Friday, November 16, 2018

I Could Still Hear You

“The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.”John 10:27, AMP

Both my girls are currently purple belts in Tae Kwon Do. This past summer, they trained very hard and traveled to Arkansas and competed on a national level.

There were a lot of athletes, parents, families, and friends in attendance. The competition was fierce and the venue was very loud. There was a lot of excitement as the athletes gave their all in each round of competition.

Momentarily changing gears, last week we celebrated my husband’s birthday and one of our daughters wrote him a letter. With her permission, I included an excerpt below.

"When we went to Arkansas to compete,
and when I was in the ring fighting in Sparring and 
competing in Forms, 
I could hear you cheering in the background. 
No matter how focused I was or how loud everyone else was I could still hear you."

“No matter how focused I was or how loud everyone else was 
I could still hear you.”

Her words immediately reconciled with my spirit and tears welled up in my eyes as my heart was flooded with gratefulness for being given ears to hear! (Matthew 11:15)

In this world we experience a lot of “fights”, emotional “sparring”, and situations competing for our attention. (John 16:33) But, no matter how much focus our current situation requires of us, we can still hear our Father’s voice. As we call out to Him in all situations, He is always faithful to answer! (Proverbs 3:6, Matthew 6:33, James 4:8, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, Jeremiah 33:3, John 10:27)

Prayer: Father, we love, worship, and praise You! In the name of Jesus, we thank You for making a way for us to hear Your voice in Your Word and by Your Holy Spirit!

Confession: I thank God for giving me revelation of my words! I bring my mouth into alignment with God’s Word and I choose life, therefore I reap life! In the name of Jesus, I clearly hear my Father’s voice regarding all things, I listen to Him, and I follow Him! (Proverbs 18:21, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Deuteronomy 30:19, John 14:13, John 10:27)

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