beginning of my work in the shelter I was attacked a lot and this root almost took me out and I began really getting in the Word on the subject and reading books and playing sermons on the subject 24/7 and as I was in prayer, walking through my house I felt it break. It tries to come back, I recognize and rebuke(guard your hearts folks). TY for sharing love and I am excited for those to get and stay free amen YOU ROCK. Now I must exit quickly as I have now taken up this whole section lol LOVE YOU

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