Thursday, October 31, 2013


But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]. (John 16:13, AMP)

A close friend recently told me, a key person in her life called her a wimp. I told her to create a word bucket for herself. She looked puzzled. I explained.

First, I asked her if she thought she was a wimp. She looked at me, as if she was in shock. She thought I was going to say, “Oh that’s not true. You’re not a wimp. They don't know what they are talking about.” 

It matters less what I think about her than it does about what she thinks about her.

Word Buckets:
People say a lot of things. Words are sometimes used to hurt so they fit in the hurt bucket, not the truth bucket. Words are sometimes used in order to attempt to control us. Those words go in the control bucket, not the truth bucket. Only true words belong in the truth bucket. Do you see where I’m going with this?

Listen, sometimes people just say stuff. And a lot of days, most people say too much stuff. They may say things out of anger, or frustration, their own hurt, or whatever. I always say…now remember this, this is so important…write this down, 

"Just because someone says something, doesn't make what they said, true."

Ok...the other side. Sometimes, people say some things that are true. And it hurts. It hurts because it is true. How can we productively handle these situations? Regardless of how it was sown (intended), we take it to our Father, He is the one who can make permanent change in us. Don't get caught up in how the words were "delivered". Use the words to work things out for good. Say, "Lord, please search my heart. I invite You by Your Holy Spirit to show me areas that must be dealt with. Give me a new heart, and renew a right spirit within me.” He’s always faithful! 

Father, I pray for every reader today. I pray wisdom in the name of Jesus. You word says if anyone lacks wisdom, all we have to do is ask and You give liberally. Thank You Father for the wisdom to know which bucket to put words into. But most of all thank You for Truth!

James 1:5
John 16:13

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oh Sneaky Boogah!

Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! (Luke 17:1, NKJV)

After sitting under the leadership of Dr. Larry Ollison for several years and reading his book, "Breaking the Cycle of Offense" (twice, and referring back to it as needed) I believed I was very well educated in offense. I had been very well trained and believed I had a a good handle on recognizing and immediately breaking the cycle of offense. 

A few years ago I was spending some quality time with one of my closest girlfriends. She told me about an incident where a person had wrongfully accused her of something and had attacked her character.

I had a fit! I totally sided with my girlfriend, after all I KNOW her character! Referring to the person who had wrongfully accused my friend, I said, "Excuse her!" Then proceeded to rant about how wrong this situation was and precisely what I was going to do to correct it, etc, etc, etc. In other words, my blood was boiling!

Something powerful and forever life changing happened. My girlfriend (who was really hurt by the attack that really happened) corrected me. She laid her hurt aside, she laid her "right" to be offended aside, and sternly said, "THAT is secondary offense and if you cannot give me godly counsel and pray with and for me when I have a situation then I cannot share things like this with you because I cannot tempt you to stumble".
  • HELLO! 
  • Jerked up short! 
  • Knot jerked in tail! 
  • Clock cleaned! 
  • Lunch ate!
  • Wind taken out of sails!
  • Slack jerked out of rope!
I picked up my chin off the floor and said, "Alright, let's start over and biblically handle this. Yeaaaa that's more like it."

Although it may be noble to defend our friends/family, we cannot take a world view on a situation. We have to operate according to Kingdom standards because it's the only way to victory.

My girlfriend and I (after I immediately decided to operate with a corrected and pure heart) discussed the prayer points of the situation, applied scripture to the situation, decreed and declared God's will in the situation, and thanked Him for working all things together for good for everyone involved, all for His glory. (James 5:16, Job 22:28, Luke 22:42, Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:6, 1 Corinthians 10:31)

Praise God for friends and family who love us enough to stand up and tell us the truth according to God's Word instead of jumping on our bandwagon, independent of their feelings! 

I wasn't aware I was operating in secondary offense! I walked by feelings instead of by faith and was overcome by self deception. (2 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Corinthians 3:18, 19) Oftentimes, we can let something said or done to us just "roll off our backs"; however, if someone we love is hurt we can find it quite difficult to "let it roll". Secondary offense can be sneaky, so sneaky! 

