Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Overcoming the Wet Paper Towel

By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. (2 Peter 1:3, NLT)

The last few days I’ve had an issue. Those closest to me might ask, “Only one?”

Moving right along.

The other day, Mike and I had a disagreement. It was nothing major and we even laughed at one another throughout the "intense fellowship”. At one point I was laying on our bed and he walked in (while drying his hands with a paper towel) and he said something to me. Honestly, I don’t even remember what he said. I responded with something humorously sarcastic (Again, I don’t even remember…that’s how insignificant this disagreement was.) I don’t remember what I said; however, I do remember my comment was hilarious! At which point he (playfully) threw the wet paper towel at me. 

We went about our day and I forgot about the paper towel. When I went to bed, I was still a bit huffy about the whole incident so I threw the paper towel on his pillow. He threw it, I concluded he could dispose of it. 

He never even saw the paper towel. I wanted to say, “How can you NOT see that paper towel?!” But I didn’t, I just kept the paper towel’s existence to myself. Hummph. The paper towel bothered me and he was unaware it bothered me. The next morning, somehow, the paper towel ended up on the floor! For those who know me personally, my motto is, “A thing for everything and everything in it’s place.” I felt as if this paper towel was taunting me! Ok, not really but it was just a reminder to me (in my opinion) of Mike not doing what I thought he should do which was, just throw the thing in the trash!

Day three (Yes, I know...I allowed this to go on for three days. Petty alert!) and somehow the paper towel ended up in my hallway (from my bedroom to my bathroom).
I said (to myself), “How LONG must I DEAL with this paper towel??!” As clearly as I heard my own voice, God spoke to my spirit and said, “As long as you decide to deal with it.”

BOOM. Hello. Wake up. I choose. (Deuteronomy 30:19 and Ephesians 5:2, ouch…)

I gently walked up to the paper towel, picked it up, threw it in the trash, and said, “Your days of bothering me are o.v.e.r.” 

A paper towel may be insignificant compared to what you may be dealing with today. But by His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. (2 Peter 1:3) How did I overcome the paper towel and how do we overcome every obstacle that we face? We make the decision to overcome and then we use His Word to walk out our overcomingness. Yes. I know that is not a real word; however, it is very effective and I like it!

Father, again, thank You for this life lesson. Thank You for speaking so clearly to us, we need You every second of our lives! (2 Timothy 3:16, John 10:27) I pray for every reader right now. Please empower them to make the decisions they must make in order to deal with their “paper towels”. And please order their steps by Your Word into victory in the name of Jesus! (Psalm 119:133, John 14:14)

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