Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Daddy's Girl

During a recent conversation, a friend said something that sparked a childhood memory that I hadn’t thought of in many years. I thought back to times as a little girl when I had behaved cantankerously. For those of you who personally know me, I understand that is very hard for you to grasp! My daddy would say “Don’t make me whisker you!” Of course, I’d repeat whatever I had done, and he’d rub his scratchy face on my neck and tickle me until I screamed for mercy!

I’m very thankful to be so blessed in the “Daddy Department.” God blessed me with an amazing earthly father who loved me and always made me feel unique, even though he had 6 other kids and 3 grandkids. I never questioned my relationship with my dad because he had instilled so much confidence in me that it didn’t even occur to me to question his love. I was so secure in our relationship that the security of the relationship was beyond question. I understand that is redundant; however, I am trying to really drive the point home. 

I was so secure in my relationship with my dad that I knew nothing and no one could ever separate me from his love, not even my behavior. I knew I could always “run to Daddy.” I also knew I could never be replaced. He had instilled so much confidence in me, that when he made me a promise, my mind was immediately at perfect peace. I knew whatever he had promised was as good as already completed.

As confident as I was in my relationship with my dad while he was living, that confidence pales in comparison to the faith I have in my relationship with my Heavenly Father...because His love never fails (Psalm 136). I’m convinced that nothing will ever be able to separate me from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).

Not only did God richly bless me with my earthly daddy, He also blessed me with my spiritual daddy, my father in the faith. My spiritual father continues the training my earthly father began, and they both have taught me a lifelong message that has molded me into who I currently am. I have a Heavenly Father who loves me (John 17:23). God told me in Romans 8:15, I have not received a spirit that makes me a fearful slave. Instead, I received God’s Spirit when He adopted me as His own child. Now I call Him, “Abba Father!”

If you feel like you don’t have a dad here on earth for whatever reason, I’ve got a good report for you! The Farlex dictionary defines adoption as, “To take into one's family through legal means and raise as one's own child; to take up and make one's own”. Through faith in the Blood of Jesus, and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. He has taken you as His own! Now call Him “Abba Father!”

I have firsthand experience with adoption. I was actually adopted when I was a small child. My biological father has been in prison for most of my life. I won’t go into further detail because I don’t want to embarrass anyone. I only mention that detail to illustrate that through adoption, my earthly father restructured my identity and changed my future. Through adoption, details of my life, down to my original birth certificate were changed. I was issued a new certificate renaming my father and giving me a new last name! It was as if everything prior to my adoption (and the life I previously had) had been erased and I was made new! The parallel is crystal clear in my life with Christ. Since I belong to Him now, I have become a new person! The old life is gone! I stepped into my new life! My exceeding abundant life! (John 10:10)

Recently, I’ve heard people say they are in an “identity crisis” and “don’t know who they are.” Please understand, if you are born again believer, your identity is in Him! As I think of Him in my heart, I am exactly what He called me to be! (Proverbs 23:7) I’m good ground, when I hear the Word, I accept it and bring forth fruit! (Mark 4:20) I continue to look into the perfect law of liberty, I’m not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the Word and I am blessed in my deeds! (James 1:25)

For all the fathers reading this, you are critical in the lives of your children. God has placed you in a very powerful position. Do not allow the enemy’s lies to rob you of your God given position in your family’s life. Don’t allow the relationship with your children to be killed. You have an enemy who has set himself to kill, steal and destroy- and he doesn’t care how he does it. (John 10:10) 

Recently, my six year old daughter wrecked her scooter and hurt her neck. With tear filled eyes, she looked at me and said, “Oh, if only my Daddy were here.” She has so much confidence in her dad that in a difficult situation where she was hurt, she had no doubt he could turn it around for her good. That’s child like faith (Mark 10:15), and that is confidence in her father. When she was hurt, her first thought was of her father. Don’t ever believe you are not an important part of your child’s life.

For all the ones reading this who have a relationship with their dad, be merciful and forgiving. Honor your dad and God will bless you! (Ephesians 6:1-4) Please note, there are no loopholes in this passage. The scripture plainly says:
  • Obey because I belong to Him.
  • Obedience is the right thing to do.
  • Obedience ensures things go well for me.
  • Obedience ensures I have long life on earth.
For all of you who are reading this, and for whatever reason are in a position where you are estranged from your dad or your dad has passed away, please understand, your Heavenly Father, has adopted you and made you His own! Be confident in Him! Trust in Him, and rest in perfect peace knowing His promises are as good as done! Know you can always run to Him!

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