Let's go one step further. Wisdom says, when we discuss a matter with someone we must insure we are seeking goldly counsel and not seeking pity and/or looking for someone to "side with us" in a matter. For example, as wives/daughters/sisters/girlfriends we cannot become entrapped by running to our husbands/parents/siblings/girlfriends with an offense. Whomever we confide in, we must make it a safe ground to be corrected by His Word and insure our confidante can handle counseling us and not become offended in the process.

LORD God, thank You for the loving people You have blessed me with. Thank You they stand up for Absolute Truth and correct and counsel me in alignment with Your Word. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for every reader right now and declare all offense to be over in all our lives! No. More. Offense. We decide to refuse offense. Secondary and otherwise! We walk in forgiveness as You forgive us! We daily do a heart check and ask You to reveal to us any areas of our hearts that may be harboring offense and unforgiveness. Create in us a new heart and renew a right spirit within us. We submit our spirit to Your Holy Spirit and invite you to immediately prompt us when offense attempts to suck us in. We declare, in the name of Jesus, we are offense free! Thank You Jesus for being our ultimate example in refusing offense. Of all people, You had every right to harbor unforgiveness but instead said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Thank You Jesus for coming so that we could have life in excessive abundance! We won't waste one day of the overcoming life You came to give us! Thank You for Your gift of eternal life and being more than a conqueror! We take ahold of it and celebrate it and we thank You for it!

James 1:17
Proverbs 15:31, 32
Proverbs 10:8
Proverbs 12:15
Matthew 6:14
Psalm 51:10
Luke 23:34
John 10:10
John 17:3
Romans 8:37

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

That Hurts...

Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone-especially to those in the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10, NLT)

Tuesday I wrote a blog post entitled, "Cigi Smokers, Scantily Dressed Women, and Alcohol in the Church".

A quick recap of that post, over the last several months while at church I encountered all the above and discussed how each situation was handled. 

But, what about those in church service "of the household of faith". Yes, I know cigarete smokers, scantily dressed women, and alcohol drinkers can also be included in that phrase. I am referring to the ones who are in church service every Sunday, day in and day out, who...from all outward appearances have it all together. 

None of us have it all together and won't until Jesus comes.

What about the other side of Galatians 6:10,  "Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should insure we do not do bad to everyone-especially to those in the household of faith."

That is not good grammar, but the point is solid! Doing nothing is better than doing bad.

While ministering to the ones outwardly hurting, we must be watchful to not overlook those who are of the household of faith (sometimes inwardly hurting).

So many in the household of faith pour out and pour out and pour out, Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, and all through the week,  year after year. 

Let's determine to pour into them!
  • Pastors 
  • Pastor's Assistants
  • Deacons
  • Ushers
  • Greeters
  • Audio/Video Department
  • Parking Lot Attendants
  • Praise and Worship Team
  • Children's Church Teachers
  • Nursery Attendants
  • Children's Church Teachers
  • Nursery Attendants
  • Children's Church Teachers
  • Nursery Attendants
See the pattern?

Do good, especially to those in the household of faith. Surprise them with a small gift, take someone to lunch, bake them cookies, clean their house, or one room in their house, keep a young mother's small children for an afternoon. Do something for the least of these. (Matthew 25:40) It isn't the amount of the gift, it is the blessing attached to the gift for all involved. It is love.

But, at bear minimum, don't make things worse for those in the household of faith. Church will not "be a army who shoots their own wounded" in the name of Jesus!

One of the seven things the LORD hates/detests is "a person who sows discord in a family" (Proverbs 6:16-23).

So then, as occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good [[a]morally] to all people [not only [b]being useful or profitable to them, but also doing what is for their spiritual good and advantage]. Be mindful to be a blessing, especially to those of the household of faith [those who belong to God’s family with you, the believers]. (Galatians 6:10, AMP)

