Monday, June 9, 2014

The Same

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8, NLT)

This week, we celebrated my middle child’s birthday at a nearby water park. As I was standing in line with my girls, waiting for my turn on the water slide, I heard a plane overhead. I looked up and saw an airplane flying through a large cloud. 

Photo courtesy of Leilina Molale-Toro, Instagram@kingdomportrait. Mucho Mahalos!

For a moment, I could see the whole plane. Moments later I couldn’t see the plane at all. And moments later, I could only see parts of the plane. Then the plane would come into full view again and repeat this process. 

Me and the Holy Spirit had a little life changing chat. Yep, dripping wet, right there at the water park while waiting for my turn on the water slide.

The LORD showed me, that is how communication with His people can be at times.
  • The plane continued to fly, even though it couldn’t be seen.
    • He continues to speak to us, even though life gets “cloudy”.
  • Even though the plane couldn’t be seen at times, the plane was still there.
    • Even though we don’t hear Him at times, He has never left us. 
  • Seeing the plane fly in and out of the cloud made seeing it sketchy at times.
    • Being in and out “sight” of Him and His Word, positions us where what we hear can be sketchy.
Over the years I’ve heard people say, “Jesus really spoke at church Sunday.”, "I’m waiting for Jesus to speak., “Jesus really needs to speak.”, "I sure hope Jesus speaks soon”, etc.

I've also heard, "God really moved.", "I'm waiting for God to move.", "God really needs to move.", "I sure hope God moves soon.", etc. 

But He is the same every day. (Hebrews 13:8) He isn't moody. He isn't talkative one day and quiet the next. He isn't willing to work things together for our good one day and not the next. (Romans 8:28)

I know, in my life, He has always had the perfect answer. I haven’t always been the perfect “listener” or the perfect “asker”. I’m in no way implying we have to be perfect. I am implying, in order to get an answer we have to ask Him. (Matthew 7:11) And we have to purpose to block out every distraction and position ourselves to hear what He is saying. And waiting for all the clouds to clear so we can hear, may take time. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Father, I pray for every reader today and ask for You to show us how to position ourselves to hear clearly and specifically, precisely what You are speaking to each of our lives individually. I know You have a perfect plan for each of us and it is my heart's desire to fully live out Your plan. Thank You for always being the same. Thank You for never leaving or forsaking us. I pray You continue to place in us a deep love for Your Word and to prioritize Your Word in our lives. So that when the clouds do come, we will clearly hear every word You say!

(James 5:16, Luke 17:1)

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