Thursday, July 26, 2012

This Just In: God Called Me to Pastor!

As many of  you know, my mother died in a car wreck when I was 2 years old. As a result, I learned from a very early age to compartmentalize life's issues in one of two categories: Critical or Non critical  As a result, I have unintentionally disregarded many of my children's childhood issues filing them in the non critical category. At times, my method has made them feel unheard because their issues were only non critical to me. The LORD recently told me, "Their little issues are just as large to them from their perspective as yours are to you from your perspective." I recently heard Jimmy Evans at Marriage Today say, "Husbands must pastor their wives all day long, every day". For example, if the garbage disposal breaks, the husband pastors her (ministers to her) and says, "Honey, I will call the plumber right now and get it fixed." If the wife's mother breaks her foot, the husband pastors her and says, "Honey, it's ok, we will do what we have to do to take care of her." God woke me up last night at 3:00 A.M. He lovingly told me, I am called to pastor my children in much the same manner a husband pastors a wife. I am to insure our daily schedule is not overwhelmed so that when one of my girls brings an issue to me, I consistently have time, energy and attention to say, "Honey, it's ok, we will (fill in the blank)".  Who has He called you to pastor?


  1. I apologize for the format, I am currently having issues with the site. I appreciate your patience!

  2. :) Very good! That ministered to me.

  3. I declare much success in every area of your life where He has called you to minister!

  4. And all areas He has not called you to minister is dissolved in The Name of Jesys!