Romans 12:15 tells us to "rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn". It does not say, to rejoice with those who we feel like rejoicing with and mourn with those who we feel like mourning with. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Here's a few examples:
  1. When God does something really great for someone in the household of faith, don't get jealous and offended. REJOICE! Tell them, "Wow it's really an awesome thing God did for you! Since He did it for you, He'll do it for me!" (Acts 10:31) REJOICE! And again I say, REJOICE! (Philippians 4:4)
  2. About five years ago, I was ushering at a very large church. The house was jam packed, as it always was. Praise service was "game on" full force. Three new people walked in and I was trying to find them seats. I finally saw three seats down front, second row from the front. However, the empty seats were "split". In other words, there were two empty seats, a woman sitting in a seat, then another empty seat on the other side of her. I gently touched her arm (made sure I had a mint in my mouth) and politely asked her if she could move over one seat so I could seat the family together, who just happened to be standing right behind me. The elderly lady (in other words, old enough to know better…Galatians 5:23) "had a hissy fit". She got mad, grabbed her purse/bible/notebook, complained, and threw her things over. She said, "This is MY seat! I was here FIRST! I ALWAYS sit HERE!" and then she moved. Perhaps it was the mint? This situation definitely made me reevaluate transferring from the ushering department to the nursery department. I told you all that to tell you this. Please make "church workers" service as easy as you possible can and…just…move.  (1 Corinthians 8:13, Mark 9:42)
I know, she was probably having a bad day (obviously). I have no idea what she was dealing with in her life. And thankfully, I had just read, Dr. Larry Ollison's book, "Breaking the Cycle of Offense" so I went to the back of the church and prayed for her…and myself…and for the people sitting next to her all throughout service!

In hindsight, I supposed I should have moved them to other seats...usher epic fail!

A few days ago, my sister and I were discussing how hurt we are as moms when one of our kids are mean to another one of our kids. Imagine God's response when He sees one of His kids being mean to another of His kids...

Give, and you will receive. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. (Luke 6:38) Can that scripture go beyond a tithe message? (Genesis 8:22) Just a thought...

Father, we thank You for every person who serves in Your house with a servant's heart all for Your glory. We declare The Blessing over each and every one of them. Thank You for blessing them and keeping them! Thank You for making Your face to shine upon them and being gracious to them! Thank You for lifting up Your countenance upon them and giving them peace! We declare supernatural blessings and supernatural energy and strength over them in the name of Jesus! Father, over the coming weeks, we invite You to prompt us by Your Holy Spirit in ways to bless those in the household of faith. Thank You for instructing us in this. Thank You for showing us how to put works with our faith making it life giving! We bless You LORD, You are at the top of our family. We determine not to grieve You but instead to do good to You, in the name of Jesus! We love You Father!

Numbers 6:24-26
Galatians 6:10
Psalm 103:1

Cigi Smokers, Scantily Dressed Women, and Alcohol in the Church

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18, AMP)

A while back, while we were walking into the church for Sunday service, I saw a man smoking a cigarette. He was standing far from the door, near a tree. He was so embarrassed, he was trying to use the tree to hide. He attempted to use the tree as a barrier by moving his body around the tree as we walked by.

Shortly sometime thereafter, we were in church service and sitting behind a row of women. Two was which were scantily dressed. One, to the point she looked like she was wearing night apparel. 

Prior to these two incidences, we were at a church service and the pastor said, "Please greet someone and tell them, "I am so glad you are here." A man walked up to me to say hello, and as he spoke, I could tell he had been drinking, a 10:00 a.m. The wreak of alcohol was so intense when the man spoke.

What should our response be to these incidences in the church?

Incident # 1 
Love and Pray
Welcome them and ask, "Is there anything I do can to help you?"
And then help them. (James 2:14-26)

Incident # 2
Love and Pray
Welcome them and ask, "Is there anything I do can to help you?"
And then help them. (James 2:14-26)

Incident # 3
Love and Pray
Welcome them and ask, "Is there anything I do can to help you?"
And then help them. (James 2:14-26)

As we can see, no matter what the incident is, God's kind of love is always the answer. (John 13:35)

Independent of everyone else's current situation at church and everywhere we go, we (as born again believers) are all in the midst of 2 Corinthians 3:18. (Matthew 7:1-5)

Father, I thank You walking in Your great unfailing love for each and every one of us. Continue to quicken our spirits and remind us to walk in Your unfailing love with everyone we come into contact with. Thank You for drawing hurting people to Your church house, they are in the right place! We are so thankful they come to church and into our lives, giving us all an opportunity to put actions to our faith forever changing their lives and our lives. Thank You for giving us opportunity to sow good seed! Thank You for making a way for us to cultivate and determine our own harvest by teaching us, the same measure we sow determines what we receive! Our heart's desire is truly to be Your disciples, thank You for teaching us how to walk in Your command of love! Thank You for shedding Your love abroad in our hearts by Your Spirit! I pray all our hearts be flooded with light so that we can understand the confident hope You have given us! In the name of Jesus, I declare it be so and thank You! HALLELUJAH!

