Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Elizabeth, mahalo nui loa for allowing us to share your heart.

This post is from a friend who is wise beyond her age.

One of the Rabbi's in Israel who actually knows God's full name says that it sounds like a person exhaling. He also says that it sounds like someone exhaling because when God created us He made it so that we couldn't live without the name of God constantly on our lips.

I find it funny that we survive on air that completely surrounds us and we’d die without it. I think it sort of parallels His love. It completely surrounds us and we can't survive without it. But at the same time we sometimes don't notice it as much or we don't fully understand how much we need it. I know I need air but I don't exactly know how much I need or what it does to my body. And sometimes I don't fully notice that I'm breathing, I just do.

I also find it funny that we can't see unless there's light. The Bible says that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. So the reason we can't see in complete darkness is because we were not created to live in the darkness! We were made to dwell in the light!

We are constantly taking the miracle out of everything! Hundreds of years ago they couldn't tell you correctly why the oceans had tides, they didn't really know. They couldn't tell you how human life was created in a womb because they didn't know. They were surrounded by miracles ad they knew it. But science has made us take the divinity and make it ordinary. Just because an arm is healed over and over again doesn't make it any less a miracle. Neither should we take the divine promise of a rainbow and the miracle of a newborn baby and make it into just another occurrence of daily life.

Instead of amazing us with a great and astounding miracle every now and then, He has completely surrounded us with His essence. We live in an art gallery of masterpieces and yet are content to gaze only at the carpet. What’s worse is we demand more, more signs, more wonders, more miracles. As if He's some magician we can call to entertain us. Look up; see the bright colors of a sunset. Set your gaze upon the fragile yet beautifully colored petals of a flower. Stare in amazement at the enormous mountain that just happens to point heavenward. For the first time, really take in the enormity and simplistic beauty of the star filled night sky. Created by a Daddy who loves you. And stop questioning His love or faithfulness. If you ever ask yourself if He really loves you, look at the beauty of nature and remember that God made it as a gift to you.

If you ever doubt His faithfulness, put a hand on your chest and feel the steady beat of your heart, remember that only He makes it beat. And if you ever wonder if you are really worth something, remember this, God said you are made in His image. You are the copy of your daddy and your daddy is the king of the universe. Your body may just be dust in the wind but your spirit is eternal. And, you are a Co-Heir in Christ. You are a child of the Most High. Your tongue can both kill and heal. You, as a righteous saint of God, are powerful, and wonderful. You are loved much more than you could ever think you are. Thanks for listening to my little rant. I’m done now! Bye! :D

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