Psalm 136
James 2:14-17
Genesis 1:29
Luke 6:38
Psalm 37:4
John 13:35
John 13:34
Romans 5:5
Job 22:28
Ephesians 1:18
Luke 17:11-19

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Willful Disobedience

Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. (James 4:17, NLT)

If you've followed Key Tov Blog for very long, you know we have a wonderful dog named Bo. He is a wonderful, obedient, loving dog. He is a rich blessing to our family.

There are activities Bo loves and there are activities Bo hates. 
He loves to go bird hunting. 
He hates to get a bath.

Bo has been bird hunting a lot lately. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the last two weekends and he's hunting again this upcoming weekend. Bo will hunt from daylight to dark! 

Due to all that hunting, he needed a bath today. Bo's bath is a huge joke at my house. He runs. We laugh. He hides. We laugh. He pouts. We laugh. It is hilarious how much he hates his bath.

My middle child gathered Bo's bathing paraphernalia. Bo knows the drill. As soon as he saw his bath items come out of the cabinet, he ran to Mike in hopes Mike could rescue him out of getting bathed. Nope. And he pouted the whole time he was being bathed. My girls took him for a walk after his bath so he could dry off before coming back inside.

As always, the "joke" was on Bo. He was upset while we were all laughing at him over his behavior.

Mike and I were sitting outside on our lanai about to eat breakfast when Bo came back into the house. He ran to the door as if to tattle on the girls. Again, we laughed. Bo isn't allowed to sit near the table while we eat so we told him to go back inside. He turned around, stuck his tail between his legs, and slowly walked back inside, and laid down…right inside the door. Again, we laughed. Then he went a step further, and stuck his front paw just outside the door.

We laughed again and I said, "That's like doing what I said, but not doing it all the way, and with a bad attitude." We left him there and didn't say a word to correct him.

All through breakfast, Bo continued to adjust his body weight in an attempt to relieve the pain and pressure on his own body! All the while, leaving his leg outside the door. Not doing anything to help himself. All he had to do was move his leg and put his whole body inside!


Every time he adjusted and groaned we laughed at him. I thought, it would be way easier (and less painful) for him to just do what I said. The floor is way more comfortable than laying on those sliding glass door tracks!

He was mad and pouting while the rest of us went happily about our day.

Then. All the sudden. My heart cried out, "Oh Lord my Lord, for all the times I didn't do what I knew to do, but instead made adjustments here and there in an effort to relieve self inflicted pain and pressure. How many times I've ran to You and tried to get out of doing something I knew I had to do, just like Bo ran to Mike to get out of having a bath! Thank You for Your Son who taught us, "Not my will, but Your will be done". Thank You for loving me enough to teach me follow through. Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me! Oh great is Your faithfulness! Oh great is Your unfailing love-love-LOVE! Thank You for showing me life lessons through the attitude and behavior of my dog! I will keep my heart and attitude connected with You and Your Word! I will attend to Your words, I will incline my ear to Your sayings! I will be willing, teachable, and obedient! Father, I pray for each reader right now. In the name of Jesus, I thank You for conviction that prompts us to get off the "tracks" we're on, stop making adjustments trying to relieve pain and pressure, and to just obey Your life giving Word! Forgive us for pouting! Forgive us for all the times we've known what to do and didn't do it. Thank You for forgiving us as we forgive others. Thank You for teaching us to operate in love, mercy, and grace to others as You have so graciously loved us and extended Your heart of mercy and grace to us!

James 4:17
Luke 22:42
Psalm 51:10
Lamentations 3-22, 23
Psalm 136
Psalm 37:23
Proverbs 4:20
Ephesians 4:32

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

He Is...and He is a Rewarder

From time to time we invite a guest to contribute a blog post to Key Tov Blog. Our really great friends, John and Hannah (We've used their first names only to protect their privacy.), have blessed us with an amazing testimony of how God works things together for our good! We have personally watched John and Hannah consistently operate with a spirit of excellences, love, mercy, grace, and faithfulness in all areas of their lives. They truly have a servant's heart! Their testimony is one that confirms that God is and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, enjoy!

So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. (Galatians 6:9, NLT)

After struggling, for years to pay our mortgage, we fell behind...way behind. Modifying was out of the question because we had already modified once. Hope was lost and we finally asked the bank to “take it back”, hoping for a deed in lieu, rather than face foreclosure. Growing up in a somewhat conservative working class home, foreclosure = failure! You worked hard, paid all your bills, you always had enough. I didn’t want to fail. Like a dark cloud hovering over us, condemnation found a way in. I internalize everything, so it was always my fault…the economy shouldn't have affected me like everyone else, because I had it all together, I always did.

Preparing for the worse, we looked for rentals on craigslist and the newspaper. We believed that God had something better down the road, and this wasn’t really a tragedy but a blessing. After all, He was blessing our business in a way we couldn’t have predicted. Losing this home would mean there was something better on the way. While at peace, I still felt a loss…a failure, careless, worthless.

One day as my husband and I talked, we began to feel a fire about our home. My husband said, "God didn’t put this house in our hands, to let it be snatched away." We prayed and agreed that we would press on with yet, another modification application. We asked friends to pray with us.

Every week I had an appointment with a “relationship manager” from the bank who would begin the conversation with “Good morning, this is Ms. So and So from the bank. I have to inform you, we are a debt collector and we will use the information you give us, to collect that debt. With that being said, are you ready to begin our call?" 

Whew…yes, I was ready, because God was with me!

Week after week, they needed more information, or updated information. How do you keep going when you feel strung along and hopeless. “God you are bigger than this and we have found a refuge in Your loving arms, thank You for the strength to press on, thank You for blessing us with health and a business we love, thank You for giving us the money to pay Verizon so we could be on this call today! We trust You and thank You for being our fortress, in Jesus’ name…AMEN”!

Feeling like we did all we could, I took a deep breath and answered that final call a few weeks ago. The relationship manager said, "Congratulations, we were able to modify your mortgage, but there are some terms." (As we had guessed, pay on time for 3 months...etc. etc. etc.) "Your mortgage balance was $591,800, but your new balance is $199,000!!! We have forgiven $392,800 of your principal balance!!!

Writing this, I am crying my eyes out. What a great God we serve! We would have been ecstatic at another shot at this, but this goes to prove our God's economy is definitely better than ours and there is POWER in agreement!

Mahalo Nui Loa John and Hannah for sharing this powerful testimony of God's goodness! Father, we pray for every reader right now! Since You did this for John and Hannah, You will do this for every reader! Since You be for us, who can be against us! Thank You for being no respecter of persons! Thank You for being and for being a rewarder of those who diligently seek You! Thank You for continuing to make our paths straight and smooth! Thank You for ordering our steps and giving us heart desires and then, giving us what our heart desires! Thank You for placing prayer warriors in our lives who stay in prayer covenant with us all the way from heart's desire to manifestation, availing much! All the glory, honor, and power to You Father!

James 5:16
Acts 10:34
Psalm 37:23
Psalm 37:4
Matthew 18:19
James 5:16

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Be Still AND Know

Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world. (Psalm 46:10, NLT)

In our busy, busy world, we must be mindful to be still, really still. And know, really know, 

He is God!

Last week Mike told me about a message he had just heard from Keith Moore at Faith Life Church in Branson, Missouri. We highly, HIGHLY suggest you listen to the message. We've been playing it at least once a day (some days, all day long) and it is a life changing, atmosphere improving, healing, revelation bringing, biblical based, message. As you can tell, we are extremely excited about this message!

For quick access to the message, follow the directions below:
  2. at the upper right hand of the screen, click "Free downloads"
  3. click "search"
  4. in the search window (lower left of screen), type "Be still and know"
  5. click search
  6. click "Be still and know"
  7. you will find options for audio or video
I tried to attach a direct link but for some cyber reason, couldn't get it to work. If you follow the step by step directions, it is easy to locate.

The first thing that caught my attention about the teaching was when Brother Moore said, "We already know a lot of stuff." and "It's not what you know that changes your life, it's what you do." (James 1:22) 

The second thing Brother Moore said that immediately caught my attention was when he discussed sounds are anointed. This is confirmation for me that is documented in a blog post at the link below.

If for some cyber reason that link does not work, you can find the blog post by googling, "Key Tov Blog True Worship".

Please get alone, make time to sit and listen, truly listen to, "Be Still and Know". And please listen in it's entirety, the longer it plays, the better it gets! If after listening to the message, if your life isn't changed, commit to listening to it everyday until your life is changed! You will be so thankful you did, it is a great investment in your life and the lives of all those you come into contact with.

Below are some snippets from Brother Moore in this teaching:
  • "I'm running my race."
  • "Not looking back."
  • "The enemy tries to hinder me. The Lord looks at him and laughs!"
  • "Gonna finish my course with joy!"
  • "It just keeps getting better and better!"
  • "Don't get tied up." 
  • "No hurt can hold me down."
  • "Keep your place."
  • "I'm going all the way." 

Thank You Father, for loving us so much and sending words in due season changing our lives forever! Thank You for teaching us how to worship You in spirit and in truth! Thank You for teaching us how to run this race with joy unspeakable! Thank You for allowing us to see You laugh! Thank You for teaching us how to laugh, a head thrown back, mouth opened wide, HA! HA! HA! Glory to Your wonderful name! All glory, praise, and thanks to You Lord God!

Proverbs 25:11
John 4:24
Isaiah 40:29-31
Hebrews 12:1
1 Peter 1:8
1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, October 7, 2013

My Race is NOT Your Race

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (Hebrews 21:1)

Yesterday while we were leaving church service, one of my children who shall go un-named  (with as much distaste as she could muster) said, "Mommy, I saw a kid eat candy the WHOLE service." Praise God who prompted me by His Holy Spirit to say, 

"You can't get one cavity from all the candy he ate."

Let us extrapolate Hebrews 21:1 for uno momento!

"Surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses"
That is so powerful! Praise God we are never alone! (Deuteronomy 31:6)

"life of faith"
LIFE! John 10:10 

"strip off"
Colossians 3:5-17 
Yep, that covers that!

"The race that GOD has set BEFORE US"
We run our race. We don't run anyone else's race. 
We cannot get even one "cavity" from candy that someone else "eats".  (John 15:1-17)

Every weight is EVERY weight. Every weight is not just the weight we feel like stripping off or is easy to strip off. "Every" defined is being each individual or part of a group without exception. (Mucho mahalos

Weight is ANYTHING that holds us back or trips us up. In other words, what takes our eyes off Jesus? Does anything prevent us from operating in Matthew 6:33?

I understand there are some issues that arise that must be addressed. We biblically address them by:
  • Praying (Matthew 6:33)
  • Being spirit led not flesh led (Galatians 5:16-18)
  • Addressing it in love (John 13:34-35)
  • Trusting in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5, 6)
  • Stripping it off (Hebrews 21:1)
To some, Gracie was rightfully bothered about the child eating candy in service yesterday. The plastic wrappers were a distraction to everyone who allowed it to distract them. Not to mention his refusal to share with his friends, his oral care, and blood sugar levels. But thank God the child was in church service, candy and all. Rather or not, we are in the "right", a trip up is a trip up and God's Word tells us to strip. it. off.

We must remain diligent in insuring no one's "candy" (behavior) keeps us from seeking God's kingdom first and operating outside love.

Father, I pray for every reader right now, in the name of Jesus we declare our eyes are fixed on You! We view others through a filter of love, Your unfailing love! We continually do a heart check and insure we immediately strip off every weight that tries to trip us up and we run our race with endurance! Thank You for teaching us and guiding us! But most of all, thank You for loving us! We glorify You and adore